How do we save California?

>best scenery
>best food
>cultural forefront of America
>hottest women
>hottest dudes
>grocery bags 10¢ a piece

We all know it's worth saving, the question is how? Also California Redemption Arc General (crag)


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I'd rather ban all cucks living there and save their beaches

Build border around Oregon and deport all out of state gaijin from said Oregon

you're a monkey and your opinion doesn't matter

state of jefferson?

We don't. We all get crowbars and pry it off at the San Andreas fault. Send it out to sea, and take the Raiders fans with you!

give us good ones a few more months to tie up loose ends and bug out, then just do like and fuck my faults up senpai. Preferably with bombs

Unless California makes some serious moral changes it will never be worth saving

i'm working on it...

He may be a chimp but I agree with him. We should bomb the shit out of cali, if rocket boy doesn't do it first

Superman sixty no.

What gender is the person wearing the white tank top?

>best scenery
dead desert that is on fire
>best food
>cultural forefront of America
niggers and spics
>hottest women
50% bald 50% dreadlocks
>hottest dudes
all competing for the few normal girls around


>>best scenery
>dead desert that is on fire
mountains, forests, fruit basket of USA, largest coastline of any state except probably Alaska or Florida or some other irrelevant shithole
>>best food
It has a taste of every culture but also it’s too homogenized
>>cultural forefront of America
>niggers and spics
He’s right though, and until the last 40 years the niggers and spics weren’t the reason it happened either it was white Hollywood you fucking idiot
>>hottest women
>50% bald 50% dreadlocks
Absolutely autistic if you think this is true anywhere but liberal arts classrooms
>>hottest dudes
>all competing for the few normal girls around
We literally compete with eachother in real athletic races because there’s so much pussy to go around we have to find other things to fight over

Get over it loser

There's only one way


>it was white Hollywood

I live here. You're full of shit.

>Hottest women

Nice try. It WAS that way, not anymore. You have to take a time machine to the 1990s to see the last hot woman in CA

>best scenery

No. Everywhere you go is Filipinos or Mexicans ruining every last place of beauty

>hottest dudes

I'm a guy, and the men here are better looking as a whole than the women. If I was gay, I would love CA

>cultural forefront

Meaning, Mexicans and Filipinos literally everywhere.

>save California

Nuke us, or nuke Southern California or nuke every Mexican shithole

A totalitatian state dying from its own incompetence, pride and envy. The streets of the major cities are covered in human shit and filled with homeless veterans and schizophrenics. Every day the middle class flees elsewhere or becomes radicalized by the Marxist horsehit taught in the public schools and universities. California is only alive today because of federal monetary policy and the willingness of oligarchs to crush the weak in order to raise their stock price, damn the consequences. It is the land of complete hypocrisy and blind ignorance masquerading as knowledge. The wealthy fools who believe they live at the end of history must place their hopes in stultifying the poor with endless entertainment to distract them from the injustices they suffer daily. And the pension crisis has not even begun. Good riddance. Only a god can save us.

You have to live in a small town in CA to actually feel alive. Live ANYWHERE in Los ANgeles county and your soul will disappear within a few short years.

>hottest women

pic related is 90% of women here

This is now a Jefferson thread

Go out to meet some women on a Friday.

Pic related is the "hottest" at the bar.

Go home. Wack off to porn.

>Matty Braps


This speech is a pretty good summation of the problems and solutions

Join a dating site in California

Pic related is the type of women that fill your inbox with messages.

>Ethnicity : cuban , mexican , african

>hottest women

its not the 80's anymore , you dumb fuck

Live in San Diego, downtown not go to the beach. Hoars of homeless shiting on the streets. Living in homeless camps along the San Diego river. Hepatitis A outbreak from homeless shit. 17 dead, over 500 hospitalized. Shit in river bed will end up on beaches and will be in the ocean.

Same problem on LA country and Santa Cruz.

I came back to visit, bought a 24 pack of water, and they charged me 1.25 for CRV. The water only cost 4 dollars. My total came out to be around 6 dollars because of tax and CRV. Never went back there again. There’s no saving California now.

Only a nuke or super aids will save CA.

sounds shitty

spic and span

cleanse it with atomic fire

California is lost.

Take power away from the coast
California is only blue because of places like SF, LA, and SD