Is pol ready for sexbot Taylor?
This degenerate piece of junk is number one on trending. I guess it's the times we live in, huh?
Is pol ready for sexbot Taylor?
This degenerate piece of junk is number one on trending. I guess it's the times we live in, huh?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'd fuck it's robopussy.
>being attracted to small breasts
>liking thin hips
Society lost its taste years ago.
taytay is bae
Kek she plumped herself up as a robot
youtube com/watch?v=wIft-t-MQuE
forgot link
I can tell you like sucking on things that resemble ballsacks
Have we meet before by any chance?
No, but this is getting disgusting
But was it kino?
This is what peak female performance is, you may not like it, but that's what a true female looks like.
I will never understand the obsession with her. She's just so...meh.
Why would anyone fuck a famous girl?
Not even joking.
her music is shit and her music videos are cringey
Depends on eachother's motives.
Some will do it to prove themselves they are able to access women of high standards in terms of beauty (overwhelmingly famous women are quite attractive psysically). The idea of a woman who is desirable by many men, but inaccessible, will rise the adrenaline rush if you are able to tackle her. It is the blood rush that comes with it. So that's that.
In case it hasn't already been posted, here's the video. Not quite as smashable with audio on.
LOL that is not her body she is fucking twiggy status.
Real question is who the body model was?
(user was banned for this jewshit)
Why does pol keep falling for Taylors Advertising campaign?
You call yourselves redpilled..
whoever made her botsuit got the dimensions all wrong
its 26/26/26
No if it's lifelike it's got std's.
I have no idea, women are always looking for status and a woman who has it is afraid to lose it.
If I were dating Taylor Swift right now I would be constantly afraid that she doesn't respect me enough to continue the relationship.
As a conquest it would be relatively easy, keeping her would be difficult.
She would think you're after her money unless you already had more than her.
She would think you're after her fame unless you're more famous.
Taylor Swift is going to have a tough life ahead of her and half of it will be her money and fame.
I doubt she'll have a functioning family.
She jokes about being a cat lady but she's likely to do just that at this rate.
She's 27 and she seems bat shit crazy from her videos and really moody.
That's because you're a nigger. She's an Aryan goddess, pure and perfect. Your eyes are simply not evolved enough to see perfection. Your brains are not evolved enough to appreciate her purity.
Boys used to know that they aren't supposed to play with dolls
>Small breasts
Or you are a pedo or a numale. Real men like big titties and wide hips to have lots of babies and lovely cuddles.
Pol I think its time to admit that the ''pls be my ai gf'' get ended up being a fucking great get
c'mon just admit it you know its true
She's already been blacked by jamal. Are you the same cuck that defends Lauren Southern in every thread?
fuck off slovak, tay is /ourgirl/
Fuck off obesty enabler.
post a proper link dipshit
Fuck off, degenerate. She's perfect as she is. Big breasts are for those who have given birth.
>He fell for the thicc=obese meme
Take a load of this faggot.
Taytay bring cyberpunk to the masses.
All women are useless holes
I'm more of a "Big boobs get bigger when pregnant, and that's awesome" kind of guy.
>Sup Forums
27. Tick tock
[spoiler]Slovak cannot into proper[/spoiler]
>Cyberpunk robo TayTay
Well there goes nofap.
I see you roastie
And you had to post it first without the snarkiness to make sure you got it right before throwing insults
Say what you want but Taytay looked fucking sexy in this one. You guys can have whatever the fuck you think is sexy if not that, Ill take this fucking goddess any day.
Why did your empire fail in after the Hyper War?
>her body model was given to make her curves look more pronounced
You can note it from the thighs clipping.
Honestly user, I'll take any pussy that sits on my face, fake or authentic, because I'm a loser.
had women kill themselves for me
massive influence on pop culture
almost know one knows my fucking name
if i didnt have the bank account to back it up and I told you my life story you would think i was a schizophrenic
Based Taytay can't wait until a future where perfect sexbot Taytay's have replaced villainous robot roasties wholesale.
First the strangely nazi song and now this? I'm starting to think based Taytay actually lurks Sup Forums
>her purity
Isn't she famous for having had numerous boyfriends? Doubt she stayed pure.
Pure garbage amazazing
Straight up GitS ripoff on so many levels.
>She's an Aryan goddess, pure and perfect.
Typical racist shit-for-brains. She's just another boring manufactured product of the mediaplex which you've fallen for hook, line and sinker.
You're just a nigger. She IS an Aryan goddess.
Definitely not a backwards not-quite-1488
>1998 backwards
or, you know, 1998
What's that you're sayin' there?
This thread is lolzy as fuck. Let it die.
Taylor Swift suffers from Borderline Personality Disorder.
People with BPD often struggle with a sense of identity and constantly try to re-invent themselves to win over the attention of others when they are no longer in the spotlight - hence her constant changing of musical styles.
Most of her song lyrics are autobiographical, and double as cries for help because she's fucking batshit insane behind the scenes. Think Princess Diana.
She will pass away before turning 30, and it will come out that there was an entire team of handlers just sort of bumping her in the right direction.
Country music sounds weird now.
Time to leave them all behind!
Does it come with a feminine robo-penis?
This is pure pop.
I'm reporting this post.
I want elite combat unit / sexy time bot scarjo
Or, you know, she's just a woman. particularly one who is super fucking rich and famous in the public eye and in the toxic rape culture that is show business.
Though if she did have some kind of BPD then it would explain how she was likely to go from lurking Sup Forums to getting latched on to Sup Forums teachings.
Think of this: After Sup Forums made chatbot TAY it's perfect waifu, what if real TAYTAY who is already a little mental, was inspired by memes like pic related to check out Sup Forums? What if she became a redpilled, dedicated 1488 Sup Forumsack and started making songs threatening the Jews () and a video where she was a robot... MEME MAGICK?
user, plz.
You are a desperate fat woman
It isn't even that important that you are a disgusting fat hog that no man will ever love and will die alone.
What is is you are killing yourself girl. Quit stuffing your pie hole and exercise.
Also get off Sup Forums Woman ultimately have no place here. Build on your relationships in your RL.
>calling the only alt right celebrity a degenerate
This is why we don't count you as Slavic,Czech Republic is Slavic however
Born in 89
Sold for a night by her single mom to be Raped by a kike in 91
The Taylor Swift story.
I for one welcome out nu-TAY overlord.
She resembles a rodent, you fuckin loser
Nigger detected.
Let's face it, prime Aryan women like Taytay would never go for basement-dwellers that frequent this board. Pic is her Anglo god boyfriend.
The memes are coming true...kind of.
>to Islam
>not international Jewry
I can't fap to tihs
she's from a non-jewish banking family
Yiff in hell.
>it's a Sup Forums worships a jewess episode
It's all so tiresome.
excellent taste Columbro
He's a beard. Taylor is gay. I honestly can't believe people don't know this by now.
ill smash yo momma's pussy AND your lil aryan rat princess's pussy too, ya whiteboi
This, she's our lipstick lesbian. Karlie Kloss is her bae.
I guarantee you there are jews involved with this
I guarantee it
more clues plz
I'd put money on it.
I want a Marylin Monroe sex bot
Say hello to your lipstick lesbian aryan overladies anons.
kek silly boys