What keeps you going /pol...

What keeps you going /pol? What gets you out of bed and trudging on for another day through the hellscape of modern life? Despite the oppressing cultural depravity in the modern age where all life seems to be stripped of purpose, nobility, beauty, is there something to look forward to, a silver lining in it all?

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My daughter. She's 8.

But I caught her listening to rap music the other day, so nowadays I don't know anymore.

>What keeps you going /pol?
/pol is a safe space for degenerates and rejects like me

i can shitpost all day long, and anons love it

here i have value

Though modernity has brought the benefits of technology, the consequence is that we have traded convenience for fulfillment. The human experience has been reduced to the pursuit of sensory pleasures and escapism, devoid of any splendor or significance. I am beginning to be of the opinion that Kaczynski was right. I wish I had been born hundreds of years ago, to experience the glory of the age of conquer and exploration, and devote my being to something greater than myself.

My cat. She demands that I get up and that I feed her. Without her, I'm done.

The only thing that drives me is to prove other people wrong about me. I have made many errors in my life and ruined many things, but as a wise man once said -"An error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it." I aim to correct my mistakes, prove certain people wrong about me and better myself in every way I can."

Act like thats cool then one up her with what you want as cooler
This time you are the parent and have leverage so dont abuse it until you need to

That's why humans come with fists.

My spaceships

I planted my seed and now I have a garden to tend.

Not a whole lot 2bh. I live a typical medium paying job Monday through Friday. I buy things I like now and then. I look forward to the weekend when I can drink myself into a blackout. Nothing keeps me going but the daily grind. I'm neither a positive or negative of the world. Just another person

fapping and drug addiction

I enjoy the challenge.
I'm currently losing though.

>Just another person
as if you have just one person in your soul

you are a mess, that's why you come here

Not really. I keep my life tidy beyond a need for complete mental release. I actually don't like coming here. It makes me angry, seeing shit unfold

My boyfriend. He has changed my life from a hopeless depression to beautiful joy. Im happy to be alive everyday just to be with him. He says I do the same for him, and in the past he also had even worse problems with depression. Being able to make the one you love smile turns you blind to all the trivial problems of life.
I know some people despise me for being gay and say its a mental illness, but they are free to think that, I'm not going to change their mind. As long as they arent muslim tier I dont care. I hope everyone on here can find someone they love and who loves them back equally. It cures you of what you think in the moment is never ending.

I have nothing to live for but the happenings


Probably kiling myself tonight. God speed friends.

>666 check'd
clearly gonna burn in hell with satan's dick in your ass though user.

I've been lucid dreaming every night since 2013, also I like learning about birds.

Fear that there is no afterlife and as shit as this reality is it's all I'll ever have. The loss of consciousness is scary.
Also the world is pretty entertaining at the moment, politically speaking, so it's worth seeing how it all plays out.

idk, as cliché as it sounds, everyday is an opportunity to learn something new, you can never end the journey to self fulfillment it's with you until you go to the grave, make the best of what you have, because you don't know what happens after you die.

Where have all the good men gone? All of our leaders today are moderates without the spirit of conquerors. Where are men to embody the spirit of Heracles like Alexander of Macedon, to banish the invaders like the Lionheart, with the devotion that animated Hitler? All spirits of greatness appear to have vanished with the past, and abandoned us here. In this age of tremendous moral decadence, not a single powerful leader with honor, integrity and courage to go rise and lead forth as an example, to defy the modern world. All of our leaders are frauds, prophets to the Whore of Babylon. This must honestly be the Kali Yuga - we, who defy the coming demons in vain, are the vain hopes and tears that will sate the unholy blood sacrifice.

The small slim hope I will one day own a small remote farm, somewhere miles and miles away from anything where i can do what i want.
I can't leave this world, so i want to get as far away as possible.

I love these, any more?

My wife, our newborn son, constant happenings and the idea I might get to tell my kid what it was like when it all came tumbling down.


>Born too late to explore the world
>Born too early to explore the stars
>TFW you will never get to experience being a explorer, pioneer and/ or settler.

Wish I could come back and let you know. Opening my wrists tonight I don't want to do this shit anymore. Heres to hoping I don't burn in hell!

Hatred and the boiling urge to murder all liberals in the next civil war


I thought the loss of consciousness was scary too at first. Now it seems fucking paradise, getting to unplug from this meaningless existence. I can't do that to the senpai just yet tho

My insane addiction to Eroge VNs. I don't even fap to them. I think I am the make equivalent of a female that can't shut the fuck up about 50 shades of grey.

I love my job

Literally my family is the only reason I haven't. But man I can't do this too much longer.

family, vacation, sugar, weed, women, doggers, white race

I would tell you it gets better, but that was really only in my case. Some people really are born with immense burdens that I couldnt imagine.

I didnt notice the digits at first. I guess god really does hate fags

Goddamn mook this isnt fucking spam

Life ended for me a decade ago.
Just in limbo now.

Get some help and find anything that will enable you to trudge on for amother year. Things may get better then. This is the only consciousness you will ever experience.

well there are gays and there are fags. You belong to the first.
In German there's a saying from Frederick the Great along the lines:" Jedem Tierchen sein Plaisierchen" = Each animal should get what suits it best.

Thanks dude.

The thought that before I die Gnosticism will be exposed for the one true path that it is.

this. MDE keeps a man alive

Check'd Hans bro

Oh look. Its you trying to project your shitty inner emotional landscape onto other like the abusive asshole you are...

In that time he needed settlers because the Prussians were decimated by various illnesses. So he created a safe space for religious minorities, as long as they played by the rules. For example the hugenotts.

Aye. Thanks and good luck bro.

Fuck it man. I am not afraid of everything going black. I am afraid of hell. Suicide equals definite trip to hell I always have been told. But man fuck this life. This world is sick. The people are sick. They say light always wins over dark, hope that is true but it certainly does not feel so.

My bird, but yeah engineering games are also cool.



Lifting weights. If I didn't start lifting I'd be in a grave right now.

Pandemic Legion will fuck all of your asses.

massive, crushing debt and regularly recurring financial oblations and a desire for a warm, dry , clean place to sleep.

Shiney and chrome

Holy fuck I could have written this post, I mean, I'm thankful for having had a good family, but it's the pain and guilt I know I'd cause them, betraying all they've done for me, that binds me to this life like a ball and chain

same swedebro

sammy gunz and mde

>What keeps you going /pol? What gets you out of bed and trudging on for another day through the hellscape of modern life?

I abuse prescription amphetamines.
I'm not proud of it, but I'd have given up long ago otherwise.

There never was any significance.

We are monkeys stuck on a rock hurtling through space, we seek orgasms and complex sugars.

One day this planet will be nothing but a tomb and nobody will ever know.

>what is empathy
then again it's autist central here so I idk what I expected

Yep, I can't do it to them. I would do it right now if my parents were gone. Literally waiting for them to die so I can do it. Sad pathetic existence. I just want to go revenge mode on some pedo or opiate dealer b4 I go and take some piece of shit to hell with me.

How have you been lucid dreaming every day?

>when you start lifting for a couple weeks and then realize your eating habits and metabolism will keep you forever in the body of an anorexic 12 year old girl

The point of life is to accept that there's no point and make it purposeful within our own limits. Just enjoy watching everyone else suffer and strive to make the world more right wing in the process.

I got a friend I met onlinr , lives 30 min from me. Smokes meth. Been thinking of just saying well if I can't fucking suicide because of my family ... maybe just start torching crystal all day
But then they will have a meth head son.

Muh mortal coil :(

Makes sense. You come off like a cuck.

reading posts like yours makes me glad I'm a mgtow

muh metabolism

it's not much different than anyone elses. eat more you faggot. or be a litle bitch forever who cares, not me


That's bullshit if you're skinny you just need to fucking eat more and lift more it's not that hard just do whatever it takes, it's not rocket surgery

Remember, kids love things you think are bad. Tell her rap is bad, she'll like it. Tell her black guys aren't so great, she'll be fucking them.

We'll I was lucky. My family is ok and I never had a big accident or stuff.
Can't allow myself to become weak an stop functioning. Also I found some friends which I share the same mentality.

We had a blogger in Germany writing about hedonism im the west, what one could do, about banding together and preparing.

Well I met him. Turned out he was a neet alcoholic. Smart but weak minded. He knew what to do but failed miserably.

Godspeed friend, I wish you the best regardless. I honestly think I can say I know how you feel, because those thoughts replay everyday in the back of my mind, like a broken record that never stops

>this x9001
back then you were a part of something. you had your country. you could explore / colonize / fight in wars. you had a people. you had goals and things to do for your country/people to make your bretheren and children's lives better.

now it's a degenerate melting pot of garbage everywhere with nothing to do other than slave away to prop up the decaying corpse of civilization as we know it. It's a futile and morally degrading effort.

I take it that is you and he? also i can relate to the last sentence you write

Put your foot down and tell her not to listen to that degen garbage or you'll disown her. You're the Dad right? Grow some fucking balls you idiot.


Driving my camaro to work, rebuilding e7470s, flirting with corporate chicks all day, eating catered lunches and checking out the babes at the gym and then fucking my wife when I get home. Watch the news while eating a bowl of cereal before I go to sleep.

Why? What o you do?

Knowing that if I push myself to become better, great things are achieved.

The fact that my perseverence defies it all.

I'm the one shooting. Na I'm not gay. That was another user.
Just me and a friend shooting bows. Can't shoot guns outside except for hunting.

There is literally nothing wrong with the world you're all just lemmings. Only highly evolved humans can escape the Judeo-Mesonic autism cube. If you people weren't brain dead hyper-impressionable peasants you'd know exactly what to do and where to go in order to "escape" degeneracy.

Stupid babys cannot into dynamic and complex thought.

Rip zombies

holy fuck whats up with his ankles


I'm glad Mgtow exists to keep idiots like you out of the genepool. Thanks for erasing your shitty beta genetics from future generations

unless you've succumbed to the pit of depravity personally, you wouldn't be feeling like that, YOU GOD DAMNED MORON !
question answered, beating delivered

This guy has it. Simply working hard and not being an idiot in life will carry you. Being lazy and not doing shit is the greatest waste anyone can bring.

That the end is near so I scan people categorizing them into different groups levels of threat. Then visualize what I would need to use in order to defeat said person. Watching people act and react in situations, if they have some sense of humanity or are immoral. Overall the world is weak, people are sheep in wolves clothing.

One day I had a really bad fever and had one of those crazy you know you're sick before you wake up dreams. Then I got better but still dream the same.


You seem like a pretty legit guy what are your long term plans family wise?

Just wanna see if you're doomed or not based on your answer.

Hypertensive crisis waiting to happen. Not a fun day.

Dont do it bro. there is always light.

I was childless and suicidal a few years back, now I have a purpose to live/

Don't do it. Please

I had this problem, until due to business trips I was allowed to spend $20 a meal. I ordered double/extra of whatever I liked and got bulked. You really shouldn't try eating too healthy, it just doesn't work, you have to binge at least a little.

As an added bonus, drink Ensure if you REALLY struggle. I used to drink one every night before bed; it allows you to get an extra 350 calories without effecting your meals.

Recently gave up my full time job to pursue an education in renewable energy. Looking forward to one day helping other people reach their goals with systems that they want to be put in place that can keep themselves running. Started volunteering with relevant organisations. Knowing that I can make where I live a better place for both others and myself keeps me going. Not really a "save the planet" sort of guy, but just practical.

Taking care of my mother, and the hope of one day moving to Australia.

I want to hopefully be part of a social upheaval that scraps all the cultural marxism and brings us back to the 1920s, white nationalism obviously included.

fucking nothing, I'm barely running on basic instincts like the urges to eat and to use the bathroom. I'm on complete autopilot. at this point I'm just doing nothing all day every day. I'll probably come out of it soon.

Wife & 4 kids starting with kids before I turn 28. I have a girlfriend that also wants 4 children, but we're quite young and I need to build a fundament first.
I'm a mech.engineer, which pays quite well. Should be doable. Maybe here, maybe in the states.
But please fuck off with that swastica shit. Natsocs are a joke. A bad one. My grandfathers merely survived that shit.

Hi me.