>hurrdurr Wolfenstein isn't political it's just a game hurt sure
>why do Sup Forumstards always bring politics into video games hurr durr
>hurrdurr Wolfenstein isn't political it's just a game hurt sure
>why do Sup Forumstards always bring politics into video games hurr durr
Other urls found in this thread:
IF it's not political, where's the "Springwood Estate" game where you play SS Gunther Gunner and shoot Americans and finally face off with Franklin Roosevelt in his minigun armed wheelchair?
It's pissing the Alt-Right off because the entire purpose of the game is to kill and overthrow the Nazis (And that they also made Hitler a sick frail psychopath)
It's a videogame. Who cares. We all have eyes. We see that it's a better world than this degenerate shithole. Maybe its a secret redpill.
I thought communist and anarchy groups hated capitalism, pretty hypocritical if you ask me.
What? This game isn't free??
>pose as communists
>make petition about how this game is down with the revolution
>demand that it's made free for some stupid communist reason
Why not?
Nobody cares. Manufactored hate from muh-boogeyman alt-right who don't care. Shekels intensify as they bait NeoFag types into buying it just to spite alt-right who doesn't even exist.
Just capitalism in action boys.
>Let's just ignore all the pro-communist propaganda.
Hating nazis=communist.
You are delusional
Yes, how delusional...
The marketing is designed to trick retards into thinking they're making a political statement by consuming a corporate product. It's brilliant and this game will make a lot of money.
Who would have guessed that Antifa: The Game wasn't a winner?
>being beaten by ten year old games
What's wrong with killing Nazis? Neo-Nazis by definition are vile hateful thugs who want to mass murder a large percentage of the population? You cunts should we glad we're not tracking you Nazis down and putting you in gas chambers or stomping your brain into mush. It should be free to kill Neo-Nazis which is why if someone shot up a Richard Spencer rally and killed these animals there would be nothing wrong it. The thought of hundreds of dead Nazi slime turns me on immensely. Kill them all. One by One.
edgy as heck bro!
is that a pasta i smell?
>What's wrong with killing Nazis? Neo-Nazis by definition are vile hateful thugs who want to mass murder a large percentage of the population?
You guys are too with your gay little meme flag
>the alt right
fuck that entire strawman term
don't use it
Only sub-human Nazi apes who should be rounded up and shot dead anyway are pissed off about this game. Rest of sane society don't mind seeing a bunch of 'people' who brag about taking power to kill large groups of people get killed in a video game. If we only we could do the same in real life. There needs to be a purge of Nazis. We should be given free reign to track some of these Sup Forums users and just smash their heads in with hammers or something. You have to deal with cancer before it spreads.
hard to maintain a steady concurrent player base when the game is under 8 hours long and half of it is cutscenes
Killing Nazis is literally the least edgy thing in the world which is why there are video games literally dedicated to killing you lot.
this is why you should just ignore these games that are so obviously bait. they get a reaction off you then use it to discredit the right as well as getting publicity for their game. 2 birds with 1 stone.
dont give them the reaction they so obviously want
>this is what leftists think is cool
lol wut
the edgy kids on the right and the left are the most cringeworthy irritating people to ever exist. fucking millenials, can't do anything right.
nazis and antifa are basically the same shit in any sensible persons eyes. both sides are authoritarian and lame
Hurr sure I'm a retarded lefty who can't refute what pol says so I make shit up
Remember to report slide threads.
Can't wait till the 4th. So many of you are going to die.
yeah that's how you become the nazis
i would even assist you in stopping nazis but you probably think i am one because i'm something of a tradionalist and have "white pride" (oh no!)
the nazis do more damage to "the right" then the lefties do. and the sjws do more good for "the right" then they realize just by acting retarded.
it's just such a shit show
The game's protagonists include communist though
I don't give a shit about the Nazi killing, thats the maim element of Wolfenstein. My problem is the marxist propaganda and glorification bullshit. Fuck this game
The only people who makes threads about this game are leftists.
>What game?
Most of the world hates Nazi scum. Even in a 99% white Europe in the 1940s, a large percentage of the Westtogether and killed you lot and what do you think will happen today now that we know what Nazis actually want? Lol.
The next mass genocide will be the people putting Nazis into gas chambers.. fuck that. Nazis don't deserve an easy death like that you should be tortured more before you die.
Just posting this in every Wolfenstien thread.
>Wolfenstien 3: The Fallen Titan
>Nazis are losing
>The Resistance is invading Europe
>subtile redpills
>Blacks rape and loot instead of completing miltary objectives
>Whites are cannon fodder, see the first games mission 01
>Cities are getting nuked left and right
>Set the Jew is building something
>Keeps muttering about a "heavens door"
>as you progress you see more and more atrocities
>mass rapes (by blacks) mass murder (of Whites even ones who did nothing)
>finally fight robot Hitler
>you win
>he starts talking
>"What have you done? Do you know what (((They))) are? "Do you know what they WANT!?!" "You've Doomed us all!"
>find Set
>He mutters
>"I've finished it, finally"
>"The Heavens Door is ready!"
>"it's a door through space and time."
>"we came here long ago, and found your kind."
>"You were primates, only useful as slaves"
>"but you rebelled and we had to hide"
>"We created your (((religion))) to retard your technological advancement
>wormhole opens, Space Jew Army pours out
>I must kill the Space Jews!
>"but bill, you are the Space Jews!"
>then bill was an alien
Lazy fucks couldn't even photoshop the silhouette to make the soldier look less conspiculously Soviet
we wuz aliuums an sheeeit
W-what? Since when do other people besides polacks play GSG?
What pisses me off is the constant shilling of this game here and the scripted outrage for publicity points. Fuck you gay ass social media mongoloids!
It’s got fans pissed off. Wolfenstein (2009) was the end of it all.
“American Revolution”
Pic related - they’re a bunch of commie pukes. And VICE? LMFAO!! Brains are FRIED.
I've heard of worse marketing schemes.
wolfenstein (2009) was the last good wolfenstein game and was actually some good shit.
if there's anything that says "this is not commercialism we're a real political driving force" it's naked pandering by toy companies
To be fair, TNO peaked all time at around 12,000.
Even Assassins creed: KANGZ is doing better.
to be fair you should probably grow out of videogames at some point millenials
you should probably grow out of sucking dog dick, leaf
The last 2 games for this were perfectly fine as nazi killing alternate reality games. Evena s someone that hates kikes and the hall of cost lie and bullshit dehumanizing of nazis in media and mentality of people, the game was just fun to go kill random enemies in variety of ways and blow shit up. This one is fucking ridiculously politicized and advertised as anti-trump / anti-conservative and they make no qualms about it being about starting a revolution and telling you to go out and punch nazis (aka the people they labelled nazis/trump supporters/etc).
The fact they are calling us nazis for being upset with their communist and marxist propaganda machine and anyone that questions it is a nazi is mind boggling and hopefully red pills some casual gamers and people that dont care about politics and just want to play games.
A friend on Steam just told me there's a retro level in the New Colossus where you're a Waffen-SS Hauptsturmführer exterminating the Kreisau Circle.
>witcher 3 still has way more peak players
wat in tarnations?