Yale ‘decolonizes’ English dept


>English majors no longer required to take class focused on Chaucer, Shakespeare

>A year and a half after a petition circulated calling for Yale to “decolonize the English department,” the first students are enrolled in a new course created by the department to increase the breadth of the curriculum and combat claims of departmental racism.

>What’s more, new requirements are in place to ensure a more “diversified” slate of courses.

>Previous requirements for the major included two courses in “Major English Poets,” including Chaucer, Shakespeare, Donne, Milton and Eliot, among others. But that two-course series petitioners had deemed actively harmful due to its focus on white male poets. The series is no longer a graduation requirement for Yale’s English majors.

>be an English literature graduate from an Ivy League university
>don't know a single fucking line of Shakespeare

This has less to do with hurt PoC fee-fees and more to do with an attack on Western civilization, right?

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PoC will continue to do this shit when White people allow them.

Higher education and top unis are a joke in many ways, I hope it all comes crashing down.

A breaking point must be reached eventually, when will the system cease to function in it's entirety?

Their purpose, re-write history, lie and welcome even more minorities till the day we became - the minority.Question every little thing those anti-white leftards say about our countries history.

English majors are angry because they're forced to study the most important works in the English language. Maybe the Math majors can refuse to learn how to add and subtract next.

ivy leagues aren’t worth a shit these days anyway

They already are

>studying English authors in English is somehow colonizing the English language

Poes law is in full effect

Oh thank God I was worried for a minute. I mean if you do algebra you might end up a racist because Hitler might've done algebra once too and we don't want to do anything like Hitler.

>shakespears class has been replaced by thr analysis of abstract mating calls using sticks

shakespeare isn't even that good. He's ok but I'd rather read something else.

So would most people, but there are some things you learn because they are important, not because you enjoy them.

like what?

This is a good thing. Their future leaders are going to be more dumb that the current idiots were have now. Anons will be unstoppable because (they) destroyed themselves from the inside out.

The whole "Bassano wrote Shakespeare” thing is bullshit anyways:

It’s gotten so fucking pc lately that English majors are barely studying fucking English anymore.

>This has less to do with hurt PoC fee-fees and more to do with an attack on Western civilization, right?
Don't ask questions that you already know the answer to.

The good news is that this is so out there and unreasonable that it's the type of thing that the average citizen will notice and not agree with. There's only so many times they can play this card before the vast majority of people raise their eyebrows.

There are chains upon your children lord.

>minority affirmative action students too dumb to read and understand Shakespeare and Milton protest for simpler texts

Like Shakespeare

>tfw my math department got decolonialised
>don't even have Pythagoras anymore
>forced to paint dots on cave walls to respect the great aboriginal elders and diversify my mathematical knowledge

i meant give me an example. Why is shakespeare important and what can you learn from him?
Give me concrete examples.

same we got decolonized too, turns out the original inhabitants of Britain were Africans and all the whites here now are the subsequent of the Saxons raping their precious black queens
>tfw only can tell the time using Stonehenge's with wax Africans climbing over them

I don't think literature is meant for learning in the same way a subject like math or physics is, but he is the most important writer in the English language. People quote him everyday without realizing it.

1+1=a window

Honestly Shakespear is gay and boring. I dont blame these fucktards for being bored. I blame them for being English/Literature majors at all

>[jewish uni] does [anti-white thing]

How is this newsworthy again?

If Bass Reeves was a self seficient, self reliant man then I agree that he was awesome.

Problem is that niggers in the year 2017 are fucking scumbag leech AIDS faggots.

Fuck em

>shakespeare isn't even that good
prepare to have your mind blown


Aemilia Bassano (Emilia Lanier) was not black.

"Although the colour of her hair is not known, records exist in which her Bassano cousins were referred to as "black," a common term at that time for brunettes or persons with Mediterranean coloring."
