Would you support black nationalism or a black Ethnostate in the US if it were a way to get a white Ethnostate?
Would you support black nationalism or a black Ethnostate in the US if it were a way to get a white Ethnostate?
Sure, give em a couple states in the South.
sure. US FIRST.
only if they bred bitches like that.
none of these
>100000s of chocolate goddesses
>hollywood still hires some old uggo to play starfire
No. We tried segregation within the borders before and it turned out to be a big lie, for the people on both sides.
As soon as they fuck off back to Africa.
>Would you ______ if it were a way to get a white Ethnostate?
The answer is always yes.
I support throwing all the niggers into the sea, is that the same thing?
>Would you support black nationalism or a black Ethnostate in the US if it were a way to get a white Ethnostate?
Lousiana alabama mississippi and possibly arkansas and missouri.
I am certain that everyone could come to a reasonable solution if this were put down on the table.
Segregation the way it was done wasn't at all giving them a state though.
absolutely, 1000%
of course, i detest the notion of giving niggers even an inch of land that was built by our forefathers, but realistically a black ethnostate would become a festering garbage pile soon after its inception and we'd just reclaim it anyway
That's actually native American you stole but hey that's just semantics right?
No, because they'd fuck it up and then a "refugee crisis" would begin. Then Christcucks would cry about how (((Jesus))) would save them.
And people ask me and my girl why we want to have a Negro semen donor. Look at those athletic features and skin. We can’t not let our kids to not have that
America will never be a white ethno-state, the majority of children born are not white. we had our chance before we imported 100 million non whites to live with us
The American nigger ethnostate would be on it too buddy.
The russian cuckposter, whats up man. did you fap to that blackedraw video you posted earlier today yet?
They already have a fucking continent.
To do that would require you to displace whites and blacks all over the country in order to set up your ethnostates.
They already have a Ethnostate. It's called Sub Saharan Africa and the 1.3bn that live there.
Send them all back breathing or in boxes. It matters not.
Anything to avoid going back to Africa, eh?
Splitting the US is still better than living mixed.
>Would you support Balkanization of the US?
Probably not
>What is Liberia
We already built them an ethnostate in sub-saharan west Africa. Fuck 'em.
Don’t really watch porn, you might have confused me with someone else
How can you deal with millions of Negroes and Mixed people already living in the USA? Do you conveniently forget about millions of trashy Whites?
Oh, absolutely, even my gf is on board with this idea.
existing racial tensions could be easily solved if all the races just kept to themselves in public. online is a different story.
Actually, the natives stole it from the previous natives. But it's just semantics right?
I say fuck both of you white devil and niggers. I want my Ethno State back. Yes, back, you sons of bitches. North America to be back to Indian Ethno state.
I like whites better than niggers
So they can stay.
But fuck you, this land IS MINE
t. 100% Cree
>Would you shoah the wites if it were a way to get a white Ethnostate?
Yeah. Why not.
Who cares/fuck off.
Funny story, Abraham Lincoln liked this idea in a way.
He wanted all the free slaves to get a reservation in the west, much like the indians did.
But the south, who was supremely pissed at losing the war, said 'If you want to free them, you have to live with them'.
No, fuck you.
Yes, just laugh at its failures.
You were too busy killing eachother and having inferior immune systems, so you lost. You lost the land your ancestors had stolen from other tribes who had stolen it from other tribes and on an on going back into pre-history. Right of conquest.
Oh yeah because the South had the Executive decision to do that. Retard.
I would gladly let all niggers live on the other side of Australia if only whites were allowed on this side.
i doubut it'll happen but if you get full freedom of association sure, some studies show that people prefare it. but most people will still try work toghter and will have economic incentives to do so. they US government wont allow a break up along ethnic lines
trying to work out the differences would be whats best imo but let those who dont want to, not
>misses the point
Well, guess we all should go back to Africa, or was it Bosnia now? Where did we come from?
>would you support black nationalism in the us
fuck no, i most definitely would not. They got a whole fucking continent for themselves
this is literally a shit conversation. it like those muzzels in myanmar or whatever this buddhist hellhole is called.
>we wants muzzle shit state
fucking christ you got like 20 of em and one is shittier than the other
even the jews have a fucking state
if it wasn't for the v4bros, white christians literally would be the only group who dont have a fucking state and are the only ones not fucking crying about it
fucking christ this makes me angy
>native Americans
friendly reminder that native Americans were filthy Siberian slav-chinks who came over and displaced the native mastodon from his rightful land.
we could have had camels and fucking american cheetahs if it hadn't been for the redskins
Americans wishing for ethno states are the biggest cucks there are. Not even your founding fathers talked about "whites".
They talked bad about negros. That's about it. Losers.
No, and here is why. If we gave the blacks a state or two and told them they had to stay there, they would likely agree at first. They could even keep all infrastructure and houses in the state. Within days, the chaos would start to show.
Within a 5 years, the black state would have turned into Africa. All infrastructure would lay in ruin. It would look bombed out. Civil war would be a daily event. Drugs and prostitution would be on every doorstep, forget about every corner. Dead bodies would lay in the streets and it would be hell on earth. They would be a mecca for all manner of evil activities. Anything to make money. Their state would be the human trafficking, drug trafficking, and kidnapping capitol of the world. They would actively try and destroy the USA to anyone willing to pay them.
Then after a year or 2 more, whites would be forced to build a wall around the state due to niggers trying to constantly come back to white society. Niggers would then devistate the environment, kill all the game, cut down all the trees for pennies, and poision their own water due to their stupidity. Niggers would then try and blame whitey once more. They would demand being let back in to the white mans world and try and claim racism. So no, i don't support it, unless it means sending them back to Africa. Niggers simply do not belong in any first world nation. If they must exist, it has to be Africa and far away from modern society.
A black ethnostate would quickly go to shit. The problem will sort itself.
With Negroes like Malcolm X it will prosper. Do you think they want to have hoorats in their Homeland too?
Absolutely. Every people group has the right to self-rule, that's what nationalism is about.
Yes i do think that. And Malcolm X was just another stupid nigger. Blacks don't have the intelligence to run any type of a state. They don't even have the intelligence to get by with the necessities of life without handouts.
>"They would demand being let back in to the white mans world and try and claim racism"
Implying whites in the ethnostate will care about racism and gibs after seeing how successful they've become and how quickly the blacks ruined themselves.
Negroes like Malcolm X are one in a billion and even Malcolm X changed his mind after he visited africa.
Of course, give 'em Alaska.
Sure, but some place up in Yankee territory since they're the ones who decided blacks were human and should be freed, not exterminated.
Id support that wedge swinging from my dick.
Step 1: Grant ethnostate
Step 2: Wait for it to turn into a shithole
Step 3: Buy back ethnostate and send off blacks to another land to live in relative luxury
No immoral actions are necessary.
>Stolen land
Fight harder, you dirty fucking prairie nigger. Literally the only group on Earth dumber than niggers, let that fact fucking sink in.
How many times do I have to tell you...
That image is a Man, pulling its Dick up the crack of its ass with its right hand.
Inglorious example of a Nigger Mongrel Genetic Deviant Transvestite.
Which is generally the result of Mongrel-Theism, a mixed deviant "unknown".
If Niggers get an "Ethno-State" then what about the Mongrels, the Jews, the Sexual-Deviant?
Would need to be two different countries in general with different governments.
The black one would literally bankrupt itself and become marginally better Africa in the ruins.
No, the but those southern congressmen had a vote on legislation.
>you stole
No. Kill them all.
Negroes have some fascinating people in their community. I think with a proper effort they can easlity thrive
house niggers can get a land for themselves but they would have to get the freedom to have extreme measures to secure safety and order.
I mean they can't get a land and then have white people complain when they murder and purge all the shithead blacks.
And they can't have democracy either.
A strict and authoritarian goverment that is helped a little bit to develope by whites could work. But you would ben carson types going to peoples house and killing them with hammers and stuff like that.
sheriff clarke riding around on a horse with a rifle being the judge and jury.
What would we do with hispanics? They're the ones turning us into le 56% meme.
give them guns and send them to africa
You have Detroit. You can keep it. Leave the rest to civilized humans. There could never be a black ethno state. You’ve proven for thousands of years you’re in capable of a self sustaining civilized society
The south doesn't only pick cotton you know. The south is quickly becoming the breadbasket of the United States because we keep niggers isolated away from our heavy hitters.
Each state you give away cripples entire industrial sectors, especially if you give away GA or AL.
I'd be okay with FL. I want to see Disney Corp squirm, especially with its stake in ESPN.