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He should follow up with, "Well you know if you are watching something besides CNN.
What did they mean by this?
Trumpkins are pulling all stops.
Crazy panic mode.
I fucking love that guy.
Hillary BTFO
what do you think trump will do? have mueller arrested?
It’s real. DREMFPFMDL NO!!
wtf i'm retroactively changing my vote to hillary now
My man crush grows with every passing day
Last minute damage control. He knows what's coming.
We can't deflect a shitpost of that magnitude
I hope he is president for 8 years so he can keep triggering commies everyday.
and that would be?
Shitposter in Chief
Absolute best timeline lads, time for salt mining next week.
>Last minute damage control.
For who, shill?
NPR has been basically nothing but sob stories for the last couple days. Even though they were all about Russia for months. I hope to god trump defunds every cent of federal money that propaganda arm gets. How any Republican President ever allowed it to exist is beyond me.
Our politicians are cowards, pure and simple. They won't even stand up for themselves if attacked by the media. Romney took all the hits like the pussy he was, with no rebuttal at all. he just let the media create the narrative and do whatever they wanted with it.
words fail me
Trump warns: 'At some point I fight back, and it won't be pretty'
>Crooked Hillary meme + Fake News meme + insinuation that the media is full of fucking morons
Pure presidential kino.
What's coming is that lots of libtards lose all hope after it is revealed that Mueller isn't going after Trump and all with his investigation
Holy shit what the fuck is going on??? He doesn't sound phased at all.
I can't wait for the chaos that will ensue.
I fucking hate NPR. Every god damned time I turn it on, it's minority this, sjw buzzword that, empowered woman the other thing.
The fucking republican politicians in office right now are too fucking scared to take any gibs away from the masses because they are afraid they will lose by 12 votes at the next election. They would rather continue to fund absolute bullshit like NPR than potentially lose their cushy job. They are conservative only in the rhetoric, they don't give a fuck about reducing government spending, even on things that actively propagandize against them.
It's not rigged, you're just losing!
post yfw monday comes and its true
After reading all the comments in that link I am going to save all my cum for the tribute I will splash on my local paper when Hillary makes front page being perp walked.
Pissing assholes off is one of the reasons I voted for him.
This calls for Monday beers. I'll see you guys then. This is going to be epic.
NPR used to be pretty decent, before the election. Still left wing biased, but they brought some interesting stories and had some decent journalism from what I could tell. Same with PBS. At some point during the election I couldn't be bothered to watch either.
You and me both brotha
Video won't play for me....
>DJT hears CNN kikes nattering about how he's "quiet" since the indictment news they're reporting
>realizes they're watching his every tweet, sending audience there
>drops a hillary f-bomb because shitposter
use link
He is the best. Anyone who doesn't like this is a shill
Oh, sure. Five years ago I considered both NPR and the BBC to be valid places to get mildly biased news.
Both need to be burned to the ground - now. I can't believe we give tax dollars to NPR or that there are Brits with TV license fees that support an outlet that discriminates against white people and allows tranny pieces of shit to spew it's hate out to anyone fucking foolish enough to still own a television.
sounds about right. Shitposter in chief
Nobody is paying attention to this tard anymore.
this one?
shit keeps hanging and saying it won't play. I'll look for a direct link.
Is he really that much of a madman at this point?
I mean, he's the fucking President of the USA. He pretty much has access to perfect information with respect to anything he cares to know about.
I think the 'madman' meme is played out. Anyone in the same position would do the same.
I check in on it every now and then so i can keep up with how completely absurd they are. The last time I checked in there was a negress arguing how racist it was for Land Whale Adele to say she wished beyonce was her mother. It was a "classic case of black mammy n d ypippo dun ben dooin dis 4 yearz n d blek wimmin not hab time 2 raise dey keedz". That was a 15 minute segment on that channel. I am so glad that when i was a younger man I always called in to my local stations during their fundraising drives to promise money that I would never send because they called Ron Paul a nobody.
NPR is a nonprofit, their money comes from donations (mostly corporate and billionaire). They don't really get any money from the government, just tax breaks. Which they could easily handle if they had to.
You fucking wish, Hilldebeast.
stop projecting your hate, trump jr. i think we call it projectile spewing in this case.
You guys really don't feel it, do you?
Praise Kek!
that will make my whole week-end
Did you catch their coverage of the Google memo? It was awful. Like you I used to listen, loved Diane Rehm, All Things Considered, and Market Place, but I can see now they have always had this subtle insidious Marxist tint. It is really evil what they do because it is like a gentle Marxist indoctrination.
It is strange how Trump and the election has broken people. I didn't even vote for him, don't really care and think he is kind of an idiot at times, but people are foaming at the mouth with hate. I don't understand.
keep drinking the kool aid. it's all crashing down.
best president ever.
What happened?
Protip: nonprofit means they survive mainly on monies they steal from you paycheck in the form of 'taxes'.
If they really survived on 'donations', they wouldn't need to steal from working taxpayers.
Do not fall for commie tricks. If they use even a penny which was stolen from you under threat, they are in fact commies.
I don't recall listening to that, maybe i had stopped by then. I used to listen to morning edition just as something to wake up too, always skipping past the obvious bullshit. But yea, maybe it was always bullshit, idk. Felt at least mildly objective at the time, it's possible I became more biased along with their bias piling on. If that makes sense.
I wish.
watch for hillary assassins around now.
This is a horse's foot with the hoof removed, if anyone's curious.
Because they're a cult and cannot deal with truly diverse views. They have conflated belief and morality, and are fnorded by for example a person who has experiences with blacks but does not like blacks. None of their pat little explanations survives.
Clinton lost. She's not in a position of power to hide her crimes any more.
It wuz her turn n' shiet
why is it posted under "opinion" when its fucking fact?
The republicans have literally zero interest in reducing government spending. Trump included. Both parties love increasing the federal budget and in fact depend on it. It's pathetic really. Our whole system is a joke. it's only about what we are willing to spend our borrowed money on at this point.
Make a GoSignatureMe on the whitehouse page requesting the government defund NPR.
I will never forget Steve Inskeep angrily demanding to know what right Hungary had to complain about "refugees," since the "refugees" were seeking to eventually go to Germany anyway. There is no pretense of journalism.
That's why the FED is done with and we're going back to gold. All debt wiped out, national currency backed by precious metals. BANKERS BTFO!
lol Drumpf is fucked
Him hiring a foreign agent and 2 suspected foreign spies somehow backfired
No nonprofit just means they get tax breaks. They could conceivably get funded too, but NPR does not. Their money is from donations. The thing about them is that they constantly beg for user donations even though they have so much corporate money that they're totally secure.
It may have gotten worse in the past few years but it is very hard to tell if it is the program of it I can just notice what they are doing better. It is like the powers that be have decided to accelerate everything and they are going nearly full marx with the equality stuff. Oh well, on the plus side I have switched my car radio over to the all classical music station. I can enjoy midday mozart and feel a little bit cultured before having to deal with the savages at work.
>wtf i'm retroactively changing my vote to hillary now
Do you know there are more than 2 candidates right?
I listen to NPR because they're a reliable voice of the deep state, and an early indicator of the narratives the MSM will be pushing. Literally the day after the election they interviewed Spencer in a piece trying to link Trump to neo-Nazis.
Great description - all leftist media has become completely unlistenable as they've walked themselves over a semantic cliff like the lemmings they are. Everything is framed as race or gender or sexual orientation and as CONFLICT. Non-sequitor sounding apologies are inserted before any assertions are made, qualifying their apparent authenticity and "privilege" before speaking on any topic. It makes for bad entertainment and will absolutely destroy their audiences. I'm enjoying the downfall, myself. We'll get back to the days of cozy media eventually.
Yea - I definitely stopped listening by then. They always had those shitty oped pieces, or just shitty talking heads in general. I took it for what it was, and i still do, but now i just won't even bother. Some of their non political shit I'll still listen to on occasion, their podcast stuff. Although even with those, there tends to be a bias.
oh my god its real!
>post yfw monday comes and its true
That happens, my feelings won't be posted here. They will be posted at mosques and feminist gatherings with plenty of 7.62
Nope, sorry. At times I kind of wish someone would recognize me on Sup Forums as it would mean I had an actual friend in the real world.
They larp as "public radio" because it gives them an aire of neutrality and authority that lefitsts eat up like shit. branding.
nice to know, fbi. god you clowns are obvious.
I'm scared and sleppy i think Sup Forums is beign indited Mon
Besides the typos I completely agree. Maybe it was them, maybe I changed, idk, but now all I hear is bullshit.