Do you support Catalan independence?
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The last Catalonian who I talked to was a faggot
So yes and no
>a pussy exit bag
Can we make these a thing in America?
It seems Sup Forums is in agreement with (((them))) for once.
vote's nearly 50/50 rn, too early for any definitive statements
The ultimate feminist act should be suicide so that the patriarchy can't oppress and sexually harass them anymore.
>the EU is against Catalan
>Soros funds EU
>Soros supports Catalan
>Trump is against Catalan
>Catalan is full of Communists and Muslims
>could cause the EU to fall apart or into Soros' hands
I don't know but I love the memes.
Voted yes. Not strictly pro-Catalan, but strictly anti-EU.
i support independence movements from globalist kikery but unfortunately catalonia is permanently pozzed.
still support but only for laffs.
And Soros supports Catalonia.
I think we should stay out of this one, smells like a trap.
>supporting nation states that don't care about you, your race, culture, etc
supporting Catalan independence only makes sense though, who the fuck would ever want to be part of Spain?
I really haven't giving it much attention, but I heard someone say that independence would fuck with the EU. If that's the case, then i'm all for it.
You know you've made it when you get a meme flag on Sup Forums
Loving the new pussy hats
>OP's pic
Hot. Was she abused? Tell me there's a video.
>..jews living in...
Does it means that Jews living in Iberia are not Spaniards not Catalonians?
so, what are they? is "jewish" a nationality?
if it makes things harder for the EUSSR im all for it
if they are commies then its good for spain to dump them
if they arent commies its good for them to dump spain
if it encourages other places to break free from their masters it good overall
you should add one fights the bull the other preps the bull
How much will soros pay me to support it like he did all the catalan officials ?
Don't support Catalans, support their independence.
If their king is too much of a pussy to fix their situation and get them out of the EU then go for it.
I support anything that would weaken the EU
>no I don't give a fuCK option
Catalonians do not want out of the EU. They want more diversity and more gender studies programs but they want it their way.
They're the California of Spain.
I support any people who have the balls to tell their federal state "eat a dick".
No, theyre fucking commies
the separatists are literally all communists.
They held a public vote and like 30% of people voted for separation, and according to Catalan govt, because 30% want it, fuck the other 70%, we separatist now.
Floyd Mayweather?
Jews dont have nationality or homeland
Of Catalonia's six largest parties, three support independence and three do not.
The largest party, which is center-right, supports independence. The second largest party, which is center/center-left, does not.
Make of that what you will.
Why does half of Sup Forums support Catalan? What is this?
Spain already gives the finger to the EU but a weak nation state like Catalan would let refugees and EU (((reform))) into Spain by proxy
>What is necrophilia
As a burger with no concept of the world outside my own country, I really don't give a fuck. Just leave us out of this mess.
Jewish is a tree of ethnic identities, the Spanish Jews are probably Sephardic as opposed to the Ashkenazim Jews that are so well known on Sup Forums for their caricatures.
A lot of Sup Forums is pro-nationalism
Nope. Matter of fact, if it boils over into a war I'll travel to Spain and volunteer to keep those faggot commies down.
pick one
Yes, because last time Spain entered a Civil War we got Spanish Mausers. I love my Spanish Mauser so we need another Spanish Civil War to see what Spain sends us this time.
I can kind of see that point of view but at the same time if your existence must be forced by an institution like the EU you don't have your independence, only a different master.
The EU has proven to be a very bad authority for most Western European countries.
no, but it fucks with the EU . im torn.
thats to protect the EU, and because theyre losiing a lot of money. jews will take over catalonia anyways. they ALWAYS play both sides
Why would anyone not want the Gov to purge the Commies? Makes no sense.
I really enjoyed my visit to Barcelona many years ago so as long as they stay a nice place I don't care. Really hated the gypsies in Madrid
kinky broad
All government fracturing is good.
They will now answer to a globalist institution
Yes, every man should chose to be free.
Seriously? Armenian, I guess?
Catalans are frankly in the right. They shouldn’t be forced to remain in Spain or pay taxes to them if they don’t want to. The “weakening of Spain” argument cited by unionists is weak because there’s no negatives to a weaker Spain. Spain hasn’t been relevant in centuries, a weaker Spain only harms Spain. It’s not like say weakening the US or Germany which would in fact have global effects, imo negative, since they dole out foreign aid and function as the worlds police.
I dont know
Hopefully, Southern California will be the next to secede.
The cultural divide between Catalonia and Spain means it would actually strengthen Spain.
If Mexico was a bunch of commies telling the YS to go fuck itself, it wouldn't do the US or Mexico any good for the US to force it to be the 51st state. Now a whole culture opposed to you that values all the opposite shit your country does is part of you. And they vote.
Spain is fucking retarded, as is their traditional, primitive, brainless, forceful, ineffective nature.
Oh my God this fucking dog is so cute.
No, and if we had nukes, we should use that place as testing grounds.
Not like there's anything worth saving there, maybe in a few years when the radiation is gone the place can be rebuilt into something decent.
Jews here are against the communists of Podemos too.
The moment they get their country, they'll be fighting for the independence of the smaller provinces in Catalonia.
Not only that but you can still trade with Catalonia once it’s an independent nation. Shit if they join the EU as is likely, Spanish citizens won’t even need a passport to enter Catalonia. It’s a nothing burger.
Important question
Are catalan independence supporters communists?
Is catalonia a breeding ground for communists?
>Is catalonia a breeding ground for communists?
It always was.
We need to stop them
Yeah down to the point where neighbors will be fighting about the sovereignty of their respective farms.
Yes but only if it kicks off a wave of Balkanization that finally gets the fucking french to leave.
I just wanna see if seccession from a country with a rothschild central bank is possible, and the last world war started with spanish civil war
I want to see Catalonia independent just so it collapses from its shitty liberal commie government and beg Spain to take it back
Oh really?
Tell me more how cute he is.
These burgers understand.
Besides, shitting on Catalonia is a popular pastime throughout most of Spain. One would assume that the Catalan exit would be welcomed.
Daily reminder that the Catalan parliament did not approve the independence yesterday, but to “begin the constitutive process”.
Poltards have been easily deceived again.
no these guys are complete lliberal commie lunatics.
Yes but if they join the EU after gaining independence from Spain the whole thing is a pointless exercise.
I might sympathize with them if their movement wasn't run by fucking idiots.
>Okay guys, the most crucial part for this is that the other countries side with our movement. EU, what do you say?
>Absolutely not.
>Great, lets go ahead with it then!
>tfw no son I can debar you from talking
No, this is all due to Soros and Putin. Spain is a great country and Catalan is part of it.
Texas was full of shit and California is even more full of shit.
They'll still expect all the things that come with being part of the United States and they'll still bitch and moan about Trump.
I like EU getting the taste of its own medicine (supported Chechen separatists; Kosovo's independence without any referendum). Got loads of popcorn for this.
just like nu/pol/ always do
>No, and if we had nukes, we should use that place as testing grounds.
that's why you'll never get nukes, you're a non reliable country
Catalonia will get nukes to protect itself against the southern monkey ass lickers
yes fuck the eu and their shitty globalist agendas.
>Not in support in the hopes that civil war will occur and bring righteous fury against the EU for failing on its founding principle once again, have Junker/Tusk removed and force it to reform or disband
Big picture people..
Catalonia makes (((them))) afraid.