I was 18. It was my first time voting.
at the time, people were sick of Republicans because Bush had fucking ruined the brand with the war on terror, and general neocon bullshit.
McCain seemed too old compared to Obama to me, but he seemed experienced. I would have been ok with him winning, if not for Palin, who was clearly retarded, and single handedly sank his campaign.
voted Obama because of his hope and change stuff. The man knew how to deliver a good speech. Most people who voted for him felt like he had great potential.
Being the first black president was just a bonus, I didn't really care about that, he just seemed the right man for the right time.
I voted for him again in 2012 because Romney wasn't very appealing, and he really fucked himself over with that 47% or whatever it was- speech that got leaked. That was unacceptable.
Also he was mormon, and fuck that noise.
Eventually though, maybe around '12 or '13, I started noticing that things started shifting.
At my college, we get the New York Times for free. And I started noticing some wonky articles starting to pop up. Really dumb heavy left leaning articles and op eds that didnt know what they were on about, criticized republicans blindly and praised obama.
I was on board with the "fuck the tea party" stuff still. (I still feel the same way about them. ) It seemed like the Republicans were determined to sabotage his presidency, and that didn't seem right to me.
then Obama himself started going really far left in '14 and '15. Culminating in the monster we saw in the last 2 years of his term, where he was basically not even trying to hide his cultural marxist tendencies.
he invited BLM to the white house, went full anti-white, really he jumped off the deep end, and I found myself, a guy who in high school called himself a Democrat, and a centrist in early college, all of a sudden, I was right wing, and being driven further right.
Voted Trump, plan on doing it again.