They're going all out
They're going all out
They're going all out and still getting bludgeoned by the new Mario release in numbers
why do you keep shilling your game on Sup Forums marketing intern?
Do your part!
Kill a Nazi today!
>3 hours of gameplay
These faggots must be in the running for most annoying dev team ever. Prob worse than brianna wu and No mans sky nu male guy at this point.
Meh, Bethesda, ID Software, and Machine Games don't give a shit.
It's already being beat by a shitty German RPG and Eurotruck 2015. Thank christ too, it's absurd that a moviegame had this much of a push.
If you're a White/European male and you play video games, you're a fucking cucked faggot and deserve to get AIDS from a Nigerian hooker.
>brianna wu and No mans sky
I had to re-read this a few times since I thought you were making a joke.
I don't have a job
Not really lol.
I already pirated your shit game. What are you gonna do about it
>Actively pushing potential buyers away
Keep it up, Swedefaggots. Sure it'll do you a lot of good.
More on Civ 5 than 6. The absolute state of turning your game into the visual carbon copy of a phone app.
>wtf is this agenda they're pushing by saying nazis are bad wow libcucks are really going all out in the current year
Was this a AAA? I can't find what the game studio spend on it anywhere.
>also lower than skyrim
waste of bandwith you nigger!
>playing video games
>not going through attrition against nature and hunting
>not riding ATV drunk ass fuck
Like, literally who plays vidyas? I don't know any of my peers that play (besides a few mobile games)? Are these cityfags?
Well, anyways, vote with your dollar faggots!
(((shit ass games))) are ruining piracy
at least all of these faggets go down in flames.
they lost the culture war now they lose money and with a little luck they go out of business
who gives a fuck
I want to kill them.
Bonus tracks: kek'ed
They just don't fucking get it. People don't want to be preached at. No one wants to be sermonized about how bad and evil they are and how they should let black men fuck their wives.
i knew this shit would explode in zenimax greedy face and it is pleasing to see them burn like the kikes they are
all that cash will be burnt and their shitty gaming offensive will end in ruins
just like the left
Also, if there are any alt righters who buy video games (who the fuck buys games) then they sure as shit aren't buying watered-down corridor shooters that are so crammed with jewish propaganda that they literally look like parodies....
KEK that's what happens when you try to mix politics into vidya, hope they end up in the negative
>lower than H1Z1
>lower than fucking unturned
> millions USD put into production
> worse numbers than a 6 year old RPG and a 2d Minecraft
Fucking queers
>somewhere there's incredibly talented white guys that aren't cucks that never got hired because they didn't tick the right diversity boxes and didn't have the right opinions
quads checked
Glad I'm not the only one who noticed that
That metro rail making that gif comfy as fuck
civ 5 sucked balls too though. Civ 4 was the peak of that game.
>lower than skyrim
>getting beat by AC (nobody fucking plays these on pc)
>Getting annihilated by fucking H1Z1
>Lower than Witcher 3
>Lower than Dead by Daylight
Seems to be a flop unless console kiddies save it. But their massive 18 rating won't help them with that, moms won't buy it for their kids because of that
Fucking hell that pic
I paid full launch price for (and 100%'d) The Wolf Reboot and also beat Old Blood.
I will also never buy New Colossus.
And there's 0 endgame content. That number will plummet in a week.
>when you market your game with a meme so the communist kids buy it for 200 american shekels collectors edition style
shiggy diggy
it's communist & anti white propaganda of the shabbiest sort and only deserves to burn, the rest is really irrelevant. go install rtcw from gog and relive the good old days
While the aut-reich retards are inside playing video games, antifa is out punching nazis IRL.
Well I'm sure it'll still have a bunch of (((positive))) revie-
>only 700
Whatever. Neo-nazis are fucking stupid. It's the pro-commie shit that's beyond unacceptable.
>Overwatch not even listed
What is this witchcraft
It's like a slow suicide, that will finally be complete in a few years. Investors, Shareholders and Venture Capitalist groups won't continue fund this shit, if there isn't gains.
Anyways, I wish you would experience the cold discomfort of stalking a for a kill, a procces that might take 8 hours. But once accomplished (even successful), there's nothing like it.
Cooking a cut of your kill next to a campfire, seeing the stars, your breath forming a frosty mist for a few moments while exhaling, having your hand hover over your 1911 in terror and exhilaration, because of hearing howls from a great distance. There's nothing like hunting
>It's already being beat by a shitty German RPG
>mfw this game is flopping
Nobody wants another fucking mediocre shooter with a ton of cutscenes and incredibly shitty writing that is basically a Swedish cuckolding fantasy.
Look at the games that are beating it. They're either classics that are community driven or games that brought new changes to a genre or even defined a genre.
This game would have been unoriginal in 2002. Throw in a bunch of retarded politics that insult the players and you have the recipe for a real fucking stink bomb of a game.
I got a "coupon" from Steam for 50% off Civ 6. Needless to say I ignored it and went back to 4.
Steam, retard.
It's not a meme its true
It's 3 hours of solid shooting and like 5 hours it feels like of stupid cutscenes and other downtime
Overwatch is played through blizzard, not steam. It's also why you don't see WoW or Hearthstone.
the more kikes & companies who spread their agendo go bankrupt, the better. don't buy, boycot & spread the word.
went and bought SMO for the wife today just to help add to release date sells
If you're older than 18 and you're still playing games, especially these modern pozzed games, you're honestly fucking pathetic.
>not source film maker
The swedecucks at paradox get away with it by just implementing everything and then banning all talk of it. It's pretty funny seeing someone power a screenshot from the game and get modded.
Why is it pathetic?
Nice get, how do you check sales numbers?
People who mass reply are more pathetic than Shitch playing nintoddlers, sonyggers or xbots combined.
One of the top comments is by someone named 'The Legendary Sonick' I'm just laughing at this point
Sounds fucking fantastic bro. We can't really hunt here in the UK, or not that much. But I'm going to spend some time in the states, so hopefully I get to do some hunting and killing shit. I want to learn to shoot as well, seems like a good life skill.
Digits confirm. Most of the games that are beating it have good gameplay, replayability, or both. Not this 8 hour cuck shit with no MP and ridiculous political crap.
Pro tip to game devs. Keep it fucking apolitical. jfc
People sat in a room planning that scene and not a single one brought up the fact that it was retarded. Imagine being able to see footage of that fucking meeting.
Fuck you limey long as you don't sink 4 hours a day into gaming it isn't a problem
if you're up at 6am british mass replying in a Sup Forums thread, you're honestly fucking pathetic. Go to bed mate.
>lower than a shitty game that people only have because Steam glitched out and put it in everybody's library
Wtf is that twitter pic in the top left?
That was the worst thing I've ever seen.
why did she remove her top? what was the point?
everything else is pretty cool, but why strip naked?
So does this mean that killing commies is more than acceptable? #killacommie.
hey now, lets not condone violence against people just because we disagree with them!
>the left sees no irony in this
most people playing this shit game are probably consolecucks
They are spending quite a lot on marketing this shit
would be a shame if the gamble didnt pay off since the traditional user base that would play something like this is in a symbiotic relationship with Sup Forums now
No wonder they have more cutscenes than gameplay
they are trying to get normie tards to buy it and feel accomplished when they are able to walk forward into another cutscene
> same number of players as Hearts of Iron IV
kek, I bet most of the HoI4 players are busy conquering America as the nazis to make up for this
Is the cutscene game movie worth watching on jewtube or is it really just nothing but liberal commie shit?
Yeah right. This is what you'll be up against nazi scum
>lower than unturned
>lower than a minecraft clone made by a single autistic kid
my fucking sides
is that a pregnant shitskin?
Lower peak than HOI4
>tfw more people want to establish the Reich than want to take it down
You're surprised? This is nerd morons you typically find infesting the industry. This is the shit they come up with. THIS. is what they think is "cool."
This is why something as kino as BR49 could never be made by the games industry. Faggots that work in games often have a mere tertiary understanding of just about everything, which is why their efforts to do anything like, say, seem "WOKE and diverse" means 5 games coming out in a 2 year period all with a sassy black woman with huge fro-hair.
Civ4 had its own share of problems. Too much emphasis on starting location, too many psychic AI armies, etc.
HA HA HA Not so fast. i have an ace up my sleeve.
her coat was on fire.
The real questions come after that.
Why the fuck did she full body tackle a 200+ slab of meat with her stomach, while pregnant.
Why the fuck wasn't she even wearing a bra under that
how many bullets did the Nazi's fire at near point blank range before and during the slide
how is it the dog survived two point blank grenade explosions, then died from a short burst from a pair of haphazardly aimed rifles
I would have bought it if it wasn’t for the retarded marketing. The first one was pretty good.
Implying I don't play just to take over Canada
is this were moarpheus gets all his great ideas? LOL
Does it feature black nazis?
Why? You guys are already doing that in real life
TF2 2 is a shitty game and you should feel bad for liking it.
>black woman of color who is already very pregnant straddling the (((white))) male MC with her breasts exposed and the guts of ALR-RIGHT NAZIS raining down baptizing them in a crimson shower of white male blood
You could not have written a more fucking hilarious STATE OF THE LIBERAL LEFT if we were paid to. Which they fucking were. This isn't not just trying to hide it.
It is blowing it up and fucking in a diverse anti-white blood rainfall orgy of bullshit and mental illness the left seeks to enslave us with.