Other urls found in this thread:

holy shit it's all crumbling. panic mode.

And they tried to poison him blah blah blah.

Holy shit it's nothing

>be hillary
>hate roger
>obtain polonium fron russia collusion buddies
>poison roger
>roger is immune to polonium

Damn. He's off the rails.


This is a bit more than the usual Roger Stone. I am impressed.
Stone predictions in here

>shill image
>shills rush in to make the thread seem like its popular
>literally nothing

>shill image
>shills rush in to make the thread seem like its popular
>literally nothing

>shill image
>shills rush in to make the thread seem like its popular
>literally nothing

Damn, lol


so sad to see him not just call them niggers

Fuckin hard times we are living in

would probably get a lot of attention if he did, desu

he's clearly a broke old man. he's going to be bankrupted by lawyer fees, at the very least


have to admit, some of these are cracking me up

The old chap has some great bantz

He called Don Lemon a lying cocksucker dumber than dog shit.


>stone going crazy
Stone confirmed to be one of those indicted for treason.

Who is next? You think Trump or one of Trumps shitty kids? How many will be indicted in total? 10? 20?

post the nigger one

holy shit! no way this is real

No its real. All of it over less then an hour. Hes probably at the bottom of the bottle now and headed to bed.

can i get a bogdown on this mueller shit?

why is stone going to get charged?

fucking classic i hope don lemon is crying somewhere in a corner


Trump and the lot are guilty as fuck of all sort or treasonous shit. It isn't exactly fucking rocket science.

This guy is savage.
Lemon getting Raped.

Obama is going to jail.

>all those retarded cunts
I don't even want to kill them. Just stare into their weeping eyes as they die, one by fucking one.

That's actually pretty good.

he's not wrong. seems like he's holding back


holy fuck he is bringing the bants...

reminds me of my glorious governor

His account has probably been compromised.

the game is up

these burns are... epic?

>my glorious governor
who dat?

take a hike shill

This man is a fucking savage

So what did he do or is this just more happening/muh russians! shill bullshit.

>Political spook party boy is immune to pathogens

maybe Trump lying to Roger so much has pushed him over the edge

lmao, roger stone is the man

Why are there butthurt people telling him he is going to jail?


>ywn be a stoneback

>"I would like to talk to you about your comments about my being a racist, you cocksucker. I want to talk to you. You want — I want you to prove that I'm a racist. I've spent my life helping black people and you little son of a bitch, socialist cocksucker. You — I need you to just fricking — I want you to record this and make it public because I am after you. Thank you."[182][183][184]

Donny 2 chins is fucked

He called Don Lemon a cocksucker HAHAHHAAHA

I love how all his rant-tweets are still up there but fucking Charles Blow's account is suspended right now? This is all hilarious

Hahah, god bless this man. When I am drunk, I just call my ex a cunt. This ol' bastard addresses the masses.

lmao he's all but calling Don Lemon a dumb nigger. He did in fact call him a cocksucker and a piece of shit LOL

>Bill Krystol packing on the pounds #porky #warmonger

top kek

He would if he could, user think we dont like this? We fucking love it. This man is full nuclear now. And he knows. He knows there is no heading back. He is not only taking one for the team, he is pulling a page from your sucmmy leftist handbook. By pushing the boundaries he makes a new level of what is acceptable to the public.

I love this man.

Fucking gold



I am laughing my ass off. WTF I love Roger Stone now!

>Don Lemon must be confronted, humiliated, mocked and punished. Dumber than dog shit.

I think even gay guys don't want the guy sucking their dick to be crying.

It will be a lonely lemon party for Lemon

Don Lemon is literally a gay nigger.


stone is ok for a boomer


was about to comment on this kek


Hive mind user...

good lord the man is a savage


not allowed to say NIGGER in your cucked country?

>Hey thats pretty good
Like a NiggerFaggot?

>yfw Stone turns rat on Trump
>yfw they all turn rat on Trump


>someone getting v& monday apparently
>most likely some rando no one's ever heard of and/or Manafort for something he did years before he ever met Trump
>libs giddily fantasizing about everyone they hate being arrested

This weekend should be great for delusional revenge fantasies and unhinged hatred.

I haven't had a laugh on this board in a while. Good one.

Stone is definitely /our/jew.

this is not just off reservation, this is pioneering a whole new frontier.

Stone is beta-testing Sup Forums-tier bants on the public front...well, in truth, James Woods has been way out in front of everybody. the whole 'hide your valuables under your workboots in case of looters' in the aftermath of a hurricane is hard to beat.

Trump is lettin em dangle in the breeze this weekend. i think i'm gonna check out clips of tonight's colbert -- read his body-language...see if he's had a chat with his buddy podesta, whose newpaper was recently forced to print a story implicating him in a massive bribery scheme...the same podesta who pushed the russian angle from the beginning.

Don Lemon is gay.
Roger Stone just called him a c**ksucker.
Media shitstorm incoming.

Hosting a swinger party would be Stone's signature to celebrate the release of JFK docs and a big F.U. to the media regarding lamented Rape

Absolute state of him.

He said something about "shekels" the other day

fantasy is all you leftists have, kiking kikester

Why? it's not even a derogatory term for him. It's just true.

The more I look at Jeff Garlin, the more I realize that he would make a really good Harvey Weinstein if HBO ever decided to make a miniseries about the man's sex scandals.

Like that even matter nowadays

The toilet wine one is pretty gud, for a shill anyway.

He is a top tier shitposter. A kek among frogs. He is one of us surely. He's likely one of the wh anons.

You guys realize that Stone is an admitted actual cuck, right? As in he and his wife placed ads for 'well-built' men to fuck her in front of him? He's admitted it.

To each their own, but it's just funny to me how some of you go around calling everyone a cuck and yet you hold an actual one in such high esteem.

What he is saying is true, though

ATT doesn't like controversy and CNN has a lot of baggage.

I heard PBS was interested in buying CNN.

Before Trump came along Roger was one of the all time great political trolls.

If you haven't watched Get Me Roger Stone on Netflix yet, you'll want to. It's a great ride.

Oh man, tears are running down my cheeks. Best one is Kristol #porky #warmonger


>when the covfefe comes with a side of covksucker

What's with all the shills?

people gotta eat you elitist pig

>censoring yourself on an anonymous chinese buffet enthusiasts forum
How many layers of cuckoldry are you on?

I think stone is a lefty

Stone is compromised and influenced via honey traps and narcotics

I doubt the Russians had a PISS tape on Trump, but I'm certain they have one on Stone

Well... He ain't wrong.

>Dumber than dog shit.


nah stone's vice is group swinging with his wife (also he's bi) but he's pretty open about it these days. It'd be tough to weaponize against him. Dude loves to plow.


>WTF I love Roger Stone now!
hes always been great. truly one of gods own prototypes, a raging subversive force of contolled anarchy, a jester in the face of deaths maw