I got:

Manafort at 2:1
Carter Page at 4:1
Mike Flynn at 5:1
Dana Boente at 6:1
Felix Sater at 9:1
Dana Rohrabacher at 10:1
Jared Kushner at 12:1
Corey Lewandowski at 20:1
Roger Stone at 20:1
Jeff Sessions at 25:1
Don Jr. at 30:1
Big Pappa Orange at 50:1.

Other urls found in this thread:

Obama, Hillary, Bill, Bush Jr, Podestas, Half of Congress, Journalists, Jews worldwide. Israel falls soon.



I say Manafort and Flynn

Fuck it's papa donny

Wrong. Nothing is going to happen to anyone.

Is this, dare I say, our game?

Trump Himself

Ivanka Trump is going to prison for orchestrating 9/11.

t. This isn't Fox News Drumpfy


Twenty bucks on a Podesta.
Check ‘em

re-rolling for mastermind Baron

Manafort’s even odds and Trump’s off the board, no chance Mueller takes his first swing at the top.

I just wanted to put ol' Donnie on there, shoulda made it like 500:1 though

that is not how this works. Please stop. Placing bets is not re-rolling for garbage. Go back to eRddit and do that junk.

put me up for Tony Podesta

voting flynn

Manafort is the safe bet and he's going to run deep with implications....none of them pointing towards POTUS

>Carter Page
Save your money, he's a fink but precisely because he's a fink he'd have rolled before he got indicted for anything.

Grand jury already has charges.
We will know Monday who it is.

My bet is that it's someone outside the trump camp. That the investigation undercovered someone in the democrats camp was involved with Russian meddling.

All on debbie.

It's manafort. But it won't stick and it'll be just to make Trump look bad with all the bad press the dnc has been getting lately.

20:1 on Poedesta

Marc Elias rolls under the bus

>Dana Rohrabacher
I need some basic gestalt on this

you got it

every idiot in this thread that is rolling for numerals is a total doofus. Learn to gamble. pic related

What are the odds for John or Tony Podesta?

I wanna bet 1200 eur on Podesta

Someone you didn't even know to expect at 1:1

What's the line on DWS?

20:1 on Tony
50:1 on John

>Dana Boente
Stop watching Madcow.

kek wtf

>But it won't stick and it'll be just to make Trump look bad
Rosenstein would have quashed anything that wasn't going to stick. His ass is on the line if the indictments don't draw blood cause it will look like he ordered a wild goose chase against his boss. He'd stall this shit out for years if there was nothing there since Trump can't touch him while this shit's still going on as long as he doesn't do anything too stupid. He'd only move forward with charges if he basically had to.

Not on the table for Mueller, but in terms of the Awans? 5:1

I'll take Hilldawg and Comey

Now Manafort is plummeting and Flynns going up.
WTF is going on

I did it and I'll do it again

Manaforts corruption mostly happened when he was working for the Podesta's. Hmmm.

You don't think any DNC money went to Fusion?

Podesta the molester

Quads for Hilldawg

No way. Van Jones nailed it on the head, for once. I say Nothing Burger. Nobody goes down for nothing. Not Trump Jr for The meeting. Not Manafort for Ukraine. Not Clinton for the bribery scheme. No one for obstruction, no one for campaign anything. Nothing burger. I guarantee it.

I'll take the prop bet that Obama says If 7 times in a row when he's deposed.

give me the over on Comey vs. the field

Why does canada get a flag but the other states dont?

bruh, somebody got indicted

Manafort will be the only charges and it is because he is low hanging fruit. He will be the sacrificial cow for BOTH sides of this. Even if charges stick, the actual punishment will be minor.

Controlled circus, political win for all sides. A sort of incidental negotiation.

Manafort was already pardoned

WikiHow to do common core maths and sheeiitt.

You guys are all wrong about this.
It's obviously THIS thug.

It's just bet balancing. The bookie just wants to even out the money on each side and collect the juice.

God what a faggot. Did he ever have a snowball's chance?

At least one Podesta, Debbie Wasserman

odds on a podesta??

Roll for killary

Hillary will get her turn, don't worry.

I'm actually guessing this, most likely. But things are afoot elsewhere and the whole dossier/Uranium shit is going, so to speak, nuclear. Not to mention the Awan shit. So more exciting news is coming up.

Nice digits!

One can only hope that it is Hillary!

>You don't think any DNC money went to Fusion?
DNC money going to fusion is 100% normal, not to mention legal. Fusion's a domestic firm that provides among its services opposition research.

There is literally nothing illegal about hiring someone to find dirt on your political opponent.

Illegal would be shit like trying to obtain stolen emails or receiving for example monetary assistance from a foreign government in a political campaign.

Now Fusion might have broken the law depending on what actions went into the assembling of the dossier.


No guarantee it's election, Trump or Clinton related at all. My bet it's not related to the initial investigation. Like Paddock's brother.

Everything will lead back to unmasking and wiretapping. That's another shark waiting below the surface.

I think it's Alex Jones

OP has to go back?

he will learn what it means to fall
>>>/Sup Forums/146939900

put me down for awan

Mueller gave Russians Uranium on orders of Clinton/Obama. He's got enough evidence now to lock up plenty of (((assassins))) from that regime.

My bets are on the Jew Kushner but I hope it's deep state.

You forgot: Everyone at the DNC. It's going to be someone getting indicted for the DNC illegally paying for the Russian dossier. Just listen to Trump 2 days ago: HE KNOWS. He says it's "about to come out in a court case" that the DNC did something illegal with the dossier.

Bye bye DWS.

>My bet it's not related to the initial investigation.
Unlikely. If Mueller had come to Rosenstein with something valid but unrelated, Rosenstein would have just kicked it to another prosecutor like he already said he would in that exact scenario. Mueller had to run these indictments by Rosenstein before he brought them, which means that they are both related to the investigation and likely to succeed.

>for the DNC illegally paying for the Russian dossier.
Did they use stolen money? How do you illegally pay for opposition research? Campaigns can't receive certain kinds of money. They can spend shit however they want.


>Now Fusion might have broken the law depending on what actions went into the assembling of the dossier.
Do ya think?
You got a lot of words there, buddy.
We'll talk again Monday

I'd make the odds on Don Jr higher.

Flynn, Manafort, Page and Don Jr are the ones the MSM talks about regularly in regards to the special counsel.

almost got too, should have used the script



>How could DNC dossier payment be illegal?

Here's a complaint alleging it:

The Hill says there could be "legal issues"

There are lots of ways they could have done something illegal. The cover-up is worse than the crime. My guess is cover-up activities were illegal, done to hide that they were involved.

If it's happening, worst case scenario, all hail Pence!


John lied about dossier knowledge to investigators,which is obstruction, thats the most likely charge. Fara nondisclosure (TP and PM) is too minor, and money laundering (PM) has nothing to do with purpose of SC.

roll ing for the pizzapals
>that captcha

Op is a complete and utter faggot shill.
>pic related

well, i agree, but you just proofed you are browsing that shithole too, so...

notable that the Hill and a few others went all out ballistic SHRIKE team 6 the last week, comping the Deplorables with thousands of dollars worth of Arkansas Uranium Roll and Raw Urine Fish. Mueller has been working months with not even a tiny leak about Trump/Russia. then that week of suicidal Clinton Posting - she knew this she did that Pedosta over here Huma over there. Shit adds up to Operation Shrike is in full effect every time lads.

Literally anyone can file a complaint alleging anything. They don't have to know what they're talking about. It's literally, just that, a complaint.

>There are lots of ways they could have done something illegal.
No, there's basically only 2 ways.

Option A: They intentionally lied to investigators about the Fusion GPS connection. Which there is no reason for under normal circumstances.
Option B: The person or persons in the campaign that paid the lawyer that paid Fusion GPS that paid the British spy that put together the dossier was stupid enough to actually involve themselves with any illegal activity that might have gone into putting together said dossier which kind of defeats the purpose of running it through a shitton of intermediaries.

Gamble what? My precious (you)s?


I got:

TOM PEREZ at 2:1
KEN MARTIN at 20:1
Anthony Weiner at 20:1
Bill Clinton at 25:1
Debbie Wasserman Schultz at 30:1
Fat Hillary Clinton 40:1

Tony Podesta will be jailed

All in for Clinton going to the land of dropped soap.

The investigation was boundless. "Russian collusion" undoubtedly included Manafort's ties to Russia and whatever he may have done with the Podesta's. Monday will be Manafort but eventually the Pedostas will get thrown under the bus.

Saw it in this thread actually. I'm actually offended and have to prove I don't browse that libtard website. I can screenshot my phone if you'd like, pls believe Yugo.

if you're actually booking any action on any of these lines you're printing money.
because you don't have a line up for tony podesta.

Give me odds on Tony Podesta

>No Susan Rice
>No Comey

>There's only 2 ways anyone could conceivably break the law
>Derp derp

Don't be a dumbass. They could have done anything. Burglarized a fucking hotel, who knows? Illegally failed to disclose the payments. Lied in their receipts. Lied to the FBI when they gave it the dossier. Conspired to use knowingly false information to get the wiretap. You don't know what the fuck they did, how they got the dossier, or who they got it through. Maybe they intentionally COLLUDED WITH RUSSIANS REEE!!! Isn't that the whole thing the Mueller investigation is supposed to be about? Why the fuck is everyone running away from the dossier at the DNC this week unless something is up?

He was already pardoned by Trump. There is no point.


it's either Podesta or Wasserman