Blacks in America deserve repatriations now
Blacks in America deserve repatriations now
They're going to get the gas.
Ever considered that the niggers in the OP did something that justified the hanging?
I agree. Just look at that poor starving woman... makes me tear up in my working eye.
500 years of oppression!
it was called "Welfare" and the Great Society.
Give them reparations with the stipulation that they never bitch about racism or oppression again and I'm game.
They certainly deserve to pay reparations for their improved living conditions at our expense. When do they send the checks? Oh wait, they get welfare mostly. FML
Nope. They are our enemies and will not get a fucking dime.
YES, rePATRIATIONS, as you say.
To Liberia, Nigeria, Congo, Zimbabwe. All expenses paid, Us citizenship removed.
And why should they get money from me, a second generation American who's ancestry lies in South Europe?
Ayo dun be downplayin' muh oppression.
6 gorjillion yrs ov it muh nyyyyguh.
I'd gladly give them repatriation if they renounce citizenship for it
The blacks used jewish slaves to build the pyramids
They get NOTHING
We'll pay when they step off the boat onto African soil. Then we sink the boat.
we already have welfare and food stamps and affirmative action and altered test scores and preferred college enrollment and several magazines, television channels, and political organization specifically designed to promote black issues and culture?
You should be exempt. Do you know anything about sailing large boats full of niggers? Perhaps we could hire you to assist. As long as you don't come back with any, we'll give you a free empty neighborhood in the city of your choice!
Hm that's pretty good. We should offer them a full $800 plane ticket on the American tax payers to return to Africa.
They commit what the KKK did their entire lifespan every fucking year. Back to slave labor for them.
Repatriations to Africa? Sure.
It seems harsh to the untrained eye but these blacks were actually trying to enter a whites only restaurant, so.
You’re either delusional or a nigger. Which is it?
We already gave them trillions of dollars.
Plus all the free shit they loot.