Be me

>Be me
>American white male
>my doctor is Indian
>my nurse is Jamaican
>my boss is Spanish
>my car is German
>by favourite anime is Japanese
>my president is a typical dumb white American and republican male
>my shop clerk is Turkish
>my favourite food is Thai
>my favourite genre of music is Korean (kpop)
>my favourite coffee at Starbucks is Mexican
>my favourite beer is Cambodian
>my favourite politics is Russian (Marxism Leninism)
>my favourite tobacco is Cuban
>my favourite male pornhub star is Nigerian
>my favourite female pornhub star is Norwegian
>my avocado is Congolese
>my toast (bread) is French
>my favourite economic union is Belgian (EU)
>my wife is Colombian
>her son is half Muslim
>our adopted kids are Chinese
>my favourite language Danish
>my favourite clothing is Italian
>my favourite nation is Sweden

I have a diverse life with connections

And there's (You). You, being a backward and monoculture retard who faps over Mosley, Hitler, Mussolini, Drimpf, Cesar, Powell, and Farage, because you want these daddies to deport all non white people and opress your women. You're fucking sick, and you don't know what you're missing out on. You believe in backwards fascist conservatism, and you hate Muslims, women and LGBTQHTINS+ because they're happy, in the current year, and you live with backwards conservative and right wing ideals.

I'd hate to be a conservative fascist like you.

Fuck off faggot

>>don't respond plz

Shite pasta.

Salvia officinalis

Wow a self-hating white guy color me shocked.

>my favourite male pornhub star is Nigerian
hahah you dirty fag cuck

>my favourite male pornhub star is Nigerian
>her son is half Muslim
Jesus Christ, OP. it's very subtle but I'm sure your larp will get a bunch of replies

Something tells me this faggot has a very large nose

Kill yourself
>white american




>Atheists evolve into Christians

>my favourite politics is Russian (Marxism Leninism)
like pottery


sweetie, we aren't stopping there.

you arent even trying user

Hate through association. Nice job, sleepy poster.

It's not all enjoyable if you spend your time shitposting in this website, if it was as good as you say you would be having fun with your connections and enjoying them. But here you are.

this is getting so old

Interesting how you mention
> Indian
> Jamaican
> Spanish
> German
> Japanese
And so many other specific ethnic cultures yet fail to recognizes that massive immigration destroys the individuality of these cultures.
Resulting in the dilution and slow destruction of everything you mentioned.
I mean is your favorite Starbucks coffee really Mexican if Mexicans became a minority in Mexico? Not really.

>my favourite nation is Sweden
Just hang yourself faggot

>My favourite avocado is congolese

Who the fuck has a favorite avocado
hang yourself op