Daily reminder

Daily reminder that Eastern Europeans have nothing to do with western barbarians. The west is doomed, it is filled with cultural marxism. There's mass immigration, tensions, political instability, etc. There's no hope for the west, but a little more east and you'll find that none of these things are happening in the slavic world.

It is a disgrace to categorize us into the "white race" when only half of the so called "white race" actually deserves a title of honor.

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The guy on the right has a traditional norse viking haircut tho

if your nips are pink you are white, end of story, enough of this divide and conquer bullshit, get saged upon nigga


You must be another (((white nationalist))) or just a typical western barbarian.

Eastern Roman Empire: Slavs preserved the empire for centuries longer.

Western Roman Empire: Immediately collapses


Can western barbarians even uphold civilization? We did our best to keep the sandniggers out of Europe but western barbarians just let them in en masse.

We fought them for centuries, and the westerners have ruined all of our hard work.

That Slavic picture only applies to Russians and Poles. Other “Slavs” are racemixed mutants

Just imagine being this much of a butthurt inferior slavnigger.

I have some bad news for you Ivan, no matter how far the West falls, it won't make you any less of a disease infested, drug-ridden impoverished shithole.

You'll just start sucking Chinese cock in future instead of Big American Dick like in the 90s. But you'll still be sucking dick. Either literally, or figuratively. You'll never get to be kangz the way the Western powers were.


>if you are agains a white man, then you are not white

actually just Poles, but that is not the point
we can salvage and fix all slavs, except cuckrainians and maybe montenegro if we cooperate a little

what's wrong with Ukrainian people? They're as slavic as any pole..

Filthy ukrainian diaspora from Alberta detected

i'm glad Sup Forums is finally beginning to acknowledge Ukrainian racial superiority over the unwashed barbarians of the west.

Slava Ukrayini!

Eastern Europe = highest abortion rate and biggest exporter of prostitutes, pornstars, and strippers.

Eastern Europe = very few scientific/tech accomplishments compared to Western Europe

such great ppl East Europeans are.

come home slavic man :^)

deep down not even all that deep all white people know their place we allow you to compete against niggers and Mexicans for you to feel superior but when it comes to IQ you cant even compete with asians you are our NIGGERS know your place and dont step out of like and enjoy the time we allot you

We're as 'racemixed' as you. Get your facts straight Anatolij.

The west has it's own problems but don't pretend Russia is anything but vodka, krokodil, abortions and despair.

>Ukrainian people?
what people?
either russicized Poles, polonized Russians, or some weirdoes like cygany

who /aR1An/ here?

Based on the vikings tv show, yes. In reality, nope, not really, glorious mustache specifically is slavic core.

this is legit

einstein came up with general relativity in the early 20th century and was right about everything now that gravity waves have been experimentally observed

if we had to rely on low iq goyim from europe, we wouldn't come up with GR theory for another 500 years

Shill thread...

Lmao, a chink/kike who thinks he's superior

go make a nigger hate thread to feel good

because all threads that are not about USA are shill threads, right?
go to sleep faget, it must be middle of the night in americas

jews have contributed far more to science/math/literature and other forms of academia than romanians have

you romanian gypsies are useless

I'm half Czech and half German , am I doomed?!?!


well if you enjoy divide and conquer threads good on you

>einstein came up with
Not on his own. Like all scientific research, it's a process which takes time and multiple people's research before a conclusion is made. He was just the first to connect the dots.
The same with Darwin, he wasn't the only one that came up with the theory of evolution, but he was the first to publish it (fun fact, he had to hurry with publishing his book because someone else - see, nobody knows his name - was trying the exact same thing but was only a couple of weeks late).

explain yourself, what were the dots goyim came up with that einstein connected?

Ukrainians are subhuman and have no right to live in Europe. Ethnic Ukrainians are nonwhite goblins. Their home is Asian steppe.
Ethnic Russians are European White though (Northern Germanic, Baltic, Baltoslavic and Finnic)

Ukrainians are bunch of try-hard-to-be-European mongrels resulted from Circassians, Pechenegs, Tatars, Armenians and Jews starting speaking Slavic for the sake of convenience

«Укpaїнцi цe cтapoдaвнi тюpки, якi poзмoвляють cлoвянcькoю мoвoю»

"Ukrainian are turkics that use the Slavic language" Omelyan Pricak, Harvard University Professor, founder and first director of Harvard Institute for Ukrainian Studies.

Boris Malyarchuk, M. V. Derenko, G. A. Denisova, M. R. Nassiri, and E. I. Rogaev. "Mitochondrial DNA Polymorphism in Populations of the Caspian Region and Southeastern Europe." Russian Journal of Genetics 38:4 (2002): pages 434-438. Abstract:

"Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction polymorphism was examined in Turkmens, Eastern Iranians, and Ukrainians. The gene pools of all populations studied were characterized by the presence of European mtDNA lineages. Mongoloid component observed in Turkmen and Iranian populations with the frequencies of about 20% was represented by groups C, D, and E/G in Turkmens, and by M*, D, A, and B in Iranians."

Ukrainians (ethnic) are literally more Turkic than Turks.

All Ukrainians must be exterminated and Ukraine absorbed into Russia
Zlovenia is an exception, but given the numbers of Croat and Serb roaches in your nation, it’s just a matter of time you are a bunch of mongrels too

we were always divided you burger
it is when we are united under some jews like UN or EU there are problems

Sounds like when you add a nigger to America

fair enough then. fuck the both of them. The UN and (((them))) has been a fly on our shit for years.

How can you be so active, consistant and so mind-bendingly stupid?

US Jews and Russian Gopniks once again trying to stirr up hatred between Europeans.
Never Forget, their madness and thirst for power over Europe has been the cause of every war since both of them exist.
From Ukraine to Iceland, true Europeans dont fall for their Jewry

I never studied the subject on detail (only general subject) and when I did, it was years ago so I forgot a lot of details. I don't have the time and I don't feel like searching for sources to change a mind of a jew like you. Feel free to do so yourself. Or don't and live in illusion of The Jew Supremacy, I don't care.

>when you add a nigger to America
niggers and jews added niggers to america, I really cannot relate
UN are in desperate need of reform
Catalonia just declared independence, why there is not special United Nations gathering to talk it over and prevent bloodshed?
because one bunch of globalists want little countries to conquer europe easier, and other want bloodshed to sell more guns
international organizations are as impotent as they can be



That's a Cossack haircut. They shave all their head except one tuft of hair.

Russians are like niggers.

No, Einstein was a plagiarist.

How does it feel like to be a jew in Poland, the most Catholic Country in Europe ?
We didnt find them all


hahaha ok you fucking retarded slovenian.

you don't know what the fuck you're talking about so you're mad that a brilliant jew like einstein has contributed far more to our understanding of the laws of physics than your dumbass slovenian ppl have as a whole.

only thing slovenians are good for is exporting whores and strippers

no, you're just a retarded low-iq white nationalist

I am not jew, Jezus Chrystus is my Lord
you fags worship shitskin cock, and we had enough of bullshit in last 100 years to last for a millenium
take your EU and shove it up your ass, but before that, pay for WW2 reparations so at least you would do anything right in your pathethic existence

>muh heritage
Fuck off, you're an american mongrel and will never be anything else.

worst bait pick ever, if you ever read a book
(if you even can read books, except your precious Talmud) youd know that every last one of These People reacted to outside Forces abusing or attacking Germans.
Of course Jesus is (your) Lord i really believe you there

>name fag
>meme flag
>can't into serious discussion
Checks out

>only thing slovenians are good for is exporting whores and strippers
Wow, you sure got me here. Because we're famous for exactly that, r-right? Dumbfuck.

>Wow, you sure got me here. Because we're famous for exactly that, r-right? Dumbfuck

yes, you are actually...along with every other east european country

Noodle brains confirmed

>hurr you must bait if you hate germans for their crimes against your nation
Merkel created shitskin crisis in europe single handedly
kill her and earn redemption
before that, you are worse than dog

Putin recently said that Russia's history is European...

pootin is only worried about filling his and his jew friends pockets

I dont listen to da joo
Also,it really Shows that you got to be very Young if you cant even recollect that the USA, Britain and France fought wars for the last 30 years that destabilised the ME and made This crisis possible, while Germany, like allways in history had to bear the consequences and clean up after their mess
can you even History ?

Russia always wanted to be european so much they moved their border into europe few times

most of you fucks have dark hair

rusia poland and ukraine aren't pure slavs like belarus and balts

Id rather call a russian in the Wolga Region White than any US folk

You're delusional. Political situation here is exactly the same as in the west minus the 3rd world immigrants.

>you are jew because you dare to remind how germany is anti european since ever
you pay PO and .N politicians in Poland to push your agenda, you still want lebensraum, fuck you, again
>but muh USA fucked over middle east!

the age of men is over

they racemixed a with turks gypsies jews and what not for centuries, a lot. most ukranians russians and poles have dark hair and it's a fact.

Done with your autistic whining, Jew ?
since you got no Arguments except WRITING IN CAPSLOCK or giving retarded memes, i wont answer anymore
either you are 14 yo or just under 90IQ i cant help with your stupidity

I will never stop showing how germany is against my people - Polish people and humans in general
you must perish if humanity wants to survive
you are like autismo kid with a machine gun, we have to play with you or you shoot up the school

wow, really activates my allmonds, i got Brown hair and 2 of my Grand uncles and my grandpa had "Arier Pässe" if you really want to tell me that dark hair is an indicator of being non-White you are a moron

>Political situation here is exactly the same as in the west

Because you ARE the West

a lot of ukranians have kind of a dark skin too

They don't?
lol you know nothing about central european history. East Germany are basically Germanic-Slav hybrids.

Not everyone is a Saupreiß in Eastern Germany, Alexander Nowak

between WW1 and WW2 "polish" People attacked Germany in the 4 Silesian wars paid for by GB France and the US. You were Jew puppets the Moment Pilsudski was lowered into his grave

before WW1 you occupied Polish clay and made aggresive germanization, also you wanted to steal Gdańsk, and you still pay its major

You say that as if being Prussian is a fucking insult.

t. Prussian/Silesian

I lost my home once and it's not going to happen again.

also, regarding that pic. He never said that
I read his speech he Held in the Knesset and he neither said that, nor did he talk favourably about the jews, he even made their orthodox Party leave because they couldnt handle his criticism
This just Shows that you morons believe any Picture with a citation underneath
like the russkies occupied the east before WW1 and the Austrians occupied the south
not my fault that poland is the bullied kid in the corner

nice damage control faggot, he said that just like merkel said refugees welcome
>not my fault that Poland is bullied by 2 other nations!
>bullies Poland
I will watch how your people go extinct and I will celebrate when last german dies
now pay WW2 reparations

then give me the Video where he says it
then again, what do i expect from one of (them)

how the fuck can I give you video when it was on interview with Haaretz jew newspaper
stupid german

then give me the source of that


here, grab, you will disregard it either way

like allways the leaf speaks the truth People dont want to hear

Poland: abortion outlawed, terrible diaspora.

and Poland's abortion situation is not representative of what most of eastern Europe is like you jackass

fucking IDIOT. I wanted the true source
not your fucking moronic Propaganda
you tell me Propaganda and to undermine that you give me a site of propagandists
Polish People and the truth, it just doesnt blend

read their about section moron

you see? disregarded either way
germans are unable to see anything that does not fit their narrow idea of (((truth)))
go import more niggers hans ibn hamburgi, and keep telling about how turks are based and how poles steal cars and prostitute
I'm out, fuck you subhuman

Phahaha cossacks are mixed turco-slavic mongrels, even culturally. They don't look like typical Europeans, but like some steppe nomads. Even the name "cossack" and "kazakh" have the same turkic origin and it means free people.

Are you serious? Merkel is a traitorous cunt , but c'mon. Israeli newspaper? They even claim Schulz said "Germany only exists to secure the existence of Israel" but it's just hearsay.
Israel hates Schulz because he kept criticizing the lack of clean water supply for Gaza.

Then how come they owned you for over a century?


then Show me a fucking real source you liar
The dude who made that citation (Avraham Burg) had enough articles made where him and Schulz had arguments about the politics of Israel regarding the palestinians.
Browsing the Haaretz Website i couldnt find ONE single citation regarding this.
You cant give proof, so i have to disregard your shit, we arent SJW here who "Listen and Believe" just because it fits our Agenda. You lied, gave me a fake source and are now upset because i can disregard it after a 5 Minute Google search. Get lost liar

I was in Vienna and Graz, and I will tell you that these cities are better than whole Serbia.

Here's his speech. He only said that he believes Israel and Palestina can coexist. And this triggers the nose.

I saw a webm of slavs throwing a live dog to be turn apart by a polar bear once.

They're not white.

actually, austria started that war and germany jumped in out of obligation.