Get em sisters! But disable the comments in case anyone makes a mean reply.
Punch a Nazi!
holy fuck I'm shaking I'm so shocked
It would be a shame if nazis and skinheads showed up at their shows.
Your manhood is shriveled and your woman will fuck another cock... Probably a negro.
All of these women "Punch a Nazi" because they know that nobody will ever touch them.
If they do they about to get punched!
we need videos calling for the gassing of jews and such to counter this bs
'please do it for us because we are too weak and need to be protected though'
I'd like to see you try ya daft dykey cunt
You rang?
> comments disabled
not gonna lie. I'm triggered that the comments are disabled.
Women have never been talented or smart. Why do they still try?
>caring at all what someone that voluntarily names themselves "manic."
Someone needs to get her some help
Because fat old jews pay them thousands of dollars to do nothing but seek attention.
This is rebecka black cringey
>Women have never been talented
This isn't true. And the smart women are the ones who know better than to try and act all superior.
I remember those days, but I also sort of don't. I think the mods made a sticky on Sup Forums one day and that Friday video just totally blew up from there. They also made a sticky about that horror movie with Shane Dawson in it about Sup Forums.
You shouldn't give them any views. No talent shit.
Cowardly cunt disabled comments. Dumb cunt is a dumb cunt and very cunty indeed.
Shit like this is why I stopped listening to punk music. It's all just tumblr faggots now.
You know why that is?
Because this music sucks
They're not exactly the Dead Kennedy's, there's no satirical edge, but at least they're better than "Goodnight, Alt-Right".
This. There are smart and talented people who happen to be women, and then there are "smart" and "talented" women.
Women hate smart women because smart women don't spend all day talking about how oppressed they are and how men suck and all the other inane shit women talk about to make themselves feel better about being mediocre people. As a result most of the women that women point to in order to claim they're just as good as men are not smart and not talented, they're just loud and have a vagina. Actual smart and talented women might as well be men in the eyes of women.
Kill a Commie for Mommy
Except for NoFX there hasn’t been a punk band since Operation Ivy.
Is there a recording anything like woke grandma (niggers) complaining about jews? Any links?
Oh look, slits trying to sound like Bad Religion.
It would be a shame if anyone showed up.
>puncha feminist
it's an ideology i vehemently disagree with and feel will push for mass slaughter at a future date
that makes it 'okay', right?
>we live in a timeline where it's now considered cool and rebellious to punch nazis
>get impregnated by a Nazi
How do we meme this guys, tell me
I thought that the progressives were supposed to be the creative ones. Why bother making this song? That style has been artistically redundant for more than a decade. Nobody makes art that isn't an attack on something these days. I don't get it. No celebration anywhere.
>"your bark has no bite"
>comments disabled