It's time to admit that allowing women to vote was a mistake.
It's time to admit that allowing women to vote was a mistake
Other urls found in this thread:
>women do all the jobs
>men stay home, workout, cook, clean, and raise the children
I'm 100% alright with this outcome
Yep. If they don't want the domestic duties, I'll take them gladly.
all though indiscernible with reality at this point, I'm pretty sure this is satire. even if it is slat
But women don't. They won't fuck you if you're lower status. You don't need to engage in these mental gymnastics.
don't stoop to their level
>kick men out of the workplace
>women now in charge of the economy
>economy dies after an month's
>Women do all the jobs
>Society collapses because for every woman who can actually do her job, there's 1,000,000 who can't
No way OP. Women are better than men at everything because tennis.
Is it finally time to go /innawoods/ yet Sup Forums?
I don't understand this sentence at all. Men created all the workplaces. No one let them in.
I believe we have enough evidence that women shouldn't be taken seriously
It's only meant to be understood by the insane. Just another part of the great divide and conquer regime.
Hundred years of psychological testing says otherwise.
>I feel we can confidently say that in the world of elite tennis, women are better under pressure than men are. They choke less. Whether that translates to other competitive settings remains to be seen.
Looks like women aren't better at reading comprehension.
>tfw so lonely that even this looks good
I just started a cycle of test and winstrol, any advice? I quit lifting for two years, I think the juice will get me back in the swing of it
>producers of sustenance and skilled maintainers of society's infrastructure and functions
God, cosmopolitan city hoez are arrogant as fuck desu. May their wombs become barren and not reproduce. We country folk are generating a mass HuWhite future. 14/88.
Literally every single luxury and necessity in this cunt's life is invented, designed, produced, delivered, installed and maintained by working men.
Women only think they are contributing.
>Go back in time
>Forbid men from ever entering the workforce
>Return to the present
>Civilization doesn't exist
Really gets those almonds going.
This is absolutely false. My girlfriend cries everytime she has a dealine or has to work late. I worked for 2 months straight one time at my work, no days off, I didn't cry. I worked a 115 hour work week multiple times, I didn't cry. I did my fucking job.
With that being said. I'm also unemployed right now and want to fucking cry
>women "allowed" men into the workplace and not the other way around
Nice fan-fiction, Slate.
Goddamn, that site is an absolute piece of shit.
The truly funny thing is women go two less rounds in tennis matches than men.
They'll never do "all" the jobs, they're just after the comfy ones. Women are unable to even notice all the infrastructure (roads, buildings, electricity, IT), or to imagine life without it, it literally goes without saying for them that (white) men will keep doing maintenance on that stuff.
Don't women's tennis players just perform at a vastly lower level than their male equivalents?
Isn't that also an issue with trannies in women's sports, they crush female records?
Almost every woman I've ever known falls to pieces under even the slightest modicum of pressure.
My sister is a high earner in HR the largest law firm in the country and starts crying if she hasn't eaten in a few hours saying she can't think or focus.
And they also don't need to get a service and return game clear in the final set to win, it's just a regular tie breaker.
What was your job, lad?
>And society collapsed within a year
There's a quote somewhere about the match between Roger Federer and the Weeyums sistas. tldr yes
Literally everthing was invented by men lol
>Williams sisters say they could take any male outside too 200
>206th ranked player takes their offer
>His pregame was a 6 pack and 18 holes of golf
>He proceeded to btfo of both of them
>Sisters change it to anyone outside too 400
Source: Google that shit I'm lazy
John McEnroe said Serena would be ranked "like 700 in the world" if she played on the men's circuit.
In 1998 Serena and Venus Williams played Karsten Braasch, ranked 203 in the world and described as "a man whose training regime centred around a pack of cigarettes and more than a couple bottles of ice cold lager" in a Battle of the Sexes match.
He beat Serena 6-1 and Venus 6-2.
They were only 17 at the time but I think it puts women's tennis in perspective.
>Nazi flag
Today's reminder that women are the Jews Hitler warned you about.
Video Editor and camera operator. I still do work, but it's freelance instead of a salaried position, and it's tough to get work
This. We built society and let women join in after they and Jews nagged enough and now they're acting like they were the ones who let us come play.
Fuck women and fuck Jews.
>>women do all the jobs
haha good one
They are also the niggers of gender, due to the gibmes.
>allowing men into the workplace
What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Men fucking MADE the workplace
Women only play 3 sets of tennis because their feeble bodies can't handle 5.
Fuck most of them can't even serve over 100 mph excluding the mighty Sheboon.
Unfortunately, it's the case that it was an enormous mistake to let OP out of his psychiatric safety facility and give him access to the Internet. Just look at the horrendous consequences.
>based Johnny Mac
Holy shit did they change the topic quickly at the end when he suggested the men and women just play together.
Do women in positions of power do more harm than good for women as a whole? Whenever some uppity cunt writes another anti-male article I feel like it only increases the level of misogyny in the world.
Not available in my country but no doubt it was perfectly reasonable.
McEnroe is based and gives zero fucks about what people think about his opinion.
Yeah, what happened to that canard about women's pain tolerance exceeding that of men?
>woman is the nigger of the world
Don't flatter them. Niggers are sometimes useful as field hands and cannon fodder. Women, not so much.
I'm all for a good mob, but that can easily be explained by the fact that all these new people with no training showed up. As someone that hires and fires as part of my job overseeing 13 office in the south-east, I can say with confidence that new hires completely fuck productivity for a good 3 months at least.
Imagine a workplace full of only women. They'd drive that company in to the ground within 6 months.
This actually happened, and yes the company went under almost immediately
>he didn't apologize for saying Serena was the best female player as opposed to the best tennis player
>he said that 700 is about where she'd rank in both genders
>he then suggested they could end the debate by just having one league where men and women play together and they quickly change the subject
>Imagine a workplace full of only women. They'd drive that company in to the ground within 6 months.
This woman tried it and it you're right, it bankrupted her business. She made it to almost two years which I imagine is an eternity for a female run business.
>accuracy of last panel
Mein sides
Pretty funny desu
No need to imagine.
It's only through the creation of the society in which we live that enables women to be in the workplace. The digital revolution and financial/service based economy means that there are now a slew of jobs that women actually can do -- ones that don't require physical strength, stamina, and so on.
The irony is that men, by creating a world and
tools where physical labour is no longer a pre-requisite for most jobs, have increased the competition for jobs by enabling 50% of the population to actually do those jobs. This in turn, of course, has led to incumbent pressure on wages due to the massive influx in competition for jobs and less overall leisure time (taken as a whole for men and women) for most of the population of the developed world.
While there's no doubt that emancipation is a civilising factor in society, the unintended consequence of it has been a worse than expected quality of life due to downward pressure on wages caused by competition and men, unfortunately, continuing to do most of the dangerous, dirty, physical and, ultimately, life-shortening jobs.
Was it that 'hand in ice water' test that didn't take things like 'skin exposure to ice water' into account because everyone's hands are the exact same size
But user, being a stay-at-home mom was the MOST DIFFICULT AND THANKLESS job, like all the women have been saying forever.
If all the men become the at-home parent, then they will have the utmost highest status!
They were all "muh childbirth" without realizing it's basically the same amount of pain as passing a kidney stone.
not only is the girl's code ridiculously commented to remind her what she doing, it's also on a 7th grade level. Extremely basic. It's straightforward junk a 16 year old would use to piece together scripts with Autohotkey or edit Renpy source to get to the tits faster. The guy's code, on the hand, is not something you'd normally see outside of the job of a professional coder. Or at the very least, someone who really knew their shit and didn't just pick up on bits and pieces while making simple mods for PC games that don't compile all of their source.
>It's time to admit that allowing women to vote was a mistake.
pol admitted that long ago
I‘d keep working for one day a week so I can pay somebody to do the part of the chores that I hate and have some pocket money, but otherwise I‘m on board, too.
Of course women don't deserve voting rights, they're not even close to net tax payers.
Be man
>pay for women
>pay for their bastard children via taxation(theft)
>pay for decimation of western civilization
Feels bad man
>women cry after stubbing their toes
>I've calmly cleaned out my own gaping eyebrow after getting in a minor car crash
I've seen so much evidence to the contrary of any "women handle pain better" that the claim sounds ridiculous to me.
it's hard to even be a conservative gay let alone an Sup Forums one. Better be a degenerate one and blend in.
As a circumcised stay at home husband its alright by me. Men have done everything for thousands of years its our turn to be leaches.
>a slew of jobs women can do
Ah yes, the jobs requiring "social intelligence," i.e., the ability to wave their tits in a potential client's face and convince him to throw good money away on a product he doesn't need.
You're the kinda fag I like.
Suck dick all you want, just keep it in the damn bedroom.
>the power goes out every 12 minutes
Yeah, fuck you. Not gonna put up with that shit.
Or you could simply try going for a don't ask don't tell approach. Remember tall weeds get cut first.
I'd be much more likely to curse if I stubbed my toe, than if I had a remove a bullet from my forearm with a knife. I think it has something to with being ready for it. That adrenaline pumping, and your mind switching into "Is that a challenge?" mode where you're determined to conquer. Good stuff. Manly stuff. One time I whacked my funny bone so hard that the pain made me throw up. Didn't get that same manly rush.
well that was entertaining
wtf is wrong with you faggot?
Get a fucking job and dedicate yourself to something worthwhile for a change, not your faggot fantasies.
soon. brah
>allowing men into the workplace
Yea up until 50 years ago it was guys in the workplace, what do they mean by this?
This is the same bitch that keeps telling me I can create my own website with Wix.
>women choke less in situations that mattered
This is just not fucking true. Women fold instantly when it matters. In an emergency the last thing you want is a women.
Kek thanks for the proof boys
Every fucking youtube video her ad comes on.
Umm sweetie, men created the "workplace"
watch islam go left and us become the new islam lol. I DIDN'T WANT TO HATE YOU ROASTIES BUT YOU LEAVE ME NO CHOICE!
>computationally-efficient approximation of 1/sqrt
>ok, let's compare a and b
>for some reason we will write a function even though it is already handled by a simple logical operator
>and of course, we will make sure this won't compile
>but we'll still shit it up with annotations
>three options
>a < b. check
>a > b ... and also b < a for some fucking reason. okay, check.
>a=b? I hadn't considered that case. return 5, yaas slay!!!
Did she actually post this?
Not using ad-blocker
pretty lame desu
Women are better than men at a good deal of post-industrial labor, but men and women are incompatible in the workplace.
I don't know how it's going to end, but the current system isn't sustainable.
this. i'm very slightly bi and i'm ready to sign up for purge duty every time i see a pride parade or one of those tranny drag queens teaching a class. keep it online, or in the bedroom, or somewhere like that. it's gone too far.
Can you imagine the average woman being an electrician, mechanic, plumber, construction worker, roofer etc? The infrastructure of this nation would crumble in months. Sure some women can do these jobs, but the overwhelming majority of women are completely incompetent when it comes to anything electronic or mechanical.
>I'll have nightmares now knowing airplane software is written by guys
the fuck
Too lazy to find and install it senpai. Would rather waste 15 second of my life multiple times a day.
>said a woman who works in a media outlet that is owned mostly by women for women in extreme liberal ideologies
Women should be at home raising children and homemaking. Simpler than that it can't be said
this is edited right?
to make it look really stupid and cringy
>But women don't. They won't fuck you if you're lower status. You don't need to engage in these mental gymnastics.
They won't if you're fat.