Genetically superior my ass

White people are ugly as fuck. Good thing they will all die out soon.


You're gay as shit, I hope you know that.


I'll take the fat white guy as a squadmate over a shit eating cuck. If you won't ever fight for your wives, you'll fight for nothing.

This picture has been posted every single day since the birth of Sup Forums.
I wonder how OP's life has been all those years.

"troll" harder senpai

>1/12th German
>Aryan master race

>mfw commies are going to be gassed

>The virgin (((neo-nazi)))
>The chad white nationalist

And this is why I don't date white boys

- white girl


someone shoop a nazi pro shirt on this guy


Thank you.

What the fuck
Please go die


ruh roh

You are a sick individual

I put your peers in jail for a living.

FUCK YOU!!!!! go die!

shut up subhuman tatar schizo


We master race n shiet

shit thread, truly low effort

That man has no neck.

tits or gtfo

>t. self-hating g*rmanic diaspora in AMERICA

gas all g*rmans, they are mentally ill subhumans who will stop at nothing to end whites. Same with the slavs. As someone who's lived in g*rmania, I can tell you that they are terrible people. Truly the worst. I cannot imagine what their diaspora in AMERICA must be like. Probably even more terrible and self-hating like this specimen here, posting in order to get (you)s from several other butthurt g*rmanic diaspora AMERICANS.