So hitler lived after ww2.
tldr he didnt kill himself
I wonder if this means he had children and if so, who are they?
He is my grandfather.
Honestly, you can VERY easily dress anyone up to look the exact same as hitler in that pic so long as they physically were the same size as him.
That "picture" leaves a lot to be desired lol
Will he testify at Nuremberg 2.0?
the point is that cia confirmed that he lived after ww2
basically cia confirmed that he lived after ww2, thats something
His face doesn't really look like Hitler. Also you would've think he'd shave that iconic mustache to not be recognized as easily
This is a real released CIA document. It aint fake. Shame that the Fame Stream Media won't ever report on this. But hey, it gives conspiracy theorists some closure as well as definitive proof.
Meet Hitlers Grandson
if this is true i wonder what else is inaccurate from world wa- no no i mean everyzing zat happened ein world war 2 iz 100% accurate!
You'd think he would at least shave his moustache.
So wtf is this just a fact now? He just didn’t do shit after and lived in South America?
yup, he just went to argentina probs had kids and lived the rest of his life
Actually checks out. Hitler's body was found burned and wasn't properly identified. Older FBI entries state that they theorized he and select followers escaped Germany and headed for Argentina when it became obvious that the Reich was falling. Given that German colonists would have been sympathetic to Hitler and his entourage, he could easily have hid out in South America -- including Tunja -- for the remainder of his life before going senile.
Well damn.
Be advised that this information can be used to beg the question of why Hitler was confirmed dead following the collapse of Berlin. That answer can then be used to ask the follow-up of whether or not Osama bin Laden can be confirmed dead.
Is Argentina the savior of the white race?
Hitler lives if the US gets Nazi scientists
Or anyone who conveniently is found dead like (((STEPHEN PADDOCK)))
I hope not
CIA released it so, yeah, you can navigate to it on their site.
It is well known that Hitler had body doubles (look-a-likes) employed for him. People say that the body they found after Adolph's suicide was just one of those body doubles.
>samefagging this hard
It didn’t confirm shit it said one dude said some shit and they got a photograph that could be real or fake
The only thing that's confirmed in this doc is that some guy had a picture of some other guy who looks somewhat like Hitler.
>Document just says someone said they talked to Hitler often
>fags assuming the enemy of the world would keep his haircut/mustache/first name while in hiding
>literally nothing happening
>no proof of actual Hitler
>We've all assumed this for 50 years
It's late, maybe we should take a nap so we can be well rested for tomorrow.
your just being a negative nancy because he tried to destroy your country
And it is officially on the CIA website, and hasn't been debunked by them internally.
>samefagging this hard
It didn’t confirm shit it said one dude said some shit and they got a photograph that could be real or fake
>links to two different people. Calls them "samefag"
Thank you KEK for this beautiful ID.
>just says someone
Actually it says that a former SS soldier told this information to his former commanding officer, who was acting as a CIA informant.
I think there's photos of Osama's body. No reason to keep him alive.
Ha, there goes that "Follow your leader" shit
You can always trust your government.
Holy shit, can't unsee.
Yeah and they hold up all them there too