Why is reddit like this?
Why is reddit like this?
lol idk
Without opening the thread...the commenters say she dindu nuffin (because she's a woman on the internet and must be protected).
Okay, I eat my words. My faith in humanity has been restore for a couple more hours.
post some choice screenshots
Go to /r/twoxchromosomes so you can regain your original cynical but correct position on humanity.
>going to reddit
>not having a reddit account to shit up the place
I was shitposting on 7chan before Reddit was a baby, young man
I used to go to 7chan just to baselessly call random people pedophiles and watch the resulting shit flinging war.
Post some screenshots user, I will not visit reddit
Actually the top comment is this:
>This is more than a screw up. You knew exactly what you did. You not only threw away photos that can never ever be replaced but you cheated your step daughter out of one of the most important things that girl could have, memories of her mother. I dont care how jealous and insecure you were.you put your own feelings about a dead woman over a man and child you were supposed to love. Id never normally say this but I hope he divorces you. What you did is unforgivable.
Reddit isn't a complete meme
Invading someone's privacy and destroying their memoirs. Total cunt move.
From your fellow female friend.
Thanks for making me laugh fellow centipede
people like this usually get torn apart by the other users for saying shit like this, its sad.
The tone that they use while writing posts is still really gay
holy shit i'll give reddit a half point
"I just snapped, collected everything around the house, searched his computer and gradually gave all of her belongings away." Some people...
Anyone else have a real hard time imagining a man doing this? Why is that, men get jealous of other men all the time.
You should thank your lucky fucking peckerhole you have these resources to learn from, lot of men not of your generation had to learn the hard way.
What a fucking psycho. My sister is a widow and she's extremely attached to the shit she has left from her husband. I couldn't imagine anyone throwing her shit away.
>tfw he'll have to have her in his life for 18 years because she's pregnant
Calling it now, the 17 year old will shoot or stab her. And it will be 100% deserved. This shit right here is objectively evil, so much so that I'm not even surprised at showing even Reddit turning against her.
That's that famous Catalonian poster wisdom
That's why you don't marry a girl with kids in the first place.
Move on, people. Sheesh you’re wife died get over it
Damn, her dad should honor kill her
Haha, they'll love that peaceful living once 2050 gets closer
Why is the most sophisticated jet in the world married to an old Mosin rifle?
What a dumb fucking cunt
I refuse to believe this is true and is just bait because I am triggered
Post benis
This is what happens when you teach all girls they're infallible princesses who never have to take responsibility for their actions.
She's not upset she did it. Only that she got caught.
>reddit upvoted this display of sub sentience 9 thousand times
You must never have any kind of expectations around women. You will always find one to disappoint you no matter how low you set them.
men don't get jealous, they get defensive. the difference? a woman worries that her man will cheat on her with his long dead wife. a man knows if he doesn't watch his cunt she'll be sliding it down the nigger pole.
men are capable of rationality, women aren't
Just a few more years when the muzzies multiply and they peacefully toss fags off of buildings.
are we all just larping here and pretending its real for the lulz or are you all really this fucking stupid
The f22 shits on the f35
gen z starting to wake up
shes a bitch thats why
Reddit is full of pozzed homos with a chip on their shoulders. I got banned from r/sanfrancisco because I said I don't care if gays give themselves HIV lol, fucking cunts the lot of them.
I always loved the Jared story but only now I noticed an important detail.
She claims he ruined her family (because he fucked her sister and cousin) but it was actually her because she went and snitched on both.
>not calling out their bigotry against your brave position of refusing to shame bug-chasers
Always love reading this one
I think there's more than that. A man would delete his new wife's sex tape with her dead husband I reckon. Girls get jealous of vacation snaps and fancy meals, men get jealous of sex.
>how do I stop being a compulsive bitch
First step is awareness, honey.
>my husband's daughter
lol, stacy btfo
They can be guided into lulz, leddits reactions (like this one, but it is far more pronounced there) are largely telegraphed to the initial seeds.
This is actually terrifying. I feel like Im "literally shaking" as they say. Is this what they mean by that?? Is this the feeling????
I don't usually read these autistic blogs but I like to think Jared and the 3 women he's fucking lived happily ever after.
This is why you never marry the second one and use terms like "longtime companion" and "family friend."
remember the one of some woman who let her male gay friend fuck her because of some reason. and she let him fuck he rin the ass because of course that is what he wanted (he was a fag). and she ended up getting HIV from him. lol
very rare, but you do get some good comments on reddit. but in general, in my opinion, reddit is just good for looking at photos of nude attention whores (mainly in the gonewild subrettis). everything else is 99% cancer and needs to be purged
>smokes weed and and camels in a cuck shed
>also eats in there
Also that's a good episode
My mother passed away when I was 29, but my sister was only 17. I could not imagine what this woman's stepdaughter is going to go through. A man would never do something like that. This is just disturbing.
Hope they all get AIDS.
jesus, is this parody?
Jared then ascended to the next realm as a demi-god, as he had proved to the Great Old Ones that he was no mere mortal, he was a god amongst men.
Not much different here on Sup Forums. 99% cancer here too, thanks to shills, spooks, shitposters, and sliders.
Pick your poison I guess.
These morons never see the bigger picture.
>dog tags
it has to be a parody
I don't agree with kimmel or gun control but I also dont get this
"Constituion is gospel, changing it is absolutely haram" mentality. It can and it did change a lot. what the fuck are the amendments? not always for the bad way mind you
Go check out the history of freedom of speech
how the fuck can you be jealous of a dead woman? Fucking crazy.
id do the same if my wife had pics of her ex. youre not supposed to marry someone who had kids already. not what was meant to happen. not what we were built for
but at least here we don't have upvotes or people adding edits like:
"thanks for the gold, kind stranger"
"omg, this is my highest voted comment"
The amendments were a mistake
damn, what a nigger
would you really put it past reddit?
True. Both are cancer, just different flavors of cancer. I personally prefer autistic faggotry over attention whoring any day.
thta one makes me want to shoot myself, such a fucking manchild faggot
>i actually hate teachers so much
typical broard
what kinda queer has a namebrand bong?
my best advice for anyone who wants to get into teaching is "Don't".
he seems like a reasonable person
>watches a tv show about a guy who cares abut no one
.complains about a president just like that
teachers are literal niggers
I'm convinced 90% of these reddit relationship stories are fake and just guys jerking off and seeking leddit upvotes
Sup Forums is turning into this....
Oh well good thing ive found other places to talk about politics, philosophy,history and religion.
I got revenge like this once. I'm not as rich as Will here, but I've got quite a bit saved up and I got one of my friends to casually show my ex a picture of a $60,000 check I got the day after the breakup, claiming it was how much I made in a month. To rub it in I even bought a new motorcycle after the one my grandfather passed down to me finally died, and drove by her parent's house (she had no other place to stay) to drop off a plant she left at my place.
Five (5) missed calls this week
Why do women think they shouldn't kill themselves if they do this to someone?
>muh mom is a druggie nigger
why do people care about upvotes? i see it all the time on reddit
"omg this is my top rated comment. thanks guys"
"omg why the downvotes?!"
Who gives a fuck.
I post on reddit occasionally and I have not once checked on the karma of my account or individual posts. I don't give a single shit
not worth it to be a teacher with all this bullshit
its like i really am on reddit
>is a teacher
>surprised when people think they are stupid
wew lad