We have an elephant in the room, fellow Burgers: an elephant wearing a rosary.
This country was not founded by Catholics, this country is not for Catholics, but we've been overrun by Catholics for over a century. Since their mass admission through the 1800s, we have been subjected to:
>cuckoldry creeping into our God-given right to keep and bear arms (overwhelmingly driven by Irish-Americans)
>the rise of expropriative laws helping foreign paupers at the expense of American workers (driven today by the bully pulpit of the Papacy)
>the dissolution of white-focused migration controls at the hands of the first and only Catholic presidency
>brutal Italian and Irish crime syndicates (think MS-13 for the early 20th century)
>American "citizens" whose first loyalty is to a foreign sovereign power (the Pope)
How can we curtail the Papist menace, Sup Forums? Americans only; I don't care how well Catholicism works for the people of Poland, Ireland and Italy. Your ways belong there, not here.
Other urls found in this thread:
Christ is King. God Bless America. Catlicks are not Americans
Bill the Butcher did nothing wrong.
Literally a cult. Fuck Roman Popery.
Another American, thank God! I thought we'd been totally overrun. Did you know that upholding American values is heresy to the Catholic Church?
>tfw you forget to take off the memeflag
We have papist all over the supreme court. JFK is were we fucked up
What the fuck is wrong with you fat fucks?
The Jews use the Catholics to destroy America
The stylized characters caught your attention, didn't they? That's what matters. We will catch the rest of this board's attention and awaken Sup Forums to the popish menace. You can't stop it. Go welcome a refugee or something.
Bingo. Jesuits, of course, are the most obvious conduit between the two.
you blaming the Jews for this?
>I will dispatch thee with mine own hand.
Protestants are best for cultivating a savage empty land into a powerful civilization. This is due to their work ethic. Example: America.
Catholics are best for genociding third world savages, taking their land, and turning it into something better than it was before. This is because of their moral conviction and brutal passion. Example: Spain, Central/South America.
Clearly, at their founding America and Canada required Protestants. Today, we require Catholics.
Protestantism is literally Judaism + Jesus.
No wonder americans like it. Put a star of David on something and burger will buy it.
Yes, let's consider Central and South America, shall we? Overrun with muds, rife with violent crime, strangled by drug cartels and communist uprisings. Brazil is the future Pope Francis has in mind for us, Leaf.
And here come the Pope's little minions, hellbent on furthering the New World Order and muddying the waters.
OP quit taking the piss you CIA nigger
What part of "Americans only" don't you understand, or can't you read? Is that why the Catholic Church shattered after the invention of the printing press? Is the whole cult predicated on the existence of illiterate peasant hordes?
>Give unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God
There's no conflict that I can see doctrinally. The fact that the Pope was calling out America and not, say, England or Germany, shows that it was just an early case of jealous europoors trolling.
Catholics have ruined this entire country, just as we predicted they would 200 years ago. They got the Bible banned in public schools and now they shill for eurocucks and hate our country every time they post on this board. Fuck all of them, White Protestants are the only real Americans.
Who would win
The glorious might of the West
Some brown people with no jobs
"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God." - American Naturalization Oath
Catholics cannot honestly take this oath. If they "absolutely and entirely renounce(d) and abjure(d) all allegiance and fidelity" to the Pope, they would cease to be Catholic.
The Church doesn't think in election cycles, but centuries.
We'll be around long after the US is a footnote.
if you wonder why all your rights are almost completely done away with just look at the supreme court, it's full of jews and catholics