I just don't know anymore, I used to watch the Young Turks but lately they haven't been so good. I also like raiohead.
Whats is the best source for actual news?
Other urls found in this thread:
You're on it
God help us all.
fpbp /thread
the daily beast
This is actually the best answer, but...
if you've learned the skill of information processing and discernment as it relates to this forum.
Real life conversation with someone you personally trust.
No such thing. Read news from as many different countries that you can. From left and right, black and white, jew and anti-jew. Places were they agree, that's the only sure reality you can glean from the falsehoods.
Every news station has a form of their own bias you just have to pick the best one you think is creditable, my main source of news is braitbart I don’t fucking care what others think but braitbart is usually spot on half of the time with their articles not all of them.
good journalism cost money. Economist or Financial Time. Protip: you can't afford them.
Sup Forums is not a good source because it's too easily manipulated by edgelords.
Sup Forums will help you find pure gold but you can't take everything for face value without research
Also Breitbart aside from their pro Israel shit
lol for real
Fpbp, I love you pol
mmmhmmmm the value of the most mundane university essays on what one side of an arguement thinks. thats totally not something you can find anywhere
They're all 99% opinion pieces which can all be discarded. If you're looking for real news find the articles, on any of these sites, that simply report the issues at face value.
It's easy enough to spot. When you see an article about tax reform does the article mention the numbers it passed by and the time table for enacting it or is the title, "GOP passes budget and here's how it will kill millions". I'm sure you can figure out which one you should pay attention to. And, like I said, even lefty rags can have non-opinionated articles that would be reasonable to read.
pol is the best new source because if you can learn how to filter and pick apart bullshit you get the closest, hardest hitting thing to the truth there is. For every edgelord is some faggot who counters him, and by the end of a thread you have an unbiased, personal opinion, molded from the arguments of a bunch of autists who both know and don't know anything. pol filters itself.
you mean think for yourself? is that even legal?
THIS. This is the annoying truth. Every single news source has an agenda, an inherent bias. Even Sup Forums, even WikiLeaks, everything. If you really care about finding the most truthful real information then you have to read as much as possible from as many sources as possible and connect the dots to draw a conclusion based on similarities. Seeking the truth is a metric fuck load of work and requires constantly venturing outside of your comfort zone, which is why humans are so prone to falling into echo chambers.
>Unironically watches TYT for news
>post on Sup Forums
Pick one
>God help us all
God is dead and left killed him.
YouTube, Styxhexenhammer666
>I used to watch the Young Turks
Kill yourself faggot. Chunk Yogurt needs to get a heart attack and die already
Get off of the news and work on your local community right the fuck now dumbass
Seriously leaf you better be shitposting. I'll come and rake your pubic hair if you are serious.
I like to switch news sources over time so I can learn a variety of perspectives.
Except for economic illiterates. I just can't handle them.
Sup Forums retard
Seriously don't worry about the news.
I've been lucky enough to go through months of media blackouts from time to time.
Nothing ever changes. Develop a personal culture, leave the mainstream behind.
Give up news for 6 months. You won't miss anything. You'll actually probably learn something real if you read a fucking book.
NPR, Christian Science Monitor, Deseret News, and the New York Times.
These are my main sources of news.
I'm blonde-haired, blue eyes, LDS, have qt gf, engineering student, 6'5.
Unironically this
Use pol for real news and good commentary, use t_d and drudge for headlines and quick scanning of top stories of the day. Don't read the idiot cringe comments on t_d and don't click on drudge links and you'll be fine.
There is a lot of shit to sift through but that's part of the fun.