I'm being discharged from the military soon Sup Forums
How do i readjust to life? What is life like out there?
>being a government whore fighting for israel interests
Kek you deserve to starve to death
conservashits don't give a fuck about veterans.
have fun being homeless with no food stamps thanks to blumpf.
Do you have a plan for work?
Is this bait?
do you have any qualifications?
How long have you been out of civilian life?
Do you have any relevant work experience?
>Steel cap instead of Kevlar.
But seriously steel caps, especially fucked up ones like those can still be a danger to your feet.
most people on this site don't even go outside how the fuck would we know
How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions.
1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society).
2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power).
3)It determines what is held sacred in that society.
For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions.
1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII.
2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on.
3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust.
The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative.
Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction.
Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story.
Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity.
Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
Is military code for I just got out of prison?
Just find a normal job.
Did you know that steel toed boots aren't actually designed to protect your toes? The steel part is built to collapse in order to provide a clean cut should something ever crush them. It's supposed to make it easier for the medical guys.
It's fucking hard man. I lasted two weeks before I signed up to be a cop. The hardest thing isn't the normies, or getting a job, or knowing what to do with your free time - it's missing your mates.
Good luck man. The withdrawals are fucking insane. I still miss it.
I’m just about to go in, how do I adjust to military life?
Their cocks must have kept your ass warm at night huh
yes. i'm working towards getting my Airframe and Powerplant (A&P) license in order to work on civilian airliners.
Find a skill or trade and pursue it, doesn't have to be something you love just something you can stand.
I worked in a factory, I spent so much time walking back and forth that the rubber soles wore off my steel toes and I could slide around on the plates. Shit was crazy.
As for life outside the military, normies are basically all retards but if you are good at hiding you power level and not chimping out you will blend in. It's really hard though, I would say the majority of normies are indistinguishable from crackheads at this point, except they have jobs. Almost all of them are on drugs and have no plans for the future.
People think I am 25 just because I don't do drugs and drink alot, so I don't have sunken eyeballs and a smokers cough. I turn 35 this year. It's pretty crazy when doing hard drugs and being retarded is normal.
What are you good at... focus, stalk it, study it, master it... and you’ll be fine.
Do something you enjoy doing.
Take your freedom and run with it.
>rubber soles wore off my steel toes and I could slide around on the plates.
Don't do this.
If you're such a tough cunt, I'll offer you the opportunity to find any serviceman or woman in the US and say that shit to them in person.
Good luck.
Use any training you have in the military and your gi bill to go to a trade school and learn a craft or trade skill. Vote conservative because liberals will always hate you for your service. Raise a decent family with a house on some property.
Stay in the military. Civilian life sucks. You actually have to work. And "readjustment" is a meme that retarded veterans spew because "Oh my God, all I know is the military!".
>frogposters thinking their opinions matter
welcome back fag
whites are hated even more than we were 4 years ago, and if you served longer then crank it up by two for every tour
>tree of life
Get that Kabbalah shit out of here you dirty kike.
My toes have been saved countless times by steel capped boots, you would be crazy to attempt any serious work without them.
Yggdrasil is much older than sand people.
I honestly just hated how oppressive it was. I saw the freedom everyone else enjoyed (even if the freedom came at the cost of benefits) and decided to try my hand at being a civilian.
Enjoying life instead of career.
Not actually true, the do protect your toes for most loads, but excessive force will cause what you said.
Kevlar is vastly superior, plus better for foot hygiene.
It's alright, if you got some good stories you'll ace any interview because they think you're some kind of action hero.
Downside is you'll never meet guys as willing to ride or die for you again
And you get more money if you know what you're doing
you should ask for a pay cut so there's more for tax cuts
I'm currently in the USAF. Not really much riding and dying here. And i'm no flying fag.
Wrap yourself up in that big ol cozy DD-214 blanket. Grow a beard and get high for the next several years and then regret getting out.
new meme flag
>Downside is you'll never meet guys as willing to ride or die for you again
This. You’ll miss the camaraderie and brother hood. It’s an empty feeling.
>get a job
>make money
>fuck some pussy/suck some dick (whichever)
>go to college
>go to parties
>get pussy
>get degree
>make money
>fuck some pussy/suck some dick (whichever)
Church of Gronk
Grow a pair, become a combat engineer, take a joke, don't fuck people over, do your job well and listen.
Re-up until you get your AP license. Or go into LE. LE is nice cause they have a classic pension, months vacation and good medical.
I just retired from LE- My pension is 95k/year. My 401 is bursting, and my medical is not obummer care. I'm literally a 44 year old multi millionaire.
you dont
take out a few cia niggers before you do it
>What is life like out there?
You fought for Israel faggot. Gas yourself.
lel. Just be nice and treat people like you want to be treated. Treat niggers like the scum they are.
living that fucking life my man.
We're full, fuck off.
It sucks just as much. Except now you don't get food for free.
Make sure to get an actual job so you don't end up like those people on the side of the road
You'll think the civvies know what they are doing, at least some of them, and you will emulate them and you will deteriorate. Much later you will realise they didn't have a clue and you were better off with discipline.
Then you'll probably kill yourself.
Yeah but be honest with us, were their cocks big?
RE-UP for the love of god, it's fucking terrible on the outside.
I know but I found out about the jews too late. At least I killed a few mudslimes while I was in. Can we at least agree that's good user?
Be super careful user. Pensions can disappear. Way too many promises were made.
>when you kick the shit out of thousands of niggers and your trusty boots finally start to wear
What qualifications would you recommend to get into LE?
Every trash bag on the side of the road is full of explosives
Don't you get school paid for my the military?
Sounds like a good option lad
I find it was very challenging, but having a plan and goals will help a lot. I wanted to get a degree in physics, with honors, while working to minimize debt. I did it, and pushing myself that hard helped a lot. I woke up at 4 AM every morning, worked out, worked two jobs around classes, never slept basically. Now life is so easy. I missed being in the shit, being physically challenged, and mostly my brothers in arms... but immediately jumping right into a new disciplined life worked for me.
Ouch ! It's sharp !
What's LE ?
You aren't aware they take a cut of your check for food? dumb fucking boot.
>those people at the side of the road. Don't be like them.
Godspeed. My moto is to always fuck the system, but respect his trooper.
Stay in. It fucking sucks out here. I'm reenlisting in a couple months. 13F, brother.
You dont readjust. You fall apart and self medicate until you die. If you are lucky you will have a wife and kids who will pity you and allow you to live as a neet.
Or, if you were a supply clerk or something take no notice of this post and enjoy your new position as Assistant Manager of your local Wal-Mart!
you sound like a faggot
is there a term for eyelids that look like this? my eyelids are similar.
>no fun allowed
I happen to enjoy a quick slippy slidey fun time accross the path of a forklift, what the fuck of it cunt?
Kinda useless tbqh, all interventions just push more Mudshits to emigrate to EuropeHowever, killing brown or black shitskins can never be said to be an entirely bad thing.
below average IQ, or at least appear dumb. They are suspicious of smart guys. Especially old brass, who tend to be dumb as fuck. Other than being able to run a mile is about all it takes to pass the physical.
I got out a few years ago, life is different, but you will be fine. Use the GI bill, get in school and figure it out one day at a time.
Any good books on the concept of foundation myths user?
So you're separating voluntarily, not getting kicked out?
Planning on doing the same soon. I'm tired of being treated like a retard. I did college in my off time so I can get out and make the same pay without being treated like an inmate in a work release program.
you'd know nancy
Depending on where you're deployed be prepared to smell burning garbage as they are third world trash. Be prepared to watch as Haji pulls his pants down and proceed to take a nice long liquid dump directly in front of you be prepared to watch as camels and goats are fornicated on a regular basis be prepared to suffer long nights with no air conditioning and that itching thought that you will be exploded by the rampant mini coons that run around
Law enforcement.
>captcha: calle calle
I won't presume to know your circumstances, but one thing to remember is that, as important as life in the service may seem, life outside can be just as much so. Minutia is what you make of it. You should have no trouble finding a job, even if menial it needs not be degrading. You've already done something more difficult than what most people experience in life. You'll be fine!
It sucks. Went back to college for another semester and it fucking blows. I'm thinking about going back in, 18X contract.
>is their a term for eyelids like this. Mine are like that.
Gummed up with giz.
Pick one.
Is your bum still raw from those long, lonely nights out in the field?
Don't do it! Stay in the service the civilian world SUCKS! It is boring and gunfights and fistfights are illegal, so my infantry training is for naught now.
Exactly, that's why I'm thinking about going back in.
Takes about a year for the social anxiety to wear off.
Go to school. Engineering would be my suggestion.
GI Bill stipend is enough to get by on if you're not a shithead.
Tell people as little as possible about your military past.
Dress normal. No tactical Terry gear queer shit.
Don't marry the first bitch to touch your dick.
You'll miss your bros. Join a gym or club. make new friends.
Airforce is as close to civilian life as it gets for US military, so it probably won't be hard for you.
Marines, they have the biggest problems adjusting.
eat shit OP
>grow a pair
>combat engineer
Retired a few years ago. Spent a year away from it. Drove me crazy working around the undisciplined retards and losers. The average civilian is a fucking moron.
That said, you know the type in the service as well. That dumbass who could never get to a formation on time, never pass a p.t. test. The problem child. Imagine a world filled with those shit bags.
How do you do it? I got lucky and was offered a contractor job training some of the people who took my old green suit job. I got really lucky - I make good money and have almost saved enough to live debt free and on the retirement check.
If you are young, use the discipline and work ethic you learned to go to a trade school, learn a skill and go start working your ass off and making some money. Save that money until you are able to buy some property outright and put a house on it you own and not the bank.
Oh, ignore the turds you meet in the real world. There are some squared away people out here. hang around with them and stay focused.
What a coward you are.
Did anyone fuck your tight ass in the military?
why do you assume that?
It's so fucking easy to hurt a soldier's precious feelings, Jesus Christ. For people who can't stop talking about how brave and strong you are, you really are some delicate little flowers, aren't you?
Killl every jew you see. its legal now
They gave an honest challenge to someone hiding behind a monitor. Are they really as much a coward as the person who made the first comment?
>cocks keep my ass warm at night.
You talk as if you have had multiple pozzing party's and experience at keeping a cock rock hard in your ass all night you faggot.
plumbers boots.