Obesity is gross, and makes me hate my country.
What can be done politically about it?
Obesity is gross, and makes me hate my country.
What can be done politically about it?
more awareness that being fat is not ok
subsidize fitness clubs, gyms or fold their subsidy into healthcare
ead the fuging salad :DD
fat/sugar taxes
this. fat taxes please.
Publicly shit on the countless retarded holistic health snake oils and diet plans, teach people that shit is as simple as calories-in-calories-out, go for a fucking jog every now and then, cut down on sugar and high fructose corn syrup.
Dissolve the "Body Positivity" deliriousness. Bully fat people until they decide to drop weight out of spite. Don't let any fat fucks spread their idiocy. Limit welfare and what food stamps can be spent on so all those poor class fat fucks stop munching on junk food.
Rather than a Fat Tax, try the opposite. Reward those who are close to a healthy weight. You get a simple physical checkup that lists your weight, file that with your taxes and get a little write off.
Outlaw cornsyrup, make fat people pay more for their health insurance, tax fatten foods
either way you know we'd hear bullshit about """thin privilege""" which would ultimately lead into a white privilege argument because more blacks are gigantic
Maybe not that simple.
68.5% combined obese and overweight in 2011-2012
meaning it's like 95% right now
>40 million niggers. 76% are fat (30 mil.)
>~21 million people in scandinavia
> 27 million if you count all nordic countries.
>there are more fat niggers in USA than there are people in scandinavia/northern europe
I don't feel like watching a 16 minute video. tldr about the deeper problem?
I'll bet this nigger can't walk, someone has to roll his fat ass around like a beachball
This, probably 75% now, and 95% in 20 years.
I've talked to many people about their BMI. They often don't believe they are overweight and that BMI is bullshit. There's no medical evidence BMI is not accurate, unless you have a lot of muscle. Most Americans don't have a lot of muscle. So for like 98% of the population, BMI is a totally accurate measurement.
On top of that, I've been shamed for being skinny. I'm 10% body fat approximately, and 100 years ago I would be the norm, but today I get made fun of for being a healthy weight. Totally ridiculous.
>increased sugar intake in diet causes insulin resistance and thus type 2 diabetes in humans
>type 2 diabetes causes obesity (as opposed to vice versa)
fuck forgot relevant pepe
Cows were raised because they take inedible calories (grass) and edible calories (excess grains and other crops), and convert them into edible food.
Fat fucks are just doing the same thing. If we ever go through a famine, we can harvest the calories from the fat fucks and feed the elites.
the thing is people aren't getting fat on normal food. For most people that would a challange if not impossible to do.
You need unnatural stuff like sugar drinks, medication etc. to have this much fatness.
You can almost see it when somebody is naturally fat vs stimulated fat.
in that case it would be better to feed the fat fucks to pigs and then eat the pigs.
Politically? Nothing ethical.