Conserve Ancient Greek Culture

I'm the most extreme version of a conservative there is. All of these stupid shits only think they're conservative, but they're obsessed with nigg.ers and false religion. What's worse, they probably are some neo-liberals and don't even know it. We takin' it back to ancient Greece, motherfucker, maybe earlier! And fuck ancient Rome too.

We some grecians up in here. What's valuable to us? Truth! Remember that one, motherfuckers? You weaklkngs can't even procreate without stealing and lying. Cucks! Race and sexuality? I don't know what exacty you mean, but that little brown boy just sucked my dick quite correctly.

Get the fuck out of here. All of you, vacate. We are the real conservatives. And it a state as much as it is a mentality, not that you would understand. Your stupid ass couldn't even figure out triangles, *nor* could your stupid mom. Fuck you! We out. #backtogreece

Other urls found in this thread:

100 gay space russians washed uo on the shores of the us with bombs strapped to their chest, seeking refuge from the geostorm.

fat, black moms turning to feminism

are Muslims actually jews in disguise? click here to find out if you're a nig.ger.


>most extreme version of a conservative
Athenian Democrats were the most conservative guys

According to Herodotus it was the (Athenian) Democrats who stated the famous quote:
"The kinship of all Greeks in BLOOD and speech, and the shrines of gods and the sacrifices that we have in common, and the likeness of our way of life"

Here's a fact about the most famous 'gay' couple (erastes and eromenos) the Aristocrats Tyrannicides (slayers of the tyrant) Harmodios and Aristogeiton (Source: Athinaion Politeia, Aristotle):
>The tyrant Hipparchus humiliated Harmodios by accusing him publicly of fagotry
>The aristocrat Harmodios goes REEEE and kills the Tyrant
> muh homos



Great source heretic (RomanCatholic) fagot
Also you must learn what is miasma and katharma/katharmata before posting your retarded memes

>ancient greek """culture"""

>Wha is comedy and Satyr? What is theater?

>ancient greek """comedy"""

this is some next level kikery

Why don't you continue pics with funny stuff? Here's another one hilarious scene :)

this one's pretty funny.

>Also what is humor (literally Greek word)?
Here's (pic rel) one more satirical depiction (satyrs are not used this time)

Source: Females with males orgy
Erotic drinking cup (510 BC) , Louvre museum

>Turk thinks he can speak Greek
HAH You don't know ancient greek much less real Greek since you are beasts. Come back when you have a CITATION from a scholar on Greek who has authority on the ancient languges. Aristophanes is the best playwrite you must have your head WAAY up your ass to think the man who KNEW SOCRATES as a neighbor did not ahve any authority to speak about his OWN CITY


>Don't know shit about Greek Polytheism. Also let me tell you about your language
Also here's a simple phrase: "Katharmos of Miasma"
Punishment / Purification of crime / unholy misconduct
Is there any different explanation?

Asking questions to accuse. Not very Greek, that's very Roman. How can I even trust your authority on Greeks if you provide me any authority? What are you going to do, smash your stubby hairy cockroach fingers on the keyboard and prove me wrong because youre "greek"? Please you're not even human


>Aristophanes Frogs

This is a comedy. Maybe even contemporary satire.

>Aristophanes Knights

This is contemporary satire.

What exactly are you trying to prove? It's like taking Anchorman at face value.

>It's not contemporary
Sorry tell me how Aristophanes traveled through time and wrote it in Medieval france

Where are the other parts to this?

They only thing that you do is to insult. I'm still waiting...
>Is there any different explanation?

Anyway I did a small favor to you and checked the best available lexicon (vocabulary) for the Greek language (ancient, medieval, demotic):
>Κάθαρμα: Criminal that has to die by the state for expiation purposes Also: Abomination Also: purification, purgatorial act
>Μίασμα: the aftereffect of contamination caused by a serious crime like murder

If you're not like the above then sent your complaints to the Academy of Athens -

You sound like a nigger to me.

>Not very Greek, that's very Roman
Bingo. After the 4rth-5th cent. AD there was nothing Roman left in Rome except some plebs and Roman LARPers (germano-rapebabies). Only the Greeks and their emperors had the right to use the word Roman (Romaioi Romioi Rum). It seems that some Roman ways influenced the Greek east.

Well this is not really a contradiction of what is already asserted above. It seems you have misunderstood the purpose of a sacrifce

Here and here
And this picture on the left.

Fuck that shit.

Go paleolithic.

Can't get more conservative than that.

You would definitely be a slave.

>Well this is not really a contradiction of what is already asserted above. It seems you have misunderstood the purpose of a sacrifce
OK here is the thing. Τhere's a problem with the use of the word sacrifice.The sacrifice of a fucking criminal is different than from the sacrifice of innocent / non guilty people or the christian meaning of sacrifice. So I believe that is not the best way to describe it especially in an image board.

For example here is a usage of another word that has to do with sacrifices: I (a Greek Polytheist) have done some HOLOCAUSTS in the past.
How do you think that this is going to sound to a Gupsy, Jewish or Polish guy?
>inbound: Based Greek shoa'd the Kikes

holy shit this pasta comes right out of the gate

Justifying human sacrifice is extremely edgey. And sacrificing a person is pointless since they are a sinner. If you are offering someone who is blemished they are of litle value to whatever or whoever a priest would be offering them to. This is why virgins are usually offered, this is why unblemished animals are supposed to be offered. A priest would have to offer many criminals to buy favor since they are impure. Secondly offering them is pointless and vain since they are an unacceptable sacrifice.

And thirdly they are offering these unjust men not because they are unjust but because their gods demanded it of them, to buy favor. This is not a demand based off of justice, that he committed a crime and must pay, but rather he is an acceptable payment to get off the hook for whatever the city has done wrong or whatever curse that man in particular brought up on the city