Why is this country so shit? It's next to USA and Canada and still can't get its shit together. Wtf is wrong with them?
Mexico: wtf is their problem?
There's nothing about the land that is magical. It's the people. They take pride in being the decendents of Aztecs and Mayans.
We say "my gawd, they're Aztecs and Mayans!"
These guys are even more sadistic than Russians.
Inferior genes.
bumping for sauce
What did you expect they're practically native
>Why is this country so shit?
It’s filled with Mexicans.
Well, that wasn't pleasant to watch
It's really hot so most of the population lives up in the mountains, where there is less disease.
There is not a ton of fertile land; alot of mountains in the middle, desert in the north, and jungle in the south.
They don't have many navigable rivers so moving stuff around the country is expensive.
But, they do border the US so they are like the 6th most productive country in spite of all this. And they'll just get more powerful because of their proximity to the US and all the cheap energy we export. Natural gas is basically free for them, compare that to the price they have to pay in Europe to Russia.
They are low IQ spics it's no more of their fault that their country sucks than niggers in Africa are at fault for their country sucking it's just that they don't have the intelligence to make a good country.
>inb4 spics claim it's all americas fault that they can't succeed.
Shit, man, wtf ISN'T their problem?
>sage though
That's such a nigger behavior, no wonder they are considered non white.
hate to say it but its BECAUSE its bordering the US and Canada. Both rich countries with disposable incomes, and spare time enough to be interested in drugs.
regardless of their violent behavior i want to knock up a lot of mexican broads
Sauce us on this girl, she doesn't look Mexican
>These guys are even more sadistic than Russians.
They are the descendants of aztecs and mayans though, why shouldn't they be proud?
Russians are sadistic? That's new?
There is one solution. Nuke all of America, Asia, Africa and Australia. Europe will reconquer those lands when time has come.
i mean to be fair,they are bordering the most powerful country in the world. Do you think the us would allow any competition so close to home.
We wuz
For the same reason australia despite being a colony of criminals and the insane turned out better than Africa. The darker on the spectrum the lower the IQ. There is a difference though between ethnicities though. Latin = decent to good, Hispanic = garbed to decent. Big difference.
The spaniards colonized it and turned into a peasant society with the European model. But unlike Europe it never industrialized correctly and had very bad leadership for centuries.
They are savages.
Well that's pretty ISIS-like
Not even ISIS does that
Our natives are just as shitty but were in a colder climate so are more intelligent and chilled out. We also exterminated all the really violent ones. Down south is where all the truly savage natives lived and the fucking Spaniards and Portuguese did a terrible job killing them. Instead they gave them access to the developing world and their populations exploded. You literally have entire continent populated by savages and people wonder why we're building a wall.
Jesus fucking christ user
Europe ain't even white.
is there sound?
how come he doesn't die?
Canada is an example of a successful country they are successful because their population is white. Mexico is a failure because their population is of Mestizos and amerindians.
Slims use the best tool for the job spics use the best they can afford.
This is what we've imported. All we have to do now is wait.
Fpbp. They are an inferior people.
Funny how they all love Mexico so much but yet when they are told they have to go back it's the shittiest place on the planet
True. But why??? I mean even ISIS isn't as sadistic as that
did he died?
Probably money in selling the videos and because they can.. and also sends a message i guess
Mexicans use much more coke thats why
Nigger culture along with even worse education systems.
>colder climate so are more intelligent and chilled out
russians and canadians master race?
Not gory enough desu ne
actually he did live
Mexicans get paid $2 an hour to build your car!
Because the slimes are fighting their holy war and spics are fighting a drug war. One is about spreading a message the other is about sending a message.
What's the backstory? Feel bad for this poor guy
pick one
>is there sound?
Yea, they're listening to Sweet Child o Mine in the background.
The drug cartels have infiltrated the govt and military and pretty much destabilized the country.. Look at all former Spanish colonies.. Why is California rich while Mexico is shit poor? Anglos took it over. Anglos have a different idea of civilization than shit for brains Catholics who only care about hierarchy and superstition and not advancing the world.
Mexicans in America are alright though I live in California; we need like an apartheid system where we import just as many as we need to pick grapes and shit and let them live in their little enclaves like Salinas.
The only problem with having them in Cali is there's too fucking many of them and they abuse the system for gibs.
he licked the wrong anus
No, you need seasons to truly develop, that's why Europeans and south-east Asians are the master race. Russians are slow and fucked up because they didn't develop on par with with us.
Pretty sure there is a study that found a link between cold climate dwellers and intelligence. It explains the retardation of any civilization at the equator
Drug cartels, he probably was just a member of a rival cartel or he was a cop or an informant or fucked up somehow.
>US Government Confirms Connection between Mexican Drug Cartels and ISIS
Wtf is this?
A reminder: stay near the resorts in mexico, do not venture out. You need to remember that you are in a third world tier nation.
I thank all mexicans for their efforts in keeping our resort lands clean and operating.
Funny coming from a chilean lol
interesting, so what about the native Americans that live further north?
It's the only one of the three where the European colonists didn't bother to exterminate most of the Amerindians.
>Probably money in selling the videos
who? isis? top kek you can easly find all their videos
snow niggers are barely people, on par with abos
>and canada
that isn't a country so idk why you'd mention those literal snowflakes.
Oh my God I just typed "mexican cartel" in Google images and these guys are fucking savages
ISIS videos look like innocent animes next to what they do to their rivals
Mexican cartel leaders were trained by ((((Israelies)))), that's why their methods are so similar to ((((((ISIS)))))).
> 'What did you expect'
oh wow a canadian comment with no substance, fuck me? how is that possible?
There are a lot of reasons for the inferiority of South American countries and economies. Failure of the educational system, laziness in the general population, drug abuse and the war on drugs, corruption in local and nation wide Government and law enforcement (seriously just google Odebrecht), huge amount of alcohol consumption, a mentality that thinks exclusively in the now instead of the tomorrow, a culture which is all about sex, drugs, pleasure and hedonism, blaming all their own shortcommings on "explotation" by Americans and Europeans, believing that the only way for a good life is to illegaly migrate to the US or Europe. Everything combined creates an unskilled workforce, low paying wages, unemployment and drugabuse.
The smart and rich people have 2 or 3 children in their mid 20s or early 30s while the violent criminals and drugaddict trash start having children when their 14.
I employ 24 South Americans in my company and I grew up here in Ecuador. I experienced all that I have stated first hand.
>this is what ameritards actualmente believe
> yfw the U.S. gov probably secretly works with a few cartel groups also
just fuck my shit up this is horrible
Jesus Christ, someone send them some whetstones, this is painful to watch.
>It's next to USA and Canada
That's not true Canada is also shit hole but it's not worth riding your moose for 3 days just to behead a rival
>not even a real country trying to insult the burger empire
>Funny coming from a chilean lol
Chile is the closest thing to a first world country in this low IQ ape-infested hell hole of a continent.
Can you break this video down for me. I cant bare it
says the italian
What happened? Why?
italy is a nice place to live
mexico isn't
What's happening in it? I don't have the balls to watch, strangely it's easier to watch ISIS videos
He's probably some jungle nigger from Mexico.
How is italy doing with all of those """""migrants""""? I read an article saying you guys greatly slowed the flow
They first cut her feet, her hands and her head... all while gun whipping her.
Chopping limbs off with a dull machete.
Unprofessional really, sharpen your fucking tools, don't be more of an asshole than necessary.
>s next to USA and Canada
I thought it was next to the US, Guatemala, Belize, and Cuba
Why isn't Mexico even worse?
Mexican Cartels hate competitors, when they catch someone from other cartel, they brutally murder them and send the video tape as a fear message.
Compared to other countries? Great, but we can't just wait for all of them to go away from my country. What italians need to do is vote for something that isn't PD.
>incompetent education
>entitled people
>regressive culture
>south is poor as shit
>corrupted to the bone government
>military is filled with entitled idiots
>market and economy is entirely globalist, barely any mexican products
>narco-culture highly accepted
>people would rather be narcos then get a career or find a job because it's easier and brings a lot of money
>most of the population is filled with useful idiots, zero self awareness or self concious ness
>taditionalism lost every day because we eant to be america
>people won't work for what they need, they will bitch about it and expect it for free
There are still many conservatives, there is no place for "progressiveness" in this country, and mexicans are hardworking people, yet there are people who idolize this , they want to be narcos because that's where the big earnings is at. I don't know why, maybe it's just in out genes, the mexican is a sociopath.
you guys still never got over the human sacrifices did you
Violence between gangs or cartels in this case, classic.
What if ISIS vs Mexican cartels?
Mexico would be sending astronauts into space if they kept the Bonaparte regime.
Now they are suicidal tribal cucks.
Spanish thought they were breeding out the natives when it was the natives that bred out the Spanish.
Why are Native American reservations so shit? Same reason.
Pretty standard beaner micro dick manlet mexican.
That subhuman has a "penis" just like you and I user, see they're almost real people (let them in)!
if europe aint white then who is ,retard
Oh boy... he had such a feminine body. No wonder all the traps come from latino america.
lmao wtf is this
One word: Corruption
Mexico has too many cops and politicians willing to look the other way for a buck. It's getting better there thanks to Obama moving all the food production jobs down there.
They come from people who used to eat people and perform human sacrifices for fun. They are doing pretty good for civilized savages compared to other groups around the planet.
Nope, Mestizos.
Too many of them and the more Euro Mexicans can only keep the place afloat.
Genetics is everything.