Trump on climate change

Is he right?

Based Chinese

Climate change is real.

How much of it is influenced by human activities is up for debate.

if climate change is real why is it snowing in parts of the us? stop being a shill for the chinese.

Can confirm it’s cold as fuck

Because climate change =/= only global warming. This user is correct It is happening, but just what role humans have had to influence it is arguable.

Climate change and global warming are different

It wasn’t created by the Chinese. They just took advantage of it and our useful idiots. We regulate our industry away to China. Even if you believe the alarmist bullshit, our dumb shits can’t comprehend that moving industry around doesn’t do anything to combat a supposedly global problem. Sending them to countries that don’t even care about real pollution actually does more harm. But at least Redditors can upvote and virtue signal about it.

Yes. Next question?

If climate change is really such a threat why do all the treaties addressing it make exceptions for the largest contributors?
Checkmate climate "scientists".


lel imagine being your level of retard.

Just look at who is pushing the climate change agenda. They are literally EXACTLY the same people who lied to us about Trump for years.
>Establishment politicians
>MSM news organizations

I used to believe in man made climate change, but then I realized everyone pushing it has been corrupt and dishonest. If they would lie to you about everything else, why would you believe them with climate change?

says the fucking leaf unironically. My god.

No. But it doesn't matter.

The 65% of Americans who believe in global warming don't act like they do. Maybe they cut 5% of their carbon emissions, when an 85% cut is in order. None of their policy proposals would have any meaningful impact. If the US completely deindustrialized it would shave less than half a degree off projected temperature rises. By their models.

Sustainable carbon emissions are achievable if the world quashes population growth and adopts the lifestyle of the average Indian.

How many true believers are advocating this?

It's warming up. But how much impact we have in causing a global warming isn't clear. There's a lot of corruption in those research because they're used to justify globalization. That's *huge* money.
Also, a "scientific consensus" does not always mean the same thing. There might be a general shared opinion among scientist, but this "consensus" isn't necessarily "scientific". For it to be scientific it has to be scientifically proven. And it's often not the case, but you can still have scientists generally believing that something true. And this has value, but it is not scientific. The politicization of science is real.
In any case, it's just being used as an excuse to offshore. We're not doing anything for the planet by exporting pollution. And they know it. They don't care.
And here's the real deal: we can't fix it. Not yet. There's no way. Most scientists will admit this. You look at things like the Paris Accord and it's *ridiculously* insufficient. It doesn't even begin to make a significant difference. They'll say "oh but it's a start, we have to try!". It's a matter of "attitude" for them then. It's completely irrational. There is a lot of emotional appeal in these argumentations.
We can't fix it because energy consumption per-capita is about to explode in the next decades. That coupled with population growth is going to make everything we do completely insignificant. Most people don't realize how bad this is going to be. And we can't fix it by doing shitty deals with China to make us feel better.
The only thing that could maybe help is a nuclear renaissance and nuclear fusion as soon as fucking possible. And population growth *has* to be kept under control or it won't matter.

No, it was created by the kikes

fucking florida checking in.. unseasonably fucking freezing. ragnorak cometh

>implying the chinks arent infested with kikes
>b-but all I see are chinese people

Yea and all niggers see when they see our kikes is white people. Fuck if you look into it you will shit your pants when you find out how many cryptokikes are in central and south america

Even if we attribute 100% of recent global warming to the greenhouse gas effect (which just isn't true, as prehistoric temperature and atmospheric composition records make clear), the greenhouse gas effect is not linear, it is logarithmic. CO2 absorbs 2 specific wavelengths of IR light that overlap strongly with the earth's IR output, and then releases it either as it was, or at a lower wavelength that it cannot reabsorb. For this reason, the contribution of additional CO2 to the greenhouse gas becomes less and less as the concentration increases, eventually reaching zero once 100% of the IR light that it could absorb already is being absorbed.

It wasn't chink kikes, it was our kikes that founded and popularized it.

I made a Tamagotchi for school where your animal was the Earth and your actions was meant to reduce climate changes (my game had to be engaged in a lib problem, schools...). i made the game using real world stats amd had to tweek them because the earth would just never die with the numbers we are given right now. you didnt need to play the game.. which made my point during my presentations. that confusion

you cant spot a jew?


It's nippy in the east mothafuckas