Mueller knows he's about to get fired for his Uranium One role and massive conflict of interests...

Mueller knows he's about to get fired for his Uranium One role and massive conflict of interests. The indictment announcement is to save his own ass. He can't be fired or else normies the world 'round will scream collusion and obstruction at Trump. It's brilliant, Sup Forums

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Yes. I see the move.

Mueller will eventually have to be indicted for his crimes.

His conflict of interest makes it less likely he will indict anyone Trump. He must appear to be impartial now, more than ever



Lmao I've been rolling on the floor all night from all these goddamn threads where you fucking kool-aid chugging dotards and russian bots actually, ACTUALLY think Mueller will be taking down someone like Obama or HRC.

NEWSFLASH, CENTITARDS: it's gonna be one of /yourguy/s because the GOP is guilty as shit for all the shit Mueller is investigating.

You think Mueller is just some autonomous justice drone who's going to indict ANYONE of ANY wrongdoing? He's not investigating Ben Ghazi or whatever mustard Obama used last, he's investigating the dementia riddled scrotum that's hovering his fat fucking fingers way too close to the WW3 button for anyone's comfort because he's threateningly retarded. It's not like your usual corruption where the corrupt party is at least competent at what they're doing, Trump is clearly a fucking idiot and has laid it bare for the world to see that he couldn't hide the fact that he's complicit in treason if his ratings depended on it.


Keep up the mental backflips Drumpflet, I'm sure it's all part of Donnie's 83D underwater backgammon


That's the most telling. He's not a Trump loyalist or a Trump supporter at all.

holy shit you people are retarded