We want to separate!
This country is shit!
Let us go fuck!
Vote Bloc de Quebécois!
please separate now while you still have 80% of our refugees
I voted! It's her (his) turn?
plus, I can stop seeing the word 'rape' on all my bags of shredded cheese
Why do you want to separate?
How can anyone say fuck you back when you all fuck yourselves before they get a chance??
The rest of canada has always made fun of quebec, so please, separate, you traitor.
Only a true cuck would hate their own country so much as to wish for it's destruction - on the bright side, because of what's happening in france, you can finally call yourselves 'real french people'
We do everything for Canada! And get nothing!! We were here before canada was even a Country fuck!
>eating plastic cheese
Why don't you get that we are Quebec, not France or Canada? Is it because you're a chinese immigrant and these things are too complicated for you to understand?
We will separate and your family will starve! Begging for pastries at our border scumbag!!!! We will stomp the life from your dog children fuck
>We do everything for Canada! And get nothing!!
What do you mean by "we do everything for Canada". If anything, your province get's preferential treatment.
People from quebec i knew were mostly cool
Better than anglo leafs
>not rapeing your own cheese
And we should, because the only reason we joined Canada in the first place was so we could continue our traditions
But some people actually like being dictated to by Ottawa, I guess
I honestly hope they do
First, it punishes the ultra-liberals and shakes public faith in their ability to hold the country together. That's great.
Second, it removes the biggest leech in the canadian economy next to toronto itself. Another bonus.
Third, it further decentralizes the political structure of north america and sets the stage for western canada to break away from toronto's clutches
For kebekkers, well, they think it will be awesome, but they have no large trading ports and will have all their goods tariffed by Canada. Their economy will be crushed, AND they've got the majority of Canada's refugees to pay for. It doesn't make much economic sense for them, but all the power to them. I agree that the political gains outweigh the financial losses.
Im quebecois and to separate is a bad idea. Have you looked at our politicians??
What about, say, the Port of Montreal? Or the fact that all the shipping that goes to Ontario passes through Quebec, and if you tariff us we can tariff you much harder
The separatist movements died in the 90s, now its full of multicult lefties that want to turn quebec into a melting pot, what is even the point of separation if we are just going to turn into a smaller canada
>mu--muh economic reasons
Nevermore the fact that we receive the most equalization payments, our economy thrives on the fact we shortcut the rest of the country to provide deals to outside companies so they choose to move here and operate on our cheap soil.
Nevermind the fact the rest of Canada has paid for literally all the buildings and infrastructure in this province, or the fact all of the land is owned by the queen and country. And we won't be paying for any of it.
Never mind the fact this land was owned by natives long before white man showed up and Quebec has absolutely zero right to it. The natives decided to give it to canada. And it will be returned to the natives long before its given to Quebec.
Nevermind all that! And Fuck canada!
Separate Quebec!!!! Fuck canada!!!!! Separate Quebec!!!!!
>And we should, because the only reason we joined Canada in the first place was so we could continue our traditions
Quebec was allowed to keep it's culture because we wanted you to join Canada of your own volition. Quebec was the reason we adopted a multicultural stance in the first place as we wanted to live side by side instead of assimilating you into our culture. I think most people now see that as mistake considering how ungrateful you guys are.
it's in spic, but it's clear
> since ref
> quebec grows at a lower rate than rest of canada
> avg canadian is 6000 dollars richer than quebec cit
> major companies have left
What exactly should I be grateful for? You tried to assimilate us (even going so far as to ban the French language at times) and failed, so we don't owe you anything. If we can keep our traditions in Canada, we'll stay in Canada. If not, we'll leave. That's that
>The natives decided to give it to canada.
So they lost their right to it
Did you know in 1992 we were told you guys could leave and our economy would barely suffer (at that time)?
The Prime Minister dissolved the economic council responsible for reporting that information.
Y'all deserve to be your own independent thing, we have two distinct cultures. I just hope that, if ever the day comes when the tyranny is put to an end and our people are freed from the shackles of the system, that we can be friendly neighbors. I love the French Canadians.
Here's something written by someone who has lived in Canada and who speaks a language spoken in Canada. As a bonus, it's also from this year:
Good luck paying for your bullshit alone. Maybe take a look at your public employee pensions and realize you literally can't stand on your own.
I'm not chinese, but it would be funny if you were implying that they are more problematic than a demograph known for it's alchoholism.
At least our chinese are conservative mostly, or they were prior to the housing manipulation shit, and unfortunately settled here pretty early too.
Wait, what does quebec do for canada besides house their refugees?? What value do they have economically??
All my life growing up in Canada, the only thing I have ever heard from quebecois, and I'm sure most of us see this as one of their defining features, is the constant complaining. Okay, you think quebec would be more productive by itself?? Why??
Why should canada event want a group of so extremely bitter people?? over all these generations, I can only assume that bitterness is starting to encode itself into your dna. Why do you hate canada so much?
What did french canadian culture bring the world besides fucking cirque du soleil? i hate that shit
the popularity of mimes would be dead if it weren't for these fucks, they're the white people that white people love to hate, and they really do it to themselves
>implying anyone wants to be part of Canada
>implying anyone wants to have a fucking leaf in flag
It's the most squareheaded thing in the world to think that Quebec wants to be independent to "be more productive"
No, we want a country for our people
Why don't you start another riot or kidnap some politicians, that worked out so well for you and your voter base last time.
>Implying anyone gives a shit about Argentina
Shouldn't you be out with you 20 cousins kicking a soccer ball around your favella? Fuck off Paco, whites are talking.
I'll admit quebec has a unique culture, but I dare someone from there to explain to me what is good about it, or what about it could inspire any kind of pride.
Maybe I have you guys wrong, now's the time to show us quebec isn't all public drinking, refugees and cirque du soleil style humor.
Don't think I'm saying our government is without problems, however.
I love how every canadian acts like a brain damaged retard on here except the british canadians. Really makes you think.
so you want a native reserve the size of eastern canada
wait, so you're pretending to be a stereotypical quebecois to make them look bad..???
this is the standard of intelligence and rational thinking for francophones and their fake culture
Anyone?? I recognize the value of unique cultures, and the need to keep them alive.
If there's anything of value in quebecois culture beyond fucking poutine, now is the time to show it, otherwise this is just a case of a bunch of inbred drunkards pretending their family history has the same kind of value and refinement in it's cultures and traditions as, say, Japanese or German culture.
I'd recommend you look up the term 'embarassment' in a dictionary and run it through a translator.
Haha Nah this entire thread was a bad troll. I'm actually living in alberta and hate Quebec, but the struggle is real I guess. I find it fucking hilarious desu and couldn't give a fuck.
fuck canada and justin castro. viens chez nous on va race war soon
It’s a bit of Europe in North America.
That’s why it’s good.
Faggot can take a long hard hydraulic suck off my phat superior cock.
fair enough
> For about 50 years Quebec was subsidized by Danegeld from the wealthier mainly English-speaking provinces through a welter of transfer payments, adding up to perhaps $2,000 for every Francophone Quebec man, woman, and child, per year. Separatism, in the triumph of bourgeois French-Canadian prudence over hell-for-leather emotionalism, has effectively collapsed.
This thread is exactly why whites are going to become a minority in our country. There can never be any unity among Anglo's and Quebecois.
Fuck u ontario fucks
Because it's ours
Shouldn’t you be out trapping beavers, wrangling bags of milk, and blowing sasquatches?
This desu i dont actually hate the rest of canada just want our two cultures to prosper into the future seperately until the time comes we need eachother again.
Well we have received and do receive transfer payments, but we could deal with it if they stopped. The provincial government of Quebec is even running a surplus
Quebec can fuck off whenever they want, they want all the benefits of being Canadian without being Canadian.
milk bags are a meme, and we trap beavers to sell your people imitation raspberry flavor to feed to your kids
I know it's yours;
but what defines it in a way that inspires pride beyond that??? How does it differ from an outsider's view of your culture? what is quebec culture?
shouldn't you be out squatting and chain smoking infront of liquor stores in your track suit?
Ever seen a map? The city I live in is fucking WEST of Vienna.
You’re thinking of imitation vanilla.
It is the culture of the French-Canadian people, and we have inherited it from our ancestors and will pass it on to our children.
You can leave when we get the billions of dollars in extradition payments back and all the money we wasted printing French on everything.
Your children will starve at our borders bagging for malk we will stomp the life from there skinny dog bodies.
And to think I thought it was just yanks that were all:
>muh english
East, West, North or South, a slav will always smoke and squat. It's in your nature.
yes I am, my bad
are you a bot?? you said that already, I'm asking you to elaborate.
I think what we all really need is a separation from the crown. How can this be achieved?? also it would probably lead to french canadian independance
Pretty tough talk from a people that puts signs up saying “A nuclear free zone.”
You don’t get out much. Must be all that Kraft Dinner.
nah, lets just keep asking for more and more money till the anglocucks finally kick us out.
No culture. ahHAA
>Bloc de Quebécois
Bait thread. Party is misnamed in topic.
I agree, Quebec can leave only if they pay for the land and infrastructure which is all owned by Canada and the queen.
After they separate, they will no longer be able to give such sweet deals to all those companies that took advantage of them rock bottom Quebécois prices and they will move to alberta.
Alberta / Calgary is going to be the place to be, all the tech companies are going to move in. It's going to be the new "silicone valley" plus our oilsands, Alberta will rule.
Quebec is pretty based. Do Anglos still get to live here?
this thread has lead me to believe that everyone in quebec lacks internet access
Umm, we don't need nukes. We have america.....
Good eye cunt
>Vote Bloc de Quebécois!
>We want to separate!
>This country is shit!
>Let us go fuck!
Vote to join the US. But only east of Montreal. They can keep them.
They are lacking in ALOT of places
no, the lack of examples of culture are the problem
Never been to quebec. Seems like a lot of people hate them for some reason. If you guys hate french people so much why do you care if they seperate or not
Uh, do you forget who has the top dairy industry in Canada?
A culture is a way of life that you are fully immersed in. I can never be fully immersed in anything that is not my culture so I have no means to tell you the differences between the two. Though I can think of one example among many that I've noticed for a while now. A few years ago, I was visiting an Anglo friend of mine who lives with his brother, and they had a pet dog. Now, his brother referred to the dog as his dog. This surprised me, since my family considers things like pets to be common property of everyone in the house (a more Catholic view of things) rather than something that can exclusively belong to one person (the Protestant understanding of things). Now, none of us had an articulated understanding on our views towards ownership among property in a family, but our cultures managed to pass them on to us in a way that we didn't even notice. So this is one difference among many, and I hope this explains why I can't comment.
And I thought a while back that a good compromise for the monarchy would be to declare that the Jacobites are the legitimate kings of Canada. They're still of an English line, but they're Catholic and have an association with France, so it's a good solution for Canada.
>”my dad can beat up your dad”
Thank you for the response, this explains why quite well actually, subtle nuances definitely build a culture's foundation.
I think most canadians know almost nothing of quebec, myself included.
Hey guy, your cows are shit
Produce shitty Malk.
Dairy and meat cows
we make better milk.
Calgary is aka Cowtown
We hold the calgary stampede every year
The greatest outdoor show on earth
Way better then your faggy fucking circus
can I vote for the bloc from manitoba
I want quebec to leave
That's because they've been groomed into hating Canadiens.
I like how the Liberal government hates Quebec, but just doesn't want it to separate. It makes no fucking sense.
We are simply developed and superior
We don't need nuclear bombs
Nobody dares to fuck with canada...
haha I was just wondering an hour ago, why aren't the french yet screaming to separate due to nigger spam
You make no fucking sense.
Is this the future for catalonia?
Bostonian checking in leafs. I love Montreal. I love you guys. Please behave.
>french culture
blue nuit
I wonder this too, for a place historically labelled racist by media, why is there silence regarding all the refugee camps?? what's going on there?
nobody else has these camps afaik
The reason nobody fucks with Canada is because of the Monroe Doctrine. Not because of your lumberjack blood.
Dirty dirty Americants piping in.
Whatevs yo
Canada is best country excluding quebec
What's happening with Spain vs. Catalonia would never happen for Canada vs Quebec. It seems like you guys are headed towards violence
I don't want them to separate but I would have huge respect for them if they did it for that reason
Best at what?
Quebec is the best part of Canada.