I expected something like this picture but you guys are actually prettynice
First day on Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
Well.....welcome to literal hell. Enjoy your stay. You can check out but you can never leave.
Thank you :)
It's very easy to end up in heated arguments on here
Tyrone, please get out before they can give you permanent brain damage. It's too late for me, but you can still make it....RUNNNNN!
Assuming they have already bewitched you, don't use a username/tripcode. We are all user here
Someone in other thread made fun of my name so im user now
This user posts on his first day here. What a fucking legend.
thanks nigger
Get out while you can, trust me, ignorance IS A BLISS.
Hello newfriend! I hope you enjoy the rest of your time on our fabulous website!
required viewing
So is this place literally hitler like the sjw faggots claim? I am skeptical
Red Pill number 1!
Nazis and Commies are pretty much the same damn thing.
Haha cool
piss off kike
Sup Forums is the kid
let me tell you about the jews
Welcome to Sup Forums enjoy your stay.
My first day on Sup Forums was in 2006. It was Sup Forums and one of the first threads was literal CP. I didn't come back again for about a year. My buddy convinced me too and how to navigate it all.
Shadilay newfag
Get off my board you stupid fucking nigger faggot piece of shit.
We're pretty soft these days, can still be ired but it takes a lot more.
Only if you are not a shitposter, shill, JIDF, a LARP, a leaf or a dumbass(don't get confused with leaf) using meme flags like the democratic party or kekistan
You still have a chance to be a normal person.
Leave now.
Gibe mone pls
similar to how my 1st day went lmao.
welcome to neo-Sup Forums fgt, the rules are pretty much the same, lurk for at least 6 months and then start postin'
All socialism is for weaklings. Hitler died like like a little bitch.
Its only a matter of time until you get redpilled and then comes your friends and family.
Welcome to the end of you enjoying anything.
I think i like it here. I hope u dont mind if i just lurk for a while
Leave now. Not even concern trolling. This place will change your life in every way possible in the weirdest ways imaginable.
Get out now.
Apparently he was alive according to the CIA well into the 50's and beyond.
In case you didn't know this is sort of a hot meme right now, might want to keep it going
Anybody got the image of a circular room titled "The Cycle of Sup Forums" ending with 2 doors labled with a Gadsden and a Swastika?
Your first redpill congrats \
see pic related
>little bitch
>cia docs confirm it wasn't suicide
>probably still alive, small chance
just like a little bitch
Welcome to Paradies.
Lurk moar faggot
fuck off lolbiterian faggot
In about a month you'll distrust nonwhites, especially your fellow niggers, and you'll be jerking off to lolis. Enjoy!
Listen to this man, no one truly comes back from the blackpill
This is a redpill thread now.
I wish you good fortune in the years to come; you'll need it.
You have crossed a great rubicon, young user. Biases and perceptions are fickle things that can be exploited, first hand experience is where its at.
welcome to the hotel polifornia
>First day on Sup Forums
Is there anything more embarrassing than a newfag? And they don't even lurk nowadays - it makes me sick.
Lurk moar you stupid faggot
>if you are a weak, little bitch
There is no turning back
Yes and no.
Thanks for announcing your arrival ....FAG GET ON YOUR KNEES AND FUCKING SAGE! .....
Oh and get ready to start hating Jews.