New Pacific Rim got BLACKED

New Pacific Rim got BLACKED

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More like Pacific Rape

Did you expect anything different?

So did Fahrenheit 451.

Montag is black... Guess the colour of the wife AND love interest?



might be fun

Hurry while we still have the chance. Start going on Twitter and saying that it's racist that the poster features a black man against such a black color scheme, compare it to the "darkened OJ Simpson" magazine cover. We can get the filmmakers eaten alive by their target audience.

You realize they are doing this specifically to target Asian woman because Asians went crazy over the first Pacific Rim.

wasn't idris elba in the first

This one centers around a black guy with a hot East Asian step sister

No one is going to see it is all, they try this all the time and end up just bombing.

i don't "realize" things that you pull directly out of your asshole lol

just a little worried cuz this movie was a mega hit in Asia and they want all the asian girls to like black guys now

Yeah this doesn't relate to my demographic because I'm not a negro and I don't live in the hood yo'.

Wow, who would have thought a giant mecha action movie similar to transformers would do well in china? This movie is literally a last minute desperate attempt at a cash grab that shits all over the established story of the first and doesn't even have del taco directing.

hate this nog, guy says he cant watch got or lotr because too many white people, someone tell this nog no one is stopping him from writing an epic. The didn't invent shit but give me a piece of everything white people do culture.

chinks liked it but it failed in japan.

they are blacking this movie because it was a huge hit in sushi land and they want to dispel their ignorance

They was Gundam n shiet

thats somewhat relieving

Yeah fuck him for that
Lord of the Rings *clap* ain't *clap* about *clap* you!

I'd rather the yellow fever of the first one desu.

>their ignorance

Of what, exactly? Seems to be wisdom


incorrect see that is literally right above your comment.

... Blacks are hated in Asia. This was a terrible fucking idea.

MORE than likely this is an attempt to get people used to that SPECIFIC actor because he is in the star wars films

>Pacific Criminal
I'm glad Del Toro shelved At the Mountains of Madness then.

I'm still gonna watch it... I'm a huge monsters movie fan. I even went to go watch Skull Island.. Too much story, not enough monster fighting

Shit, left my meme flag on.

So fucking tru..






What's with nigger's disgusting spongehair?


hmmm what's left?


what did they mean by nigger uprising?

Literally everyone I know who usually falls for every ad campaign ("oh man, jurassic world OMG" "Oh man, IT looks SOO scary", ect) has said that the trailer makes it look shit.

>first movie's trailer is focused on the jaegers and kaijus with badass instrumental music
>second movie's trailer is focused on Boyega and has garbage hip-hop music

can somebody do "PACIFIC SCRIMP" and put a bunch of collared greens and shit on there? lol

So you be sayin

I hated kikes for their underhanded ways and cowardice, but now its personal.
And to think they couldn't even pick a decent black to do it.
Had to be the fucking groid from kike wars, eh?
I'll slaughter every last kike I see when the race wars start. That I promise

Did you guys forget the first one had the head guy be black?

Kek. Have a (you).

Having a black guy as a figure head in a movie in 2013 isn't nearly as big of a statement as it is in 2017. Every year we go further into this generation of politics, the race of certain actors in certain roles is going to serve as a statement by some one to something.

Take a look at Beverly Hills Cop from 1984. No one gives a shit about Eddie Murphy being the lead roll in that.


yeah, he was black. the protagonist was white though. The black character acted like some regular tough dude, but since its Boyega you can bet he'll start racially motivated shit inside and outside the movie set.
And considering he was Rey's romantic interest in the latest star wars, I'd bet his romantic interest here is going to be a white girl

Personally, I think the black guy in the first movie was a great character, because he acted as a father figure for the girl, but also because he wasn't some poorly written hunk of shit whose only claim to relevancy is being black.
If Finn was white you wouldn't even know who he was, but since hes a nog, well, we had posters of the faggot all over the entire fucking world. Luke, aka "the old white guy" only appeared at the end to give the race mixer his approval, like he was saying "my time is over, its reycemixing time now, wymen".
The black guy in Pacific Rim had no such symbolism and wasn't even mentioned as being in a BLACKED.COM tier relationship.
tl;dr: fucking kikes man

It took a black to cancel the Apocalypse.
Shoo away from my Pacific Rim or else poo-kaiju will invade your streets


>Not just taking the F and flipping it upside down ontop of another F to make an E to spell Crime.

8/10 good job

The first one stared a black guy.

He wasnt the main guy tho


It was fucking Idris Elba, he isn't a kang, is he?

>2017 the year I stoped watching movies.


>autistic otaku Del Toro not directing sequel
I know it would be shit but trailer was beyond terrible

Nigger shitmusic, negro MC (the fuck happend to first aryan looking MC and his japanese gf which whom they saved the world?)

It's like unfunny power rangers shitclone now, and we already got one

Can you get Bollywood to do a Kaiju movie? Would be 1000 than this turd.

>no Del Taco
>lower budget
>Transformers tier lighting
>Oogga Boogayega
>Rap starts playing
>shit Jaeger designs