How to mock this ridiculous LARPING?


>hurr durr this politician slightly resembles the villain in this (fictional universe) so I will dress up as the good guys to RESIST haha have fun guise

They call right wing commentators basement dwellers, but the only analogies they can make are from children’s books or science fiction

Other urls found in this thread:

what are they even dressing up as?
I'm assuming something from harry potter since libs seem to love that shit for some reason

They have the minds of children.

>Tfw 4chinz autism and larping has seeped into the real world
t. guy who's dad works at Nintendo

Impossible to mock.

If you dress up like a Knight of Gondor and say you're gonna push back the niggork invasion, they call you a nerd racist

If you call them nerd commies when they dress up as handmaids, they call you ignorant racist

Nothing you can do against this faggot shit. Not pride parades, not this kind of larping, and not antifa. All you can do is provoke them to violence and then beat the shit out of them

What fictional universe is this from? I don't have any idea what this is?

something about handmaiden's tails

Women have contributed nothing of value to civilization. I hope they continue the exercise for the rest of their lives. Society would be better off.

look how fucking fat they are ahahahahaha

So these women are using a fictional version of Christianity based on Islamic practices to protest a Christian?

This isn't a strawman. This is a godzilla megamechazord strawman.


It’s from a show based on a (((Margaret Atwood))) novel where women are controlled, enslaved, and forced to have children. Basically their deepest fantasies about being dominated by men

maybe they should dress up as oppressed muslim women

Who is paying these skanks to play dress up? This doesn't just happen organically.

All fat as shit, lazy Leftist parasite scum

Prolly Hunger Games, aka a total ripoff of the superior Battle Royale

and people make fun of anime/comic cosplay.

Has that cuck ever been in a fight? Or is he just trying to spur children to fight for him?

Yes, they do. Women are fucking nuts. This is stuff they fantasize about while expressing outrage.

This is as organic as nerdy white men LARPing as knights.

They get their politics through consumerism. It's pathetic.

How is this supposed to convince anyone?
>a weird cult is protesting Mike Pence, I'm a HillShill now!

Christ this is awesome. Is EVERYBODY mocking Trump/Pence these days? These women are ass kickers! I love me some liberal left women!!!!!!

Point out that all of the evils in the Handmaids society can be found in the Muslim world worldwide?

Liberals think the burqa is enpowering

This. Every single one of these women failed to receive an alpha's cock and they're screaming into the empty air for one.

Fuck him up, girls! Consider it revenge for his life as a sex predator.

its nice to see women dressed modestly

I always wanted to be a Stormtrooper and I thought Death Eaters seemed cool. I don't know what a Mockingjay is. Fuck off.

>protesting through pop culture


Kick Trump directly in his fat fucking face America! He deserves all of it and more for his hateful, divisive, cancerous campaign of White Supremacy.


>the silver fox made white liberal women not dress like whores for once

Are we gonna make it, you guys?


Wait, is he making these women dress modestly by his very presence? Electric Fence Pence is fucking magical.

handmaids? we showed him... i seriously dont get how this is suppose to a protest?

Handmaiden's Tale
Basically it's a story written by a Canadian, probably jew. White Christians take over America and institute harsh punishments for lesbians, gays, sluts, etc.
Fertile women are made to be handmaidens and serve the men and bear children since infertility is a major issue.
The society is actually very islamic but the shit writer tries to pass christianity off as being evil that cuts off hands and eyes

Yeah, we know. Rightwing dipshits don't read.

Trust us. Pence is being clowned hard.

I think it's these women's moral duty to keep up this mocking, for the rest of their lives. They'll mock our ancestors so much, that our civilization might even have a future.

>probably jew
Look at this picture and tell me she's anything but a filthy kike.

Man, I really fucked up this post.


And Leftists say they're intellectuals.

i don't even know these niggas

>hurr durr this politician slightly resembles the protagonist in this (fictional universe) so I will make memes about it and post it online all day long MAGA haha have fun guise

What a waste of time and money. Why didn't these retards help the poor/homeless? All that time and money wasted on a protest nobody cares about.

It's from a shitty book that basically switches Islam with Christianity and talks about how the evil white Christian patriarchy oppresses women.

Dressing up as a Margaret Atwood super deep™ made-up fictional rape fantasy with no parallels in real life or history.

But why?



And then.

>Fight the empire
But the Empire did nothing wrong.

What the fuck? I saw a woman dressed up like this just today, and I live in SoCal.

I wanted to be in Slytherin.

Voldemort was right
Hunger Games is trash
The Empire was right

This is more or less how all women should be compelled to dress. Women who complain should be severely beaten by their fathers or husbands, and men who object should be jailed or executed. It's called civilization, and actions necessary to give it a future (monogamy, stable families, containment of degeneracy). Fuck these hopelessly retarded cunts, and fuck the hopelessly degenerate modern world.

Slytherin is trash only for the fact that their room doesn't have any natural sunlight.

they say he looks like Robert Duvall?

i don't really see it, but whatever

That cuck can't even hide his weak jaw with a beard

>basically switches Islam with Christianity
Funny you say that. I mentioned this exact thing when I watched it with my wife. Conditioning at its finest.

>activism through pop culture references that few will get the context of

>WE SHOWED HIM! SCREW the patriarchy!!1!1

Also, I might be wrong about this, but I don’t think there are any nogs in the show

These people are children. They have been so thoroughly indoctrinated by the jew media that they blindly follow the fairy tales they seen on TV and in the movies.

>no parallels

What are they protesting against? Islam?

turn the tables... tell them to turn off the TV, get out of their basements, and experience the real world

Hebrew hook gives it away

if you wouldn't mention that he, apperently, resembles some fictional antagonist i wouldn't have made the connection

just baka desu

Unless you live with sand-people, ya

does playing pretend count?

why do you actually care?

this will be forgotten in a few days

Between the illegals,the stoners,and anti gun fags, this state can't burn fast enough

These women made costumes, organized and got national attention.

You are on a computer in Mommy's basement. So...

but yall qaedia and bundy ranch

they dressed up as niggers

>whores screeching topless to mock someone
>whores dressed as nuns/whatever to mock someone
In both cases they just promoting how it would be wonderful to not have such whores around or make them into normal human beans.

That's awfully racist and Islamaphobic

maybe you cucks should yell fake news and lock her up for the next couple days. Maybe that will make the big bad Federal Bureau of Investigation give up. You already tried that and everyone laughed at you?


This person delivered weapons, organized and got national attention.
You are on a computer in Mommy's basement. So...

My wife wanted to watch and I made fun of it the whole time.

Why are they past-shaming?

Why are weebs etc looked down yet people like this get a free pass?

>implying the right didnt spend the entire last 8 years crying about obongo rounding them up into FEMA camps and LARPed as militiamen

>These women made costumes, organized and got national attention.

But in reality they are the choir and their singing to themselves. They wasted a lot of time and money for nothing.

>You are on a computer in Mommy's basement. So...

You're far too stupid to understand what a successful 21st-century insurgency looks like. Or who's conducting it. Which is why you've lost.

reminds me of this

Read books you fucking pleb.

obviously Trump needs to hold a rally as Vader with the attendees as storm troopers