Infowars teaches Nazi-larpers style lesson
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>implying boomers with swastika tattoos are the modern day white identitarian movement
(((Info Wars))) just BTFO'd us lads
What's right about those narrow ties?
>blames boomers for everything
Neet millennial who still lives at home detected
Look at the pic in the OP, that is what I'm referring to
you have to look cool
Alt-Right is Jewish cancer.
Alex Jones is Jewish cancer.
Why don't either of you take steps to achieve real and lasting goal? It's because you're both Jewish cancer.
>jewish cancer
ok, but maybe you can learn something from it, like have some normal style, and don't dress like a cartoon character.
Owen, drop the cigar. Please.
Cigars show dominance, confidence, masculinity. We should all start smoking cigars ... and then quit later after we've won.
It goes without saying. If you want to win the culture war, you have to have mass appeal.
We should get Reviewbrah a job at infowars
Infowars and MDE never die
Alex should get Charls Carrol on staff
>western culture would never be the same
Skinhead retards are not nazis they are edgelords being edgy.
>win the cultural war by looking as homeless or rednecks
This style is better and the message is way better as well
Infowars look sleek af
wow, I know I'm saying this late in the game but it's obvious that DS has been nearly totally subverted by enemy interests by now.
>graphic tees & chinos
>look sleek af
Pic 1
neither are retards on an imageboard with memeflags
Haha upvote
post pic of what you are wearing right now
>get on Owen's level
faggot why you wanna see my dick
Boyss have swag, men have class.jpg
>t-shirt and blazer
A tacky printed t-shirt under a blazer is on the cutting edge of style. They just need a fedora to complete the look.
This lol.
Who wants a tiki torch?!? XD
Honestly prefer the skinheads to the autistic meme LARPers
I don't understand either.
As an 80's teen, narrow ties were IN probably as a direct response to the huge wide ties of the 70's. Narrow ties were popular in the 50's, but were they popular with the working stiff?
If they were, then I get it.
If not, then I don't get it.
I'm amassing a collection of roué pics to humiliate the shills
false, it is the ultimate Western look, far superior to a sweatsuit
>don't dress like a cartoon character.
People have been saying this to neo-"nazis" for literally generations now, and they never listen. Wanna know why? It's because they're not in it to win it, they're just attention whores.
They could use some coats, but I think Nord Front does the best job in presenting themselves
proofs you Canadain nigger
>Blood and Soil chants
>Sorosian tier race baitng
>needs further proof
Lol do you even read DS? Andrew Anglin's article's aren't pathetic LARPing, he's the only White Nationalist type to understand pragmatic politics. He doesn't even want to know about local groups, completely decentralized. You're just a Canadian fag.
obviously there's going to be good/true stuff mixed in with the (((far_leftist))) race war fomentation, how (if you're not a shill/retard) believe that the DS's views are anything but a destabilization tactic meant to divide and conquer in the same fashion as BLM
fucking retards
metagame for once you reactionary dimwits
Right is wrong too dumbfuck
We want to look like "the normal people" versus the neon hair piercings everywhere SJW shit. Not like a bunch of bank robbers. We need to look like people can relate
Fucking edgelord LARPers
Ok character assassination right here. Jones help lead the fight for Trump, he is the one that gets things. He isnt some larper, he believes in his family, real equality, but isnt some pushover who wants open borders.
So fuck off kike
Does not compute.
If Anglin is a plant he's so deep under cover that at it isn't worth worrying about. His "capture the flag" strategy of co-opting authentic patriotism is brilliant.
the shilling is almost pathetic now,
tru/pol/ can never be subverted
I was just going to say
>Ok character assassination right here. Jones help lead the fight for Trump, he is the one that gets things. He isnt some larper, he believes in his family, real equality, but isnt some pushover who wants open borders.
The absolute fucking state of newfags
Looks pretty shit t.bh
These LARPing faggots should seek some fashion advice from the experts
you're really not doing it right
I just want to make sure you try better in the future
that post was really sad.
a better suggestion?
t-shirt with blazer