What does Sup Forums think of agnosticism?
What does Sup Forums think of agnosticism?
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I'm agnostic
only logical conclusion you can arrive at if you're honest
It's what I fall for. With everything we're given it's the best conclusion you can come up with without having to rely on faith (meaning faith in there not being a god or there being one)
I don't know if I believe in agnosticism
The spiritual equivalent of being a worthless centrist/fence sitter.
Christians believe in god but can prove it
Atheists believe there is no god but can't prove it both require the same amount of faith
What if you are just a polarised useful idiot that is helping to keep us divided?
Just another way to say nonreligious but to make yourself seem smart
I never understood this.
"Come on bro! Pick one! You can't prove either of them but just pick one you faggot!"
Well done. Have a (you)
I'm agnostic. Only thing that really makes sense to me.
its the only way desu you have to be open to any scenario theres so many things we still dont understand and i dont think humans have the capacity to anyway desu
Agnostics are like those who ,when in a thunderstorm, walk whenever lightening flashes and stop when it's dark.
A beliver is one who persists and walks in the dark unafraid and unfazed by the lightening and wind because he trusts the one who brought about the storm.
>religious centrism
*tips fedora*
Faggotery like centrism.
Ultimately, religion is about cultural impact.
Agnosticism has NONE.
That's why secular societies turn out into chaotic degenerate shitholes.
I can't respect indecisive people.
The only redpilled way to get through life.
B-but I'm a zealous fundamentalist ...
I think they're undecided faggots who desire neither hatred towards religion nor a life guided by strict moral guidelines. They worship two masters, and end up loathing one.
yeah sure say what you want about the impact socially but do you think if their is a he god gives to shits about this tiny spec of sand in space lol
How is "I believe the existence of God is unknowable" not a valid belief?
This exactly.
Admitting that things that cannot be experimentally proven might exist is anti science.
Muslims will still blow them up for not believing in their prophet :^
You get the worst from both worlds
>Unironically thinking agnosticism means you're undecided
>unironically thinking you need religion to have morals
There is no evidence of agnosticism
>unironically thinking you need religion to have morals
Pretty much.
When I tell people about my atheistic base for morality they don't want to listen because you can't make money on idiots and gain power with it.
What should really worry us are muslim leaving Muslim
I believe in one God and I wish that everyone could understand Him in the way that I do. However, I have always respected atheists far more than I respect agnostics.
The atheist seeks the ultimate truth just as the theologian does. But the agnostic says that the truth is worthless if it cannot be proven. The agnostic is so afraid of being wrong that they cower away from any chance at being right.
Another phase of nihilism. I was hardcore fedora tipper, then agnostic, now back to believer. Read.
Have fun wanting to kill yourself down the road
Don't really have a concrete opinion on the matter.
Am an agnostic because I'm too much of a fucking cuck to submit myself to Christianity or Judaism