Racist Cereal Box Recalled by Kellogg


Novelist Saladin Ahmed was looking at the back of a Corn Pops cereal box when he noticed a small but jarring detail.

The colorful illustration on the box depicted a chaotic scene of little yellow corn pop characters frolicking through a shopping mall.

But in the middle of the drawing, Ahmed spotted a lone non-yellow corn pop. The character looked as if it had brown skin. It also happened to be the only corn pop in all blue, and appeared to be waxing or scrubbing the mall’s floors.

On Wednesday morning, Ahmed tweeted to Kellogg’s: Why is “literally the only brown corn pop on the whole cereal box the janitor?”

It’s “a tiny thing,” he added, “but when you see your kid staring at this over breakfast and realize millions of other kids are doing the same…”

Within five hours, Kellogg’s responded. The artwork has been updated and will be in stores soon, the company tweeted.

“Kellogg is committed to diversity & inclusion,” the tweet read. “We did not intend to offend — we apologize.”


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at least it was realistic
also boycott all corporations that support diversity, which is communism doublethink for white genocide #notmycandymilk


ok. so we don't want to depict brownskins as hard working, responsible, peaceful people.

Please tell me they made it white.

The brown corn pop was the only one working

>Novelist Saladin Ahmed
I guess this brown fuck isn't used to working

>Hugo nominated
Very loose definition of "novelist" KEK

Mrs. Butterworth is THICC

I agree with his sentiment. No brown corn pops should be on the box period.

Imagine being so butthurt that a brown person having a job offends you

Never mind that. What's worse is that you can no longer buy the usual cereals that ARE NOT produced in Mexico. We're not eatin that filth at my house.
I confess I miss 'em, but oh well. I don't miss 'em that bad and never will.

Did someone just protest that a minority is shown as having a job?

Im glad they fixed the mistake

This is lowest type of "activism" just people whining about "racist" shit that isn't even racist. They're fucking corn pops, not people. It would be racist if the brown corn pops was brown, had a sombrero and was selling churros but it's not. It's just some dumbass that decide to bitch to kelloggs for some sweet sweet likes. If he actually gave a fuck about racism, then he wouldn't be wasting his time crying about cereal box art and do some actual activism.

Is there any porn?

As if Cheerios' totally insufferable nigger themed commercials weren't enough, now Kellogg is putting the mestizo untermenschen in their place. There trying to corner the market on Nazi consumers of breakfast cereals. They've succeeded with this one. Kellogg!

the artist probably shaded him darker to indicate age and fatigue, not race

every other pop on the box was young and energetic

I really doubt that the artist had race in mind.

over sensitive people gonna over sense




Anti-depressants? Happily married?


*breaks you're nofap*

You're lying.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm to go kill myself for engaging in this conversation.



>jiggling asses
>whatever man
>that triple kiss at the end
muh fuggin diq

If only more black girls looked like that

Artist have been doing this shit for years, they add in little jokes like the sex in the clouds in the lion king and the penis on the little mermaid or the priest with a boner in the little mermaid

>Eating the sugar Jew

Fucking learn how to cook, holy shit America get it together.
Every morning I make myself some scrambled eggs, some toast with 9 times out of 10 bread we made at home, maybe some oats with some melted butter and fruits, and every now and then bacon.

It takes like 30 minutes tops to do all of this in the AM and you enjoy your meal and partially your day because of it.


Yes. It was also the only one on the box not fucking the mall up.

>eating the bleached grain jew

These giant nigger asses and the culture that supports them is fucking garbage.

Most black girls are fat, user.

Toasting bread has nothing to do with some fucking 4 month old loafs of white bread you buy at 7 Eleven. You can fucking toast anything. I like my bread crunchy, so I take it, and put it into mini oven.

These giant nigger asses are part of white culture now, sweetie. I think I can speak for Sup Forums when I say that this is a welcome change!

No, they are not. But I will say that at some point whites with balls will smash, and I promise they won't like it. I've smashed 2 PAWGS, 1 Fat ass negress and 1 fat ass Latina and I genuinely didn't enjoy it a single fucking time. I've officially gone back to normal bitches with normal bodies, or petite bitches with perky little bubble butts.
Fucking cows.

What a whiny little piece of shit bitch.
To be honest I don't ever recall ever seeing a white janitor.
This muslim cock sucker needs to stfu and kill himself.

It's literally a bantu trait.
I wonder where this idea comes from that it's attractive.

Are Kellogg's still sponsoring Antifa or ehatever they are called now?

The only attractive thing about some Black females, are their European features.

Real Africans look more like this.


It's actually deeply rooted in American christianity, specifically Baptism. White Christian slave owners bred their female negresses to have big asses for them to fuck because if you do anal its not cheating according to the Bible. As a Baptist myself, it's no wonder to me that it's attractive. I guess Abo women are more your thing, Chang.

Yeah, and he looks happy doing it. I really don't understand the mentality of liberals

With as many STD's as nigger women have, and with how little such low-IQ types tend to bathe, and with how many disgusting male niggers have filled them with their DNA, I for the life of me don't see the attraction. "Doggy style" is impersonal, animalistic, nigger-tier anyway.

You failed the gay test, bruh.
If you wouldn't fuck a BLACK woman you're only gonna end up fucking your hand or getting fucked by other guys you fag.

>"Doggy style" is impersonal, animalistic, nigger-tier anyway.

Anal in and of itself is forbidden.

people shit on memritv because of da joos being behind it but honestly I would rather watch Arab banter than Jewish mind poison

As a graphics designer that has to deal with old-school printers, this is just The limitations of the technology.

As a professional janitor with over 10 years of janitorial experience I am deeply offended that this individual would think my profession is a low level job.

Not all janitorial careers are equal and some are much more prestigious than others.

When I was still in high school I started out my janitorial career at a Chuck E. Cheese's and am now head Janitor at a prestigious 5 resort in Key Largo Florida making 60k a year with excellent benefits and generous vacation leave.

lel I actually work with a company that produces food packaging so I have an idea of how the process works. The marketers were probably just cheap fucks and didn't want to pay for the fine detail on that part and decided to just overlap colors; with the blue or brown of his shoes overlapping with the yellow of his skin it would come out brown.
Either that of the designers just used an old piece of clipart from twenty years ago when people didn't give a shit about this stuff, or possibly when the official skin color for the cereal pops looked like that and they just didn't bother updating the color.

all other pops wearing ninja costume covering their face and skin
>guy was too offended and stupid to notice this fact

No one noticed that it says that everyone on the back of the box is a ninja. Covered from head to toe, sneaking around and throwing fucking stars ninjas. They all look like that under their outfits. The janitor is the only one who isn't.

Is it that fucking hard to read the back of the box?

you can't just make stuff up and have it be true you fucking moron

>syrup is thicc
this has been known for some time

I want to fuck that syrup

>be marketing faggot
>get too lazy to paint clip art character a few paint shades lighter
>cause national outcry that lasts weeks

He looks like a bean. Mexican?

They pretty much nominate anyone not white male and straight.
Even the SciFi content is optional. Just no whitey, unless pedo.

Are quakers' still local?