Redpill me on the earth being flat
Other urls found in this thread:
it's round
Flat or Infinite Plane?
i personally believe in hollow earth and i honestly think this whole flat earth thing is a diversion from the true red pill that is hollow earth
Its a psychological operation to see if people can be convinced of the most absurd fundamentally debunked tripe.
That said though, we live in a time of such universal deception from all conceivable institutions that even something as asinine as flat earth now needs to be questioned and explored.
>Redpill me on the earth being flat
its a hologram
>Its a psychological operation to see if people can be convinced of the most absurd fundamentally debunked tripe.
Do you ever wonder if the whole sixty genders thing was the same kind of test?
concave or convex it's definitely round
flights from Sydney to South Africa which are definitely real are physically impossible in the 747s the airlines use if the flat map is correct
Earth doesn’t exist. We actually live on Mars
space is a lie.
the sun moves on a torus.
theres science behind it. the analemma proves it.
start at 2:44
It is a joint shitposting PsyOp that Sup Forums and the Jews are conducting. Truly the lulz to end all lulz.
It's all so clear now.
His pinky gets stuck in his pocket you mong.
im open minded on it.
i live on the coast and can see things along the coastline that are supposed to be below the horizon with binoculars.
at the same time i can look at the moon and literally see the globe shadow of the earth on it.
theres something about antarctica though, doesnt mean the worlds flat but theres something there, id never want to speculate what but every country on earth is united in defending it (including north korea, iran, israel, usa etc)
I love these vids
ok george lucas. youtube.com
It's a Religious issue which starts with God creating the firmament in Genesis. The rabbit hole goes from there. Pretty interesting stuff if you're bored
Earth is a sphere but hollow. We live inside of it.
More comp please
>translating that as terra firma rather than matter
Why do you insist on being retarded?
It's not. Don't listen to water filter salesmen.
I like big butts and I cannot lie
>literally see the globe shadow of the earth on it.
the moon phases are not the earths shadow.
proof is that the moon phases are in the daytime as well when the sun is behind it. they happen all throughout the month.
also, if the heat of the sun were traversing the 93 million miles as claimed by modern science then the stark difference in the suns ablitiy to heat the tropics versus the polar regions of this alleged relative speck shouldn't even exist as the distance to the polar regions from the equator is just a mere 0.0004% further or just 1/25000 of the distance.
alright ill bite.
ill google the moons phases on youtube
Psyop to discredit people within the truther movement.
>redpill me on x
Kill yourself
Pic taken from Hubble, Newton's a fgt
it's not. /thread
Spherecuckoldry is not tolerated here and all spherefags should kill themselves. Fuck off back to Redit kike
explain the south pole
May have started as a joke, but with so much deception and fakery a few ultra-cynics seem to have adopted the idea with sincerity.
Reasoning quickly disproves theory - but apparently awareness of other official deceptions cause some people to reject all external information.
Either beyond retarded or a kike motherfucker trying to discredit possibly legitimate conspiracy theories.
All amateur footage of distances higher than 5 miles shows a flat line, horizon always rises to eye level, the Bible says heaven is always above earth, physics make no since on a globe earth, there are not people standing upside 7900 miles below you, below hell, falling up and jumping down, all nasa footage is faked (cgi/ water tanks), antarctica is heavily guarded even though it is supposedly an entire uninhabited continent,
isnt it weird that if you continue in one direction on it you end up on another side? or is that just magic?
Almost everything since the Renaissance has been a psyop/fanfic by the Synagogue of Satan. The purpose is to convince you that you are insignificant, and that we're just animals on a spec of dust, among other things. This way you deny God, and they've successful led you astray.
We live under the firmament fixed in place by God. Dinosaurs and the moon landing are hoaxes. The evidence is abundant if you only look.
"I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars--I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you."
qccording to this diagram of yours the flight on the left should be crossing through northern china. yet it isnt.
also how can you have photos of the full circumference of the earth?
do satellites just move in circles over the planet?
is every single pilot, engineer, physicist, etc, etc, in on this?
you might be literally retarded.
Not flat
First time i saw this I was like oh fucck, but now looking at it again, is seems the dude's pinky or ring finger snags his pocket. besides, how do you explain the woman's necklace ,cgi?
>"I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars--I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you."
direct me to scripture jesis
>ask for evidence
>"The evidence is abundant if you only look."
Um, where did you ask me for evidence?
i did you fucking dongus. god christians suck dick.
They take astronauts in training up in these planes where they go up and down or something to simulate weightlessness
No you didn't, lying shit. Certainly not before my post, which wouldn't have been possible.
Also, I'm not Christian.
Meant for
Did the ayys come and harvest our trees?
how to spot retards 101
>Redpill me on the earth being flat
>"I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars--I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you."
are you absolutely fucking retarded? i asked where this quote comes from. again now.
I personally think you're retarded.
You have poor communication skills. It wasn't clear whether you were [1] making fun of me for posting scripture, [2] asking me for more scriptural support for my claims, or [3] asking the source of that particular quote.
You claim 3, but that would have been my last guess as it would have been quicker to google the quote than to respond asking me about it. It's Revelations 3:9.
finally thank you, was that so hard you sub-saharan nigger?
Hahaha. How hard would it have been for you to google it?
do my work for me goy! how hard would it have been to include the source of the scripture originally?
It would have been incredibly easy, but pointless. I mean, it's so easy to find, and only newfags have never heard that before.
This. Flat earth was spread on this board to tell whether or not a poster is a genuine skeptic or a retard who will believe anything he's told as long as it's edgy and makes him stand out. Natsoc is another one.
or perhaps a person would on most days find christian scripture rather pointless to observe?
buy rope hang from it
it isnt you dumb nigger
Do the trigonometry.
Then go to the seaside where you can see across the land water.