featuring Dicky Spencer
TRS are doing a live videostream on youtube now
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What a disgusting subhuman.
It's started...
upload tds 213 please!
Man I was on FB alt-right with a lot of oldfags who knew Enoch and boyyyy was the butthurt palpable when it came out he was married to a Jewess who worked for B'nai Brith at one point..
Now Enoch all of a sudden is SUPER SERIOUS NADZI
Enoch is a much better speaker than Spencer and way more entertaining but TRS and the rest of these e-celeb fags need to remember where the alt-right came from and they don't control it or speak for us (Sup Forums).
Here's some OC :^)
enoch is /ourguy/
I'm glad he did the right thing and came clean about his kikess desu.. I kinda feel bad I was really hard on him when it happened cuz remember how they all fucking went into hiding and freaked out about being doxxed...
I'm glad it happened now Enoch got unmasked and he's doing public speaking.
I prefer Spencer's insight and commentary.
bumping - I'd forgotten.
Come on, Spencer - one thing at a time!
Europe is becoming homogenized (mixed inextricably together) anyway - they just started later than the US.
I don't think it could've happened any other way desu. It was going to come out eventually and it was going to be messy.
I hope the remaining TRS guys are ready for when it happens to them. I know I'll be behind them.
Don't know why people hate on Spencer so much. The guy is clearly very intelligent.
> Spencer LARPing about forcing Europe to join the ethnostate
Christ dude - have you left the planet?
It's easy to hate anyone who is out publicly when the majority of us are anonymous or pseudoanonymous
God bless mike and his sexy ass wife. Mike is almost single handedly saving the white people from extinction. He is such ana rticulate speaker and a real true thinker. His wife fucking sexy as hell too. He married a good white girl. Some fucks have all the luck. Long live TRS!
Glad to hear Kenny's voice again. Love that crazy bastard
Dickie is shilling his pan-European commie bullshit again.
I approve overall, but he needs to relax his hostility. He autistes every innocent, earnest question into an attack. You're not going to get far that way.
People call him dumb or incompetent or whatever. Listening to him, he definitely has more potential than most give him credit for.
I agree, he's really good in small settings like podcasts or press conferences but I don't think he's good at the speaking to the crowd thing.
>tfw 1/4 Jew
>tfw full 1488
I know that feel Mike
What form of government does Spencer propose?
> using white supremacist more
They've worn out 'racist', 'nazi' - amren had a recent piece on this.
> dickie shilling his pan-europeanism.
It's like he thinks the whole thing is an unrealistic LARP, and he might as well get his no-money's worth out of it.
IAR is max comfy. I hope this isn't just a one off
Why are there so many fucking kikes in the chat and who the fuck are the people talking to Richard?
I'm sure D'Marcus said at the start they want to start doing it again once a fortnight
Who is D'Marcus?
The guy with the black jew avatar
But who is he idk who he is does he have a podcast on TRS?
He used to. He's big in the NYC area poolparty I think
O ok.
You have to admit, that would have been hard for anyone - I imagine Bowden doing it - I bet it would have been better, but it would have been something, anyway.
He and Kenny (the other guy on the stream) used to Host the 'Intersectional Alt-Right' podcast. They shut down a bit after the TRS doxxing.
Was a breddy gud podcasat
I betcha he's the alt-righter who uses the BLM flag on here and sounds jokey black. He does a really good black impression.
Fair enough. It's got to be hard to be up there in front of those animals.
is there any white men on the broadcast?
It doesn't matter, anyone other than Mike and Sven are almost invariably going to be thrown under the bus by those two. Them refusing to get behind Ghoul should have been a fucking red flag that they have zero interest in solidarity beyond their own little circle.
? all of 'em are white.
Yes - the difference between us and our forebears is that our situation is clear to everyone.
Who's Nick Fuentes? (Don't get these jokes.)
>Them refusing to get behind Ghoul
What proof of that is there?
I believe they still talk to him
Spencer really doesn't seem to have lisp, is this just shitposting memes or I am not picking it up?
Good kid, he's just got a different approach.
I think it's good to have somebody that I'd feel comfortable showing a normie conservative friend or family member who still has the same message as the real Alt-Right.
>is this just shitposting memes
Almost anything about spencer on Sup Forums is shitposting memes
> Charlottesville necessary
Thank God it wasn't with guns.
He's a youtuber that is alt right but not edgy just look him up.
ghoul was on the shoah a few months ago
Enoch uncucked himself tho
Fuentes was on RSBN, and now has his own show on his own network (America First). He's a lot more entry/normie level for getting people into white ID politics.
When the allegations came out, they made no effort to push back against them or defend Ghoul in any way. They did absolutely nothing and the purity spiraling stormfags claimed another scalp. This happened earlier during the 8ch feud, Sven willingly through Wyatt under the bus rather than actually push back against the spastics who wound up doxing him anyway.
because he's a snob, a duginist, and a rich momma's boy
Meant for this.
da nigga
Fuentes is a smart guy, definitely a reliable figure in terms of mainstreaming the agenda. I think he's working with Ricky Vaughn to some degree?
They've been on the same page the last few days regarding the optics debate
>this guy singing some 80's shit
Wtf? Hey, anyone
Well, but didn't Ghoul dox someone else, in exchange for not getting doxed himself? That'd taint a person.
>some 80s shit
>not recognizing depeche mode
get out
someone ask mr. enoch rabbisteinowitzenberg why he started the ((())) meme, where he got the idea... i think he glows in the dark...
Yeah, I'm curious if Fuentes is an MPC guy like Ricky is. Though I feel like if he was, he'd use more MPC memes.
Only people I heard claiming that were antifa types, who aren't above making shit up to fuel the fires of infighting.
Dictatorhip by one of his descendents, probably. No - despite planning how whites have to have an empire, before planning how US whites are going to be an ethnostate, I've not heard him discuss forms of government. I guess that's too larpy. I've heard him diss democracy (anyone? anyone? not sure).
Well, why wouldn't he be right there in the fold, then? What's your explanation as to why he's been cast out? Sex with a tranny?
MILO is the real alt right #praiseKEK
Mike is fine but spencer is so up his own ass its annoying. On the last alt-right politics he implied the marcron was reading his writing.
That's a skillful 'shop. Respect, to an enemy.
>he's been cast out
I'm not sure he has. I think he just wants to finish his degree and get out. There was a shoah a while back when Sven mentioned something that Ghoul texted him.
I'm not saying Spencer is bad, just that he is a retard.
He's much more of an academic than a politician
These fucks are controlled opposition. They a re-branding of anti-Capitalism. Think about the how Jews like Murray Rothbard, Ayn Rand, and Milton Friedman are portrayed. The common man either hates them or is ignorant of who they are. They were leveling the playing field, and their people did not like that.
To know what the Jews hate, you have to look the the Jews that other Jews hate.
>believing in shitty antifa rumors
Yeah putting out Enoch's dox and adding "thanks ghoul for this info :^)" at the bottom is super convincing.
The best part of that whole episode is that it blew up in their faces. Now Mike is a full time white nationalist, out and proud, while they still watch from behind their baklava's and frilly red panties unable to stop him. The absolute STATE of antifa.
In regards to optics, this definitely isn't the first time having LARPing NatSocs at rallies and public events has been discussed. Spectre has succinctly stated that we should practice "Boy Scout in the streets, Nazi in the sheets" optics. Keep the windmill of friendship insignias at home and for private events, but at the same time don't water down your message to the public.
A lot of what he says is tongue-in-cheek, figuring out what he actually thinks is a real challenge some times.
How so?
*These fucks are
ctrl+v typo
Nick Fuentes is the future.
It's all part of the Kosher Sandwich my dude.
people like wyatt have no fucking use in this movement, none
he hasnt been cast out. He lost his family and is trying to start his own
Nick Fuentes is the near future. He is the next election. He is getting rid of the 1965 immigration act.
Nick Fuentes is how we get to the place where Richard and TRS wants to go.
We're getting large enough that soon there will be multiple 'leaders'.
The Stormer is more or less on board with Ricky and Fuentes on the optics debate, yeah. It's ironic though that Hunter Wallace is on the other side, given that before CVille he was shittalking WN 1.0 non-stop and now he's more or less defending them.
interesting friends there dicky...
Too bad he's only 19. He could run for president right now and probably big up a significant chunk of, if not completely win the electorate if the entire alt right backed him with money and support.
>pool parties
I keep hearing TDS mention these
What the fuck are they
>sven threw wyatt under the bus
lol when?
You're thinking too top-level. We need to dominate the local elections first.
>tfw maternal grandmother is Jewish
I feel you. These fucking Jews have to be stopped from leaving Western Civilization in ruin.
those 52% faces
Local groups that meet up. Named after the Standard Pool Party event in Texas where blacks decided to take over an apartment pool and one white officer had to corral them all.
Just their meme term for local groups/meet-ups etc, not actually at pools I think
Local meetup groups with other goyim. Get into Identity Evropa or the Trad Worker's Party or a Daily Stormer Bookclub or -- a TRS Pool Party. You'll have to be vetted to get in.
> where Richard and TRS wants to go.
And where exactly to they want to go? The only thing they go on about is some vague white identity that has no depth. Just because Nick doesn't support these irl edge lord rallies doesn't mean his ideas are not a destination.
richard is a tropical plant, a twitter poll revealed this