Leftists memes > Alt Right memes
Remember goys, the left CAN meme
>not a single original thought
this is now a F A S C I S T A E S T H E T I C A thread, post your fucking fashwave
he comes here, makes a thread, loses, comes back with a different attempt, repeat
you are here so much
why dont you just go on out and say"am i funny yet pol? do you guys think im funny yet?" :(
stop being so tryhard, comedy doesnt work that way baybee
>These Youtube Level Memes
>It's literally just the hipster aesthetic meme
I like it when the left tries to meme
Nice disjointed color tie/collar, Hitler.
the only reason why the left cant meme its because they are a literal meme by themselves
what the fuck is going on in that bottom panel
Left, please just stop
>not a single original thought
followed by
>not recognizing a quality meme
Like fuck, is it my wishful thinking or is this really their current meme level? Is this some actual lefty’s shot at demonstrating the left’s capability?
>please clap
>stale ass
Do you have to type like a nigger?
fuck I didn't see the brainlet wojack coming
Explain this meme to me. I've broken it apart as best as I can but I've got NOTHING
>no minority memers
this is extremely intolerant, therefore unfunny, next!
Leftard memes are so cringey, it's like a train wreck I can't look away
Could he end up deleting these?
Is it worth screening them?
wrong thread kms