I'm 27 years old

I'm 27 years old

I'd like a family by the time I'm like 30ish

I feel like I need to bang as many women as I can before I settle down to do so, though. I blossomed late as fuck, so I only have four chicks in me (or rather that I've been in), and I feel like 34-40 would be decent.

But the dream would be over a hundred.

What is your guys' view on this?

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LOL fucking hivemind

And you're boring. We can get into a tit-for-tat if you'd like

Do you still think you should have a virgin?

Focus on the family, sunshine.

I wouldn't want one.

I'd rather want a woman who's had a serious relationship, so she'd know how to handle tense situations in a relationship and not abandon ship, and furthermore because she'd know how to communicate and be a partner

Having a virgin gf would be cool if I was 17

I'm 27 years old and im a virgin. I think the idea of having sex before marriage is degenerate and think you should abstain until marriage.

You are brainwashed by the hivemind.

Isn't that non-Western (Islamic) thinking?

Never have men thought like this - not in Ancient Greece. Not in Ancient Rome. Not in the 1950s.

Dude, before the 80s, or maybe even 90s men always thought like this. In the 1950s any man who wanted to have sex before marriage was seen as either a freak, a sexual deviant, or an addict.

why because i have a desire to have sex with different woman? you're brainwashed by the Sup Forums hive mind, props to you for being chaste but i like pleasure

You've been brainwashed by the ((media)). They want you to be a Brave new World Tier. Sex-driven population is easier to manipulate than people like me who don't spend their free time masturbating.

arent there all these charts correlating number of sex partners to negative things in life? i didnt save the charts but someone must have the pic.

Wtf kind of world do you think you live in? I respect your ideas about virginity, but not your ignorance on the historical matter. Seriously, read Foucault's History of Sexuality and educate yourself.

Educate yourself. Even as late as 1965 men who were attracted to female breasts were considered to have "sexual disorders"


You're on the right path, you want to have some experience because most people need to get that evil out in some way. Don't think about it as a number, you can meet 1 or 2 girls who will open you up to things sexually and losing them will help you be stronger when you do settle down.

Fucking killing yourself

Most men need to sow their wild oats to know how to choose a good woman and to not feel like they've missed on it

yeah date a really attractive woman and have lots of sex with her, explore her body

Don't encourage degeneracy.

> le meme flag

Im being 100% honest, if you are not trolling, you need to not be a manwhore. It will ruin your chances of having a successful family.

I didn't miss out on shit.

t.27 year old virgin

That's degenerate though

yeah i've been 3 months without blowing a load, had sex two weeks ago been eating tons of oysters and aphrodisiacs, been working out woke up yesterday and fapped away

>I'd rather want a woman who's had a serious relationship, so she'd know how to handle tense situations in a relationship and not abandon ship, and furthermore because she'd know how to communicate and be a partner

That's not how it works. The more relationships a woman has the less ability they have to bond with a partner, it's why the more sexual relationships you have, the odds of a marriage lasting dip drastically. A slag is more likely to abandon ship because 'she don't need to put up with dis shit, i can get others'

That's gay as fuck though. Why would I not want to have fun?

I've seen it before, yeah.

I've had banged four chicks so far and my desire for love is still as strong as it was when I was a virgin - it hasn't made me any more narcissistic, I don't buy it for me personally.

That is such bollocks mate.

how is it degenerate going for a attractive woman, and staying with her exploring her body if things to do work out, why wouldn't you wanna explore your partner, your own self. but hey 27 year old virgin

>it hasn't made me any more narcissistic
>But the dream would be over a hundred.
t. delusional

My dad's lifestyle in the 80s was sex, drugs, and rock n roll.

He settled down with a beautiful wife and two beautiful kid (myself included), along with a middle class house and a vacation house on the side. He's been married to her for like 34 years now.

This thinking that more sex partners = less likely to stay committed is overh-hyped hysterical thinking, based off on published data that linked two things together based on a stretch.

It's a fact you stupid arse. Some desu will be around with the pic. Stop telling yourself lies.

Getting married at all is retarded. Artificial wombs and robowaifus are the future.

what are you doing with your life everyday, you working out, reading practicing martial arts, dressing sharp becoming more self reliant prove to me you aren't a fat neet


why increase the odds of a negative outcome?

Go watch how I met your mother and use it as a step by step tutorial. You’ll definitely have a successful relationship and a family with your attitude.

Don't fap or have sex it weakens you

Because life isn't about "fun" it's about long-term happiness

Because marriage is about producing children, not "exploring her body". You should have sex to procreate but not anything more, you don't need to "explore her body".

I'm arrogant as fuck, but my feelings for others hasn't been numbed one bit, no.

In fact that's the challenge - banging as many chicks as I can without breaking their hearts or leading them on. It'd have to be a mutual understanding of what's going on, which would be hard to do with chicks.

In fact this is likely why it's easy for gay guys to bang so many other dudes - They're rational thinking men and know what's going on, they don't have to worry about mixed feelings from a woman

Then don't expect a pure wife if you're going to be a degenerate. We don't want your kind.

>That's not how it works.

I've had a woman who was a virgin that never had a serious relationship before.

She was uneducated in all the nuance in what it takes to be a girlfriend, and it in part helped kill the relationship. I suffered the same problem from the male perspective, too.

We could have worked if we both were experienced before we met each other. An infographic you found online won't change that.

That's still degenerate though

I'm MGTOW as well but I mean I would get married if i could

My weekday consits of

>wake up
>come home
>Sup Forums

On weekends it's just

>wake up
>Sup Forums

Might as well fuck as many men as possible too because once the ring goes on that'll be over too gayrod.

There's studies for everything to fit any bias or perspective


I don't know OP. I'm 25. I banged one girl at 17 before I got into a serious relationship with another soon after. I stayed with that one for 6 years and was on the path to marriage and a family. She bounced. Last 2 years I've plugged away into 11 more biches, and done sexual stuff (Not dick in vag though) with another 30. It's tiresome and boring, but having come so close to marriage at a young age I don't see the appeal anymore. If anything I'll just go back to my home country in Eastern Europe and find a bitch who wants to come to America. I'm a good dude and great at relationships but the pool of solid date-able women here in the states is like trying to find a Russian connection to Trump.
At this point I just want some kids I can redpill and a decent looking women who might decide to stay with me after she realizes I'm not like my compatriot assholes who just want a dishwasher in their lives.

These are the kind of people that thinks getting pussy is degenerate

Being a pussy is the epitome of nu-male

In fact, nobody can go into criticize-this-numale thread if you're too much of a pussy to bang chicks

>She was uneducated in all the nuance in what it takes to be a girlfriend

How do you think you learn it in the first place? See this is what you're not getting, it's because you're the guy fucking around that she didn't know what she was doing, but if you're both clueless, you find your own way and statistically, it works.

>An infographic you found online won't change that.

It displays general trends. If you found an exception, it's exactly that. Fact is NYC for example is a elephants graveyard for ovaries, precisely because of what i said, men arn't getting married because they CAN walk away from relationships, same with women. Stop with your anecdotal evidence, and look at what's happening.

>There's studies for everything to fit any bias or perspective

Holy shit, so you're basically immune to the truth then? Because you can dismiss everything, no matter how solid with that mindset. Jesus fucking wept, you're not a woman are you?

>two beautiful kid (myself included)
Nah. You're just a POD malignant narcissist. If you do get 100 bitches, you'll want 1000, and will get depressed when you can't get them, eventually committing suicide. It'd be best for everyone involved if you just jumped to the suicide part right now, because there's no way your influence on people's lives that you touch won't be negative and destructive.

so youve got anecdotal evidence

only pussies bang chicks


You're basing a life decision based off an infographic, and repeating a zinger from gavin mcinnes

If I was your father, I'd consider myself to be a failed parent

Any more than 1~5 or so is likely acheived through degenerate behavior. For people of either gender, the more sexual partners you have had before marriage, the less likely you are to have a successful marriage and the more likely it is your child will be dysfunctional.

I can show you studies that regularly sitting in a chair in front of a computer can lead to a shortened lifespan.

This means that you should stop posting on Sup Forums and get a life.

in other words, we pick and choose published studies to formulate our lifestyle that'll lead us to our pursuit of happiness.

And I'm saying that basing your life off the virgin wife ratio study is a lame way to live your only one chance in life you have to live. It's illogical.

sometimes you need to sacrifice the temporary pleasure so that you can have the long term pleasure.

Holy shit, you're fucking retarded. Fact. Women are increasinly becoming single, and staying single.
Fact. The more relationships you have, the worse your chances of making the next ones work, no your bullshit personnel experience doesn't work. You have to look at the general trend.

You're a failure of a person who puts feelings over facts. You absolute subhuman cunt, you're a woman, end the fucking larp.

>Sitting for More Than Three Hours a Day Cuts Life Expectancy


So if you want to have knee-jerk reaction to published studied, it'd be intellectually inconsistent to NOT ditch what you're doing to change your life, right?

No, because it wouldn't make you happy.

Banging chicks is more fun than getting angry at BBC porn on Sup Forums. I can assure you.

I married the first girl that wouldn't have sex with me on the fist date.
It took till 35 but it's ok 3 good kids wife fat doctors give her drugs.
So probably don't listen to me there was one girl that a " date " Never got out of her house I kinda wonder about

hahaha! Look at this fucking bitch! Just because i told him that if he fucks around the chances of him ending up alone increase, what a fucking clown. Listen you effeminate fuckweasel, no one is basing their life of an infographic you tool, but people use facts to guide them through life, or just be plain fucking retarded like yourself and end up even more of a fuckup.


>but people use facts to guide them through life

So that means you should ditch Sup Forums, as regularly sitting in a chair staring at a screen shortens your lifespan

yea give me all your money now cuz afterlife gonna be lit

p.s. not lying (you know cus i said so)


>B-B-B-BUT I LOVE Sup Forums

You're saying you prefer the vice of shitposting on Sup Forums over the vice of crushing pussy.

These are the faggots that cry about nu-males

bro i dont mind my life expectancy being cut. but i do care about having a solid marriage. just depends on whats important to you. if you dont care about having a better chance at a good marriage then okay thats up to you.

You're getting pretty petty now. I've met 'men' like you before, you're not all that. Look, just because someone piles you with facts doesn't mean you should get all upset about it, you little bitch.

>>Sitting for More Than Three Hours a Day Cuts Life Expectancy

Technically it would be right. So? What am i going to do with this information? Am i going to cry about it like you do with facts? No, i'm going to factor it in (don't need to as my Job means im always on my feet) but still.

Your failure to death with the truth tell me shitloads about you.

hey remember when we did that thing where we made out luggage password 1234567 and were like


aslo, dont forget never tlk bout fag club *cuckfist*


100%. Sup Forums brings me real joy. It brings me real thought. It brings me into a community that I hate and love. Smashing pussy is boring, dull, repetitive and I personally only do it now when the urge kicks into overdrive. The moment I get some pussy I eventually come back here. I'm on a 2-3 month cycle of new pussy. I certainly can't speak for the user you are arguing with but I absolutely love this place compared to dull, meaningless conversation and trying to fuck some awkward whore who contributes nothing to me but a warm wet hole.

i dont believe you

Woman here.

No girl who has any ounce of self-respect would want a guy whose slept with countless men. In other words, if you're a degenerate slut, you're going to attract degenerate sluts.

If you have any sort of social circle you'll see a clear difference in the personality between the 'conservative' friends and the 'liberal' friends, and I don't mean the political spectrum but general life choices. Guys who whore around are going to find a whore to marry, and will end up getting divorced. Guys who respect themselves and don't have the urge to fuck as many women as possible are going to find a woman with the same ideals.

This is how it works. So treat yourself responsibly and with some dignity if you want a partner that respects you.


You ARE the nu-male you stupid fuck. Going from one cunt to another, how many cocks do you think that Zoe bitch rode? Fuck loads, whos cocks? Effeminate nu-males like you.

You stupid cockgobbler.

>guy whose slept with countless men


The shadow here.

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of man?


>No, i'm going to factor it in

Right. You acknowledge that it's a destructive vice, yet you'll still persist it.

In other words, you choose shitposting on Sup Forums over crushing pussy.

This isn't even getting into your probable shit tier diet

You are pathetic and you will fuel an addiction if you go through, you sexual past will make it harder to have a healthy relationship with your future wife.

if you decide to live a life of fornication then you should never get married because eventually you will commit adultery and destroy your marriage, do you're pretty delusional if you think that you'll be used to spending the rest of your life with one women after you've been with tons of women, your neural pathways will only desire one night stands rather than being married.

Ideally God intends for people to get married young not spend their entire 20s having sex with multiple people like an animal and getting divorced at 35 because you can't stand "oneitis"

>Woman here.

Don't bother, the faggot is immune to everything. He's plain fucking retarded.

>Right. You acknowledge that it's a destructive vice, yet you'll still persist it.

See, this is what makes you a little bitch. Let's analyse your garbage post shall we?

Sitting more than 3 hours a day
More that 3 hours
More than 3

Do you even know what time it is in the UK you stupid fuck? I just got up before going to work, making sure dribblers like you arn't infesting the world with your bullshit you utter fuckweasel.

You're a fuckup, and you know you are.

Don't mind me, just super drunk seeing whose me

I've had a variety of educated, successful, and creative women all fall in love with me from around the world, and they know how crazy I am.

I'd wager it'd be the more shut-in introverts that get anxiety over a confident man

I've had a woman spell my name in the beach from across the world.

You rationalize that being a reject is a badge of honor.

Similar to a feminist or the landwhales in the Fat Acceptance movement, in fact.

this isnt about other people its about you. you think that something negative is justified because others do the same? if you care about marriage you take steps to create a solid one and the ways to increase the chances of a solid one is by having less sexual partners. stop trying to shift the subject onto someone elses life habits.

Good God, you're fucking a laugh and a half you bitch. Listen you cock, all you're bragging doesn't mean shit, the more you fuck around, the chances of you having long term relationships sink. Period.

Hardly a reject, plenty of rejected. Keep telling yourself you're hot shit, when you're just plain shit.

>I've had a woman spell my name in the beach from across the world.

She was probably trying to teach you how to spell, you fucking retard.

I was replying to a guy throwing the word 'degeneracy' while he no doubt engages in vices as well is all.

As for me, it's true that I want a long term marriage while paradoxically wanting to bang as many women a possible before it.

I dismiss the study as it's not a peer reviewed notable study. It's a stretched correlation compiled by Mens Right Activists.

>Keep telling yourself you're hot shit

But I am.

I walked down the sidewalk shirtless the other week, and seemingly a hundred+ cars and passer-byers wave and smile at me, as if I was an A-list celebrity.

It's an effortless energy that's obtained by banging women, and will make you happier than shitposting on Sup Forums.

No it isn't 4can is the only thing that makes me happy

which study? its been done multiple times.

anyway thats your decision. why do you want to bang so many women?
why not have one woman you can bang and love the rest of your life? if you think one woman wont be enough what makes you think youll be able to stay with her?

The obvious conclusion is that those women were still emotionally disturbed, to settle for a whining little bitch like yourself. Sorry champ, nothing you can brag about adds any worth to your pathetic existence - implying that you're not simply lying and / or trolling, which seems more likely with every post you make.

Any wizards on Sup Forums? I'm turing 30 in 2 months and I'm a KHV dateless. I have up on having sex and going on a date completely at 21. Even at a young age 16-17 i knew I probably could never have sex. I'm trying to accept it, I am not fat or ugly I just have a hard time talking to women and I'm boring. I still live with my parents too, i have a High net worth and own some properties I bought in cash, im thinking about moving into one. I guess I'll just have to hope for high quality sex bots, sadly the super lifelike ones will probably come out when I'm 80 something.

>I was replying to a guy throwing the word 'degeneracy' while he no doubt engages in vices as well is all.

No you wern't you fucking idiot. I never used that word and you were replying to me.

And how the fuck is sitting on a computer a vice? More than 3 hours a day the study was a health warning you clown.

You're a little bitch, the only reason they stopped and stared was because they couldn't help but wonder how something like you crawled into existence.

You were lucky they didn't arrest you for crimes against nature. Fact is, you got nothing, and got your ass handed to you. It's why you're coming out with all this effeminate shit.

i wanna give you advice but i know it bothers you guys. sorry friend

>which study? its been done multiple times.

Doesn't matter, he will dismiss every single one as 'Ya so what?'

Guys a bitch.

If you're really worth that much, being boring is a non-issue. I assure you your date will do all the necessary talking. But of course, that'll be because she's a gold-digger.

I don't even care about dating anymore, all the girls my age are not very good anyway.

Engaged. She has a kid from another man who she left during her pregnancy. I've raised the kid since she was 9 months old. She's great and loyal, cute but straight up fun. Been together 6years and we got clean together, we both graduated college and have full time full benefit jobs for well above our generations median income. We have thousands in the bank and the daughter is great and I am 'dad'. I will push two-three more kids out of my fiancé before we're 33.
If you are little bitch don't get with mommies. If you cry when /pop/ calls you cuck then go jack off and fantasize about you being chad for women you want. She is red pilled and she gives few fucks in private; runs her mouth about (((them)))

im going to leave its time for me to sleep but when you get a chance to yourself, before you fall asleep or take a shower or whatever, think about why you feel the need to sleep with so many women and if you really think you have to or if you think instead you can live with a single girl that you love and care for. i really think that being with one girl for the rest of your life may be the more rewarding option in the long run. if you disagree thats up to you but i think it's worth giving it just a second thought because sleeping with so many girls might be such a negative messy situation in your life. good night best of luck

Everyone but me gotta learn

he's fucked off, it was too much for the little man to handle.

I've gotten to 20ish while having a mindset where I only want 1.

I can not for the life of me see a good reason to fuck many girls, unless you impregnate them and spread your seed.

Either a girl has good pussy or not good pussy. If it's just for sex, it's safer/better to find 1 good pussy and keep to it.

Slutiness has to go.