Be me

>be me
>be Japanese
>Sup Forumstards say "Just breed instead of accept immigrants"
>mfw It's most difficult thing in life for most Japanese young men
>Sup Forumstards still think we can breed

kek. joke on you. morons. I can not even talk to woman

Other urls found in this thread:

Congrats, user. You are ending the line of 3.5 million years of evolution that connected you to the first living cell.

Every single one of your ancestors managed to breed but your lame ass.

Why do you even need more people?

A branch is not more important than a leaf.

Dip your penis in chocolate and wear a t-shirt that says POCKY.

>t. Jew

There are people who honestly think these threads aren't made by an actual jewish marxist cabal trying to force open borders and mass immigration on the best countries in the world.

They're putting (more of) something in the water over there nip, the romance statistics are insane in Japan. Nobody is in romantic relationships, or interested in romantic relationships.

>That Japanese user who keeps posting "Japan needs more immigrant threads"

I kinda feel sorry for you. This has been going on for years now.

Can you post on 2channel

No, but a seed is.

what you need to do is either a) stand up to feminism or b) die

>Nobody is in romantic relationships
>or interested in romantic relationships.

Congratulations, you fell for Fake News. It's easy to spot when it's in your own country, but when the globalist controlled mass media writes about a foreign country, it's so easy to believe!

donate semen idiot, fuck some of you guys are retards

>something in the water

their rain comes from chinese clouds.

He's a jew, or at least a marxist. There is money being spent to make these posts and seed this narrative, it's not some whiny NEET.

if u can post on 2channel can u post this on the anime board i want him to really see this

Yes actually it is

There is no reason to fear women. They are really nice

You guys don't need to increase your population. If it steadily decreases, that's fine. If it drastically, that's bad. Just keep it stable.

Androids are very near in the future as they'll become a necessity in order to increase overall wealth of a population.

Fuckin right as rain

tell that to raspberries, daffodils, whiptail lizards, aphids, jellyfish, etc. seeds are expendable.

It's not women we fear, it's the government behind them.


Wow, are you telling me you have retardation?

You have 2 options: learn how to have kids with your women yourself or have Mohammad show you how.

Just do it you faggot. Japanese people are some of the horniest in the modern world. You're all just expressing it in retarded ways like hentai and those weird brothels that I would definitely never go to where girls clean your ears for you.

Hello english teacher san. Enjoying your time in godzilla land?

You're Jewish, aren't you?

Sage'd, Schlomo.

Don't believe fake news globalist jew op.

These guys get it

Don't be sad, this is actually a good thing for a society.


Look everyone, it's the only person on Sup Forums who reads CNN and believes it.


Now I know what to be for Halloween.

Not that I want to go, but are you saying there are no ear cleaning brothels? I definitely don't want to go just asking

And they smell good.

>I can not even talk to woman

*single millennials

only 60% of non-comitted Japanese males have anonymous sex. how sad.

There are ear cleaning places and aestheticians but I don't know of any that are also brothels. Most erotic massage parlors are run by chinese or thai.

They are different from me

Yeah, they're not jewish

Suck more skinhead cock stormfront.

Lols, last time I visited Japan (2009), I fucked 2 women I met near a 'college'.

Don't put up with their shit, just get what you want...they want it too.

Hint: arabs and niggers don't bear Japanese children, they bear arab and nigger children. Basic genetics.

Hint#2: it's a slide thread. Sage and report

>3.5 million years of evolution

Okay because at 5:47 here there's this ear cleaning place that seems really disgusting haha I wonder if we can find the address haha

u want a medal

Are you a hikikomori?

what's the problem? I thought Jap girls were supposed to be submissive

Just fucking get drunk or do cocaine you goddamn idiot

>be me
>be from european descent
>discovered japanese porn awile ago
>all women are 9 and upward, not trashy tattooed western whores
>tfw I live in CH
>tfw japanese men have those women on their fucking doorstep
>tfw population of Japan is decreasing due to japanese men being fucking nu-males jerking off to loli porn
>tfw I will never have a japanese waifu

right there with you bro. there's seriously something wrong with japanese men not to want that

but how will you never have a japanese waifu? try even a little bit, retard.

Since you don't seem to recognize it I'll let you in on the joke, op is a marxist jew who frequently spams these threads with his pepe image and japan flag trying to push for open borders and immigrants in japan. Don't fall for his fake news bullshit

Understood. And your digits confirm it. will sage and ignore this shit.

Grow a pair of fucking testicles and start lifting weights you fucking shit.

Are you a male? Then start looking and acting like it. Otherwise your genes will disappear, as they should for natural selection.

also last article I read about Japan's birthrates said they were going up again. Still sage. I agree this must be shills sliding the impending destruction of the American left.

>u want a medal
Nopes, just saying that jap fems want cock just as much as Eastern euroWhores.

thanks /nip/user. Truly none are safe from the kikery

Ass hurt ugly weeaboo gaijin mad that Megumi wont suck his 3 inch pecker because shes not attracted to ulgy people.

the post

When one of your harem girls comes up to you and directly asks for sex, just say yes. Don't sperg out or deny her. It is that easy, but you sameface bitches can never seem to figure out that a girl is into you even if they legitimately rape you. You can never cross the threshold of asking a girl out even in the thickest of romantic tensions, and that is why you fail as men.

That first living cell had literally trillions of descendents that died without leaving descendents of their own. It makes no difference whatsoever if you become one of those. OR if you don't. The universe will die anyway, and when it does nothing that happened between that and the Big Bang will have any meaning or importance.

U need to take zinc supplements to increase your testosterone.

If that doesn't work, look up SARMs.

You'll be impregnating more women than Genghis Khan in no time.

>Lives in Japan and worried about the Jews
>doesn't even show concern for fucking subhumans chinese people
Why hasn't anyone addressed the problem that represents the Chinese to the japanese?

How is Japan not rangebanned yet purely from the fucker that posts these goddamn threads

Aaho ka konehro?

I can not believe this either


This user is a regular here on pol and r9k, he makes threads about wanting 3rd worlders to come to japan all the time.

There is also another japanon who is a gay guy who also wants 3rd worlders to come to japan so he can sleep with them. He is another regular who posts on pol and r9k all the time.

Maybe it's a Chinese guy trying to promote mass immigration by using the same tactics as the Jews.

This is shariablue slide thread.


they do that so possibly

Let me tell you about women, japanon.

The red pills are all true.

It gets worse...Japanese women are more insane than normal women.
In American pornos, usually the women moan with pleasure and say "that feels so good!".
While in Japanese pornos, usually the women scream in pain and say "that hurts! please stop!" and then they cry afterward.

Japanese women are like that in real life too.

When having sex, American women act like they feel good, while Asian women cry out in pain.
My English teacher friend who banged his students in Japan tells me that the women screamed and struggled like they were being raped, but then when my english teacher friend stopped and asked them for permission to keep having sex (like a good male feminist) then the women said "oh no you're supposed to keep going when i struggle!"
It seems dishonorable to a man, but that is how women are.

So, be a man who goes on adventures. More importantly, be very good looking.

> Man in host club: extremely good-looking, always doing what he wants, always trying to seduce the woman
> Man in romance novel for women: extremely good-looking, always doing what he wants, always trying to seduce the woman
> Man in movie for women: extremely good-looking, always doing what he wants, always trying to seduce the woman

I am a fat American but when I was thin, good-looking, and doing exciting things all of the women wanted to be my girlfriend.

However, it is very difficult to get them to be mothers. It would be good to remove all feminists from your society.

Good luck bro, we're all in this together.

> be jewish
> attempt to exterminate the smart goyim
> in an era of easy and cheap genetic testing
> and global uncensored communication
> while importing millions of exploding jihadis
> a bold strategy
> let's see how it works out for you

>and that's a (((good))) thing

Gemara right on cue





Japan does have demographic problems. The issue isn't less people, it's disproportionate amounts of old people who need to be supported. An entire generation is going to suffer absurd taxation.

Is the answer immigration? No. That causes a lot of problems most Japanese are well aware of.

Robotics are the best solution, but not enough of a certainty to rely on.

Office reforms are a much better starting point. Fewer working hours but more productivity. Japan doesn't need unskilled laborers - and where they are a benefit they come from SE Asia and China. Though I am seeing more and more Turkish laborers...

That's like saying an arm is not more important than a finger. They are equally important you retard.

>I am a fat American
completely discredited, please never post an image of Jew numbers like that again.

Bill Clinton and Pedosta need to be in jail. Forever.

pls it for us

Just stick and release, common it's not that hard, if you have two balls and a penis is a cake walk to make babies. Just be more lustful and take risks, it's not nuclear science

And yet your dick remains dry.

Best part of all is that Japan doesn't have sand niggers running around raping the women

You guys will do great

Die a fucking leaf
Waste at the end of the branch
Or become a seed

This is the core question. UN and kikes worldwide established the false dogma that a steadily growing population is inevitable. Reminder this is nonsense solely created by (((them))) to attract Western countries for the immigration and cultural marxism subversion.

Don'y be a cuck and force niggers or hwite men to racemix your culture and race into oblivion.
Stop watching anime.
Stop watching porn.
Get a job.
You will make happy Zipper Nippons one day.


i love you

t.english teacher in Japan

>I can not even talk to woman
What's stopping you? Women are human just like you. Only they are even more insecure and emotional.

I think that dating is easier in Japan, even if there are many "herbivore males".

I have never lived in America but it seems like men and women are just too different. Getting on enough to date seems so hard.

If you make friends with girls in university it's likely you can date too.

>2 posts by this id
Why does neo-Sup Forums easily fall for this bait? Fucking kill yourselves.


As a white southern American, I want to grab you goddamn nips by the scruff of your necks and smack the shit out of you.

Not because I envy your Japanese goddesses, who are beautiful, but because you intelligent fucks can't put your goddamn feet down in your small, yet populous nation THAT IS STILL FUCKING YOURS.

MAN THE FUCK UP. GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER. Get out of debt, be successful and realize that YOU nip men must PUT be the men that your women need. You fucks have the greatest work ethic in the world but can't manage to knock up that girl on the tram that feels just as isolated as you.

I'm no Rico Suave myself, but I get ass when I want it and apply myself. If you want ass and children that you father, MAKE IT HAPPEN. Stop retreating. Stop going MGTOW or recluse. SAVE your race, because I'll take you nips as my neighbor ANY FUCKING DAY over niggers, spics and sandpeople, whom MARK MY WORDS, will move on you people in the next 20 years.

user, women are different. It is the way nature is. Only faggots can not handle it.
Are you faggot?

Japan should just create an annual holiday where white men go to your country and impregnate your women for you.

you need money user?
what do you need?

because they entered into retarded socialist schemes where the young have to pay for the old instead of the old saving enough money to take care of themselves which means that if the population isn't constantly increasing the system will crash

Because in a Democracy old people will tax young people to pay for their retirement.

This gets worse when you have an aging population because old people make up a larger % of the voting population so they have more power. The young people get hire wages but the old tax them away.

This all becomes a non-issue and actually a positive if automation really kicks off.

February 14th?