Maps of friendship

Post 'em

Where's New Zealand?


Some island between Australia and Hawaii

I don't know, it seems like they always get forgotten about.

Oh, whatever.




I mean what's the point in that?

>I'm not saying every communist is 13 years old, but


>American education



I'm already dead


Why do you hate Australia though?

Balkanize now!


if you only knew how bad things really are.

>"Hates" muslims

>No opinion on based Georgia

Im not sorry.

I like how you love Russia except Kaliningrad.

How very dare you..


That's a pretty good point but they're more or less Germans larping as Russians aren't they?

Kek,your grandparents Belorussian rapefugess from the revolution,or did you jsut decide to have a vacation in the only European country with an dictator and really liked the place?

my gf is belarusian

No, they're really not.

Oh,good luck with that.


Alright here.

This is the only acceptable post from an American.

>10/10 would dominant the world with


dumb chink, half the countries you love are Caucasian.


>That Anglosphere love


The correct answer here

Is it even humanly possible to have opinions of countries at this deep of a level?

Yes, I worked this map for hours actually and I have an opinion for every region in the world

You lost to your retarded inbred neighbors. For what it's worth I still love you England.


That's either autistic or impressive. Either way here's for all that work.

I will mostly say that I'm not very busy in my life, there is nothing impressive
btw in which state do you live ?



Jesus christ....


One of the ones you wanted exterminated.



Its good to be the king.

the only correct answer


This is the only accurate one here.

Nevada and Arizona are alright. It's New Mexico that's shit.

Chink immigrant detected.


Looks like a clown shit on your map

Well the only good reason that I put green color on NM is Breaking Bad actually

It looks like you tried to be as random as possible.


Only a Muslim could come up with a more butthurt map. Jesus you Serbs are ridiculous.






Hail cascadia


Why does everyone hate me?

Some of these I chose like for their ancient history, such as Egypt, whereas I dislike the modern Egyptian politics. Most of them I didn't make too complex though.

Floridian here, what did we do to you?

A good map sir.

Fuck off Quebec.



Don't make me call ICE.

Jew detected.

Best Map.

BASED user


too sunny, 2nd porn state after california, huricanes and cuban/latinos migrants

probably missing something, whatever

why do you hate montenegro?

Do it mate, I have my papers in order.

>t. slavoj zdradko from ljubljana


Note that my affinity is based on the country's culture, history, philosophy, and martial arts.

bless you and Lebanon

explain your reasoning in the balkans please user

Sea creatures unite!


the leadership is retarded, stop letting all those sandniggers in.
UK (Mainly England):
the leadership is retarded, stop letting all those sandniggers in.
the leadership is retarded, stop letting all those sandniggers in. also i've a few swedes before that were foreign exchange students, they were pretty nice people.
the leadership is retarded, stop letting all those sandniggers in. Also you people were cooler in the 1930's.
The only part of iran that isn't a total shithole; are parts on the western side of the country were all the kurds live.
South Africa:
Probably the only country in africa that isn't a total shithole, but still most of it is bascially a third world shithole.

Damn it, fuck the laws. I just want brown people out.

Everybody is here being impressed by the amount of work this took, and I'd just like to say that this is some excellent map projection you have used.
Im not good enough to guess it from just looking, what is it?

average "american" poster

This is really for current political shit, like what the people NOW believe, what they're voting for, who's side they're on, how cucked they are, etc

Like Egypt

Fucking cool history bro, but the only thing left of them is the Coptic Orthodox Church. They're the only ones still speaking a language descended from Demotic

Otherwise it's basically Saudi Arabia Liteā„¢, like all other formerly Caliphate'd lands

>hate colombia and brasil
>ok peru
wtf this maes no sense