Ladies and gentlemen, it has begun! Time to cheer and time to party. Sweden is in terminal decline. Housing bubble is popping (down 10%). YES
Sweden is about to collapse financially
finally things are turning sour in lala land
>f-finally we're going down my fellow whiteys. Now please let me be immigrant in your country
If you think the economic crash is gonna come to sweden before the rest of the west you're delusional.
Hopefully we will get a crash, but I doubt it.
There is already a -10% downturn in Stockholm since September. Shit will collapse before Q2 2018.
Enjoy your niggers and arabs sven!
Turns out nobody wants to live around shitskin mudslime rapefugees. Who knew? I mean except for everybody
excellent numbers, ahmed
Not even Captain Sweden could save that shithole.
Sweden is predicted to be a third world economy within 8 years.
What about Chinese investors buying up your housing?
KEK! They are not stupid enough to buy shit here were there are 40% muslims !! Sweden is literarly fucked!!! YEEEEHAAAA I have been waiting for this for 30 years.
This crash will wipe out 70%+ of Swdes "wealth" that it conjunction with 40% of population being rapefugees surely makes that a realistic scenario.
Seriously? No big wallet chinks parking their money in real estate there???
Any eta on the welfare gibs drying up? I'll be moving over there as soon as your current system starts falling apart, I like the Swedish. Especially now since all of the arrogance has been knocked out of you guys.
Nice numbers cuck
No we are as arrogant as ever. Give it another 6 months and all hell will break lose. Seriously you can not even imagine how fucking nice this feels, I have seriously waited for this moment in time over 30 years. Time to pay the toll!
My stars seem to aligning all at once!
Honestly I'm kinda jealous.. are your immigrants turning on each other yet?
Our Arab enrichers are attacking our Chinese enrichers whilst our Africans are putting their cars up on bricks and stealing the tyres. It's fucking hilarious how racist these brownies are
No, everything is currently funded by our idiot tax payers. It will start drying up after the crash so I imagine a full out race war within 12 months.
Excellent. Make sure u buy some btc, I'd recommend taking up maximum loans and dumping it all in btc.
Banking failure is fun
As if your country lives of nice housing prices only, you sure this wont just disgruntle a few investors and some suburbians who see that their houses are now less worth and things go on as usual ?
Read for yourself it is an incredible bubble that will affect the entire country. 100+ year mortages !!! it will be a glorious explosion that will destroy the entire country. Only option is to inflate away the debt causing extreme poverty and accusations of currency manipulation :)
Mortgages volume is 12X that of our national debt.
ND: 1200 BSEK
Mortages: 8900 BSEK
Best numbers twice?
Thats what you get for coloanisum
I read through the articles you posted but while it seems noticable it didnt seem apocalyptical.
>Mortage volume 12xnational debt
But wont the debt be mostly held by all the tards buying&building one-family houses?
Anyway, if this creates trouble shortly before your next election things get indeed interesting.