Is Trump fucked? These pieces of shit are winning. pic related. Fuck this gay fucking earth. I don't know if it's over...

Is Trump fucked? These pieces of shit are winning. pic related. Fuck this gay fucking earth. I don't know if it's over, but in tghe off chance it's coming down to it, where do we go from here? Is trump going to fall for his subordinates' mistakes? Fuck the shill accusations and "all is fine" nonsense. This is a serious problem that we should talk about. How do we mitigate it? What can the average joe do to help?

Christ you're a fucking moron dude
You can help by killing yourself tonight

Trump family perp walk on Monday

If Mueller does anything that's obviously bullshit then Trump will probably sick Jeff Sessions on him for the uranium stuff. Im not too worried.

muh russia

Fuck you man. I know I'm not very smart. Just like most average people. I can't make sense of what's happening and I'm looking for guidance. It seems like the noose is closing and I want to help. Can you at least help me do that while calling me stupid?

Make the shills leave our board by any means necessary

$5 Alex jones is getting arrested

this is what happens when you dont prosecute criminals.
.gov has effectively eliminated organized crime in the US, and replaced it with government. they put the drug dealers in jail and then take over. its a disgusting pit of filth we find ourselves in.

What the fuck don’t you understand?


my big orange juice daddy jewnald is having the biggest boom boom of his own creation the world has ever seen muh fake newwwwwwwwwwwwwwwws and "real" juicccccccccce


Are you retarded

Do you really think a man who is the most powerful man in the world, who has allegedly willingly engaged in treason to get elected

Would sit back and let one pissant prosecute ruin his accent to power?

Just like conspiratards the left does not understand MOTIVE because they are illogical children.

Trump will be re-elected,, hear that rushing sound? it is the sound of the swamp draining

These recent charges that are filed. It seems serious and the media looks like it agrees. I don't trust them, but investigators must have something if they're filing charges right? Is it just smoke and mirrors? I don't know. I'm just worried. I want Trump to have his chance to actually change something and I'm worried he won't have the opportunity. Tell me this isn't serious.

First of all Sup Forums is a liberal left site. Second, Trump colluded with Russia to help him get elected and tbord, that's treason and therefore he will be inpeached. We call those facts.

But most importantly, please take your fucking useless rightwing drivel and get the fuck off of our site.


>as in crime?
>left is retarded because trump didnt fire yet another comey but an attorney whom might have seen why comey was fired, resigned today and trump needs to crush all laws for pissants and his death star will invade saturn and so forth and so on

This. The game is rigged niggas


If he willingly omitted treason to get elected why would he not obstruct justice to remain in power?

Trump is done. Sorry you backed a literal traitor. Maybe next time YOU SHOULD PUT YOUR COUNTRY BEFORE YOUR FUCKING POLITICS!

You're only in this fucking mess because you've been conned to believe that Americans who disagree with you (on basically minuta) are worse than THE LITERAL ENEMIES OF OUR FUCKING COUNTRY or foreigners! You can hate American Libs all you fucking want, but they are still Americans and have way more in common with you than anyone else in the godamm world. The differences of Americans are really nothing, compared to all the countries who want to fuck us over. BE AMERICAN! ACT AMERICAN! SUPPORT AMERICANS!

he's probably going to be ratted out for those very charges after this round of charges probably against manafort a reublican start tumbling down and i cant wait

Not even the most deluded blue-haired rant accuses Trump of anything even remotely rises to the level of treason.

Start using words correctly.

No but combetta sure as shit is. They're going to ask why he changed headers on ex post facto submitted emails. Then it all goes to hell from there. Digits confirm.

Still your president.

Hahaha you stupid fucking shill. You may try to avoid the rope but it is coming for you

>the uranium stuff.
Yeah, just like the pizza-gate shit, right? Honestly, how fucking gullible are you guys?

you have 0 evidence of any connection between Trump, Russia or Russia actually impacting the election.

Seth Rich leaked the emails toWikileaks, and Putin Hired Fusion GPS back in 2010 to stop the Mankisy act, which Hillary was also against during the time!!!

You know nothing John Liberal

but kushy and the jew daughter do email stuff now too

21 fraudulent states confirmed

the amount of shills on Sup Forums trying to demoralize us on Mueller makes me feel good
it always backfires on them

lol you are an idiot if you think this isnt coming down in 1 of 2 ways.

1. Some low level nobody's like Manafort get charged with racketeering and get pardoned on Trumps last day

2. DNC is going to suffer the most.

Its literally all smiles at the white house, do these look like people who are affraid of impeachment?

that's a two second old meme and it's shit

Listen, seriously. I didn't mean for this to be a shit slinging contest. How can the average person help? Can we help?

He's being charged with Obstruction of Justice for firing Comwy in the middle of an investigation into asshole Trump himself.

But Treason is still punishable by hanging. Mueller is king right now. If Trump even farts into his twit universe, he gets a contempt charge too.

Is there anything more wonderful than seeing the right get their shit fully kicked in?

It’s just an indictment. Even a half-assed prosecuter could get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich.

Fuck “the media”. Trump picked a fight with them and called them on their bullshit. Hence, they make everything sound like the end of the world.

This doesn’t matter and it isn’t important.

>MUHH rope
>implying any nigs are even on Sup Forums

Complains about nuclear deal with Russia = refusing to enforces sanctions on Russia?

Honestly, who cares? He's kike controlled and has his retard kids & Dina Powell running everything. I didn't vote for a zionist ape who tweets all day -- I voted for borders, language & culture



No dude. I think the relaxed attitude is doing way more harm than acting like this is nothing. We need to help Trump in any way we can. I just don't know how

Holy shit those cheeks


>this sloppy LARPing faggot

just sit back and laugh at the sad attempt of leftypol
all 5 of them.

is that so, jidf traitor

When did your kind get so uppity? You almost talk like you have some balls. As soon as you pull Hillary’s dick out of your mouth you might be useful.

let me assure you op

if the deep state attempts to remove Trump from office there WILL be a civil war at hand

we are well armed and prepared to do whatever is required

Collusion = treason
Russia and Trump had no right to steal the election from Hillary
Impeachment is imminent, deal with it

>*comes up for air from frog clit*

>only racists hate foreigners

Go lick more skinhead ass Brown Shirt.

I'm coming for you donald

>stop illegally immigrating
>stop hacking our presidents

Fucked HARD and he deserves every bit of pain Mueller can inflict.

Patriotism is RUINING Dickless Donald Trump!

We've been telling you morons for months, this shit is REAL. But you stuck your heads up your asses with fake stories of Clinton/Uranium/blah blah blah.

I can't wait to see how much more deranged y'all get when arrests are made on Monday.

Have fun,


No if Trump goes down now then Obama will have won in destroying our country, yet no one challenged him.
Funny thing is to impeach a sitting president you need more than spit-balling hate theories.
You need fact, and that doesn't exist in taking down trump.

Hope so...he's another snake oil salesman

calm your haavara tits

Unlikely, there have been a few of these special counsels in the past and none of them have succeeded in ousting a sitting President.

Six years put a general, Oliver North on the spot on national TV for a week or so.

Another investigated shady land deals and ended up discovering the President was fondling and using a young intern as a humidor.

The last one investigated the leak of a undercover agents name to the media and put an assistant to the VP in jail for a little soft time who was later pardoned.

Don't expect any different here no matter what happens.

Sorry I'm drunk. I meant the actual relaxed attitudes are doing more harm than the fake supporters acting like it's nothing

No, it doesn’t and no it isn’t.

I love the sense of entitlement y’all have:

>b-b-b-but it was HER turn

She’s over, the DNC is a fucking wreck, and it’ll take your kind a decade to unfuck your party.

Sage and ignore bait thread.

fake supporters?

pizza gate is real, man. you just wait and see.

Nothing will happen. They announced this LATE on a Friday because they have nothing still.
It's just announcing charges, which will later be dropped. Why? To cover up all the news about Hillary and Russia coming out.

>charges are good mkay

Hey idiot, stop hating the global poor and stop pretending pizzagate was real.



A gay Brown Shirt. How cliche.

>this fucking thread
you faggots are so bad at this lol

I think there's lefties here acting like these investigations are nothing to calm everyone else down when we should be on high alert.

Maybe so. But they never got subpoenaed. The Hillary emails did. They got printed and sent in as per the rules. No electronic copies. Would be a shame if someone compared the original versions of those submitted emails to the printed out ones.

Even if charges were to come down on trump (they arent) it would only demonstrate that the aristocracy of America are immune to criminal proceedings while the ruled are at risk of abuse under the law.

If there was an arbitrary move to go after the duly elected president I would take up arms against those who tried for they are traitors to the country.

And the best part of all this is after Trump is secured behind bars, we go after Putin with MASSIVE sanctions. Hell, why don't we just firebomb the Kremlin? That would REALLY piss off the Republican Communists!!!

He wasn't being investigated you fuckin pig. He made sure he wasn't before firing that piece of human garbage. Comey might end up in prison someday for the shit he's pulled.

pizza gate is real, man. you will see.

You don't understand politics do you?

Those sanctions where an overplay pushed by the criminals on the hill that were implied in many crimes and are afraid of trump. They made sure what they put in their bill would force Putin to esscalate and then they would play that as UNSTABLE TRUMP because the CNN public are too stupid to remember sanctions have consequences and are most often used in history as tools before the lead up to a war.

Hillary wanted no-fly zones in Syria, 1 Million syrian muslim refugees, sharia law, Musilim brotherhood in gov (just liek obama), which would cause war with Russia.

This is because Saudi Araba started paying her more than Russia for a pipeline through Syria to take over Putin's gas market in Europe.

You know nothing Liberal John

no. read all my posts. hate brown shits. hate your blending of like 47 borillion types of bullshit all at once
why would they be lefties and do that

Too bad Hillary gave up 1/5 of all our uranium.
Set up russia for global domination > get help to win an election cause a traitor may win
if hillary wouldve won we all would be in war by now, hell we may have even had this conversation on some beach in China.
They are both wrong, but if hillary walks away then their is no justice in this world and ill resort to killing any one etc who tries to take mine, without regard for life

>right after we coupe our own democratic process lets start a war against a major nuclear power

I know this is b8, but it triggers me that people actually think this way.

spoiler alert, impeaching him wont do anything. Bill Clinton was impeached. Congress has to vote on it. Spoiler alert, the republicans are not just going to hand power over to the democrats.

you know trump can just pardon him self right?

>you have 0 evidence
Yeah, that is why Muller just filed all those indictments, because 0 evidence, right?

>something something wikileaks
You mean the words and sites of literal enemies to the country? That wikileaks? The one that committed actual crimes against US? Your source is enemies of America? Really?

So let me get this straight....
Muller = literally Mr. USA, Conservative, Republican, boy-scount, long term lawman, Life long patriot = DON'T BELIEVE HIM

Wikileaks = literally traitors = literally charged for criminal espionage against the USA = GOOD


First indictment coming in and that's when the dominoes start calling. No wonder Republicans and their fake news were running articles about how Hillary was totally guilty in regards to the Uranium thing. Not to mention, Trump tweeting stuff about her as well.

They're probably all shaking in their boots right now, and I'm looking forward to see them taken down. Mueller's a'comin.

Republicans wanted SO BADLY to sell us out to Communist Russia.

Not gonna happen now faggots! A..........HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. AH.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Yeah, and Bernie would've won, right? Stop being a moron ffs.


r/neoliberal (Sup Forums dipshits not invited)

Good fucking Christ your type are paranoid twats.

Because if we're calm then it will be easier to fuck Trump because we won't be actively defending him

I don't know where you live, but charges are dropped a good portion of the time in the US and most likely will be in this case.
They're announcing charges being filed because there's pressure to show something close to the year anniversary of Trump winning the election.
It's just another distraction. People see right through it. They're tired of it. None of this is fooling anyone anymore and that's what pisses them off the most.

The fact that you don't realize the charges are going to be obstruction charges and nothing about the original reason for the investigation is fascinating.

Someone who's been questioned multiple times about the same subject and didn't answer the EXACT same thing every time is going to get canned, weather or not they tried to cover anything or not. This is how this goes Muller wasnt going to not file charges even if there wasnt anything.

I can sense the fear in every thread about this
Trumpets all either know that he's done or they're living in levels of delusion we never thought possible

>will be the death of me an my ilk

fucking try it commie

In lib tard land where Hillary's corruption being exposed is Trumps fault. Seriously disconnected from reality.

Trump just got indicted

Jesus Christ you guys are delusional. You need help.

You talk like a Brown Shirt and slob knob like Ernst Rohm.

So, yeah: Brown Shirt.

bernie still *can* win

Rummors in DC indicate they struck gold on alex jones. I suspect they got him

Hey, moron:

Stop hating the global poor, or we'll bring more refugees and Mexicans in.


r/neoliberal (Sup Forumsdipshits not invited)