pol what is the most silly conspiracy you've encountered? 'obama is osama'
Pol what is the most silly conspiracy you've encountered? 'obama is osama'
Other urls found in this thread:
- Earth is flat
- We never landed on the moon
- Bush did 9/11
- 9/11 was in a bush
- We never found land on the moon
- Earth is rhombus
- Donald Trump is actually some old actor guy
>AIDS was made by the government
>The Holocaust
Michelle Obama is a woman
Trump is actually elijah und hillary jezebell of the bible prophecies
Michelle / Melania are men
da joos
9-11 were holographic planes
The United States was founded on Christian principles.
The Civil War was fought to free the slaves.
Adolph Hitler did nothing wrong.
reptilians, sandy hook was a hoax with crisis actors
-Jews were the Chosen Ones
-Holocaust is real
-Whites instead of Jews did slavery
obv troll is obv
You have to be retarded to believe in the moon landing.
>da joos
The Planet X Nibiru Reptilian Annunaki shit
>You have to be retarded to believe white men's greatest accomplishment
Go back to There are some sects of flattards who think volcanoes are a hoax and Greenland isn't a real place.
KB thread archives(take the time to read all OP's): archive.4plebs.org
Nothing is silly about this information.
>silly conspiracy
>obam is osama
fuck you dumb fucking nigger
you are the fucking prototype boomer retard nigger
Hell yeah anon5 knows. Learn your fucking shit you NIGGERS
Aryan demigods from India/Persia (desert/jungle) somehow ended up half the planet away in snowland.
The holocaust
>most silly conspiracy I've heard of
Hitler tried to save the German nation. LOL. Zionist plant, more like.
Flat Nibiru, hollow Nibiru, 2 planet Nibiru's.
>Hitler tried to save the German nation. LOL. Zionist plant, more like.
this is true
That russians hacked our election to help someone who is more likely to go after them than aid them
not the german nation . the german people. germany had no great history. they had been defeated man times in the past and were just kind of the runt of the litter. WW2 was the parting gift to the german people and the excuse to leave that shit hole. america took in tons of germans as did argentina, canada and russia.
they hid their original nationality for generations but kept the glory of the nazi party in their hearts. they finally had something to be proud of even if it was another loss
its funny that the dutch were all to happy to move in because they also were nobodies and were happy to larp as nazi descendants. germany has almost no german blood in it
The only conspiracy is that you can be so fucking retarded. You'd think you could google a subject you yourself are mystified by.
wrong. there was no nazi glory. it was all a hoax to a) sacrifice aka "holocaust" 6 million jews so israel could exist (literally a bible prophecy) and b) reduce the strength/population of european-descendant men, mostly Germans.
alien's aren't just demons
We need to make this our next merry prank.
The Civil War wasn't fought with the intention to free the slaves, however it was fought because of slavery. The northern industrialised states knew that slavery was morally wrong, could subsist without it and sought to end it. The southern states (in part knew too, it was wrong) however the difference being abolition at that time would and did end up destroying their economy which was thriving on slavery.
So call it what you will. The civil war was fought over slavery. Not so much because Northerners were willing to die to free slaves but moreso that rich plantation owners in the south had to trick the poor fucks into fighting for them to protect their profits or they'd go broke too.