Why is white nationalism only appealing to the poor, unsuccessful, uneducated class...

Why is white nationalism only appealing to the poor, unsuccessful, uneducated class? Why isn't it the opposite since we're superior?

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most people who care about their race are people with no personal accomplishments

see: BLM

sucks to live in Anglo “”””””culture”””””””

because they are the ones most affected by multiculturalism and degeneracy
"we're" fuck off jew

Authoritarianism is attractive to losers since it presents itself as a magic solution for all their woes.

Oh, I can't hold a steady job, but daddy state will force me into one!
Oh, I can't stand that my neighbor has more shit than I do, that rich bastard, but mommy state will make us equal.
Oh, I can't attract a woman to be my wife, but wingman state will match one to me!

I'm rich and i support nationalism

Like working for the government and changing laws and ordinances to suit rich business owners, and on one else, but now the refuse you hired anyone other than Nazi's and they are killing Black's Jew's

The loudest WNs have nothing else to live for, also are too stupid to realize everyone else just keeps that shit private.

Also it's a Jewish scheme to dissuade whites from identitarianism.

because the rich cosmopolites are al kike and kike slaves.

>meme flag
oh lawdy

kys you faggot shill
>in all fields

they have nothing to lose socially. a fairly successful person isn't going to want to risk becoming a social pariah and will wait until things become so bad that it's social suicide to not be a nazi.

Truth hurts

The people who try to organize to better their lot are the people who need to try to organize to better their lot.


Dem trips.

from /leftypol/

Why are shill threads always started by critically retarded faggots?

> mfw successful tradesmen with plans on continuing my race. Crypto until the gents “ get-together”

I'm worth 136 million dollars.

>have no personal achievements
>take credit for things done by people with your same skin color


The poor, unsuccessful and uneducated are just more likely to openly express beliefs outside the social consensus. Nothing to lose, no fear of exclusion and repression.

considering how damaging publicly supporting white nationalism is it makes sense that those with the least to lose would be the most vocal supporters.

Because the most dangerous and intelligent nationalists are quiet about their beliefs. Same as in most other shunned ideologies. They have jobs and families, but in their minds they still dream about crushing the head of their kiked, multikulti preaching pastor and ethnically cleanse the neighbourhood while quietly subverting the system. Same with commies and islamists. Just because you don't see them doesn't mean they don't exist.

Us in the superior tier understand that we can sell Twerk Edition Glitter IPhone cases to the ignorant masses and make a fortune

Look white Nationalists trying to immigrate into your Country!

because the wealthy and intelligent are smart enough to play the game and keep their views to themselves in public. They also have more to lose.

If it were to ever become apparent that such views would be acceptable or possible in action youll see they all agree with the mouth breather types that will fuck themselves over by spouting political views they know will cause retaliation.

Because they are being replaced by poor, unsuccessful, uneducated spics and sandniggers.

Bro I am no James Damore. If he got fired for talking about gender, then I'll definitely get canned for talking about race and IQ.

Then I'll be the one who's poor and unsuccessful.

they are happy with the system because it made them rich and /or famous even if they had to sell their soul to the jews. to join a white nationalist movement they would have to give all that up

> personal achievements

I have many

> taking credit for people with same skin colour.

So you must hate Jamaicans for revering Bob Marley to then? Ok sure David.

Btw I’m very proud of the white race for literally building the foundation of modern electrical sciences. Are you uneducated or just a retard?

Not true at all.
Completely asinine actually. Maybe that's true for bongs though. Would not be happy at all with modern day brits. Complete degeneracy.

WW2 was one of the greatest tragedies ever to befall the white race and humanity. With the combined military force that was used against each other we could have easily taken over the world and made it a better place for all races while also keeping the white race homogenous. When you come to the full realization the tragedy is Shakespearean and pretty depressing.

The people who have more to lose stay quiet for now. It's taboo in metropolitan settings.

I have a masters from a top 10 and only a couple know my power level.

Your dumbass is literally falling for what this shills want us to do.

Slavs and Anglos allowed themselves to be deceived by the jews and potentially doomed the white race.

Nationalism... what is it about?

Not all anglos, tho


I’m a public school teacher. I don’t publicly share my views for good reason.

All the White Advocates I know IRL are educated young and middle aged professionals. OP is a fag, again.

why dont you just keep your damn mouth shut instead of talking about shit you have no idea about, you're making a fool of yourself.

Comparing Hitler to that nigger, and Jewish extremist is truly disgusting. The NSDAP was a far superior governing body, both morally, and economically; than the present Democratic Party, and the Communist bloc.

This. Vocal supporters/proponents/sympathizers are generally blacklisted by liberal SJWs and (((them))).

I'm still young, but I've been extremely successful has a student, and by all indications, I have a very bright future ahead of me. I'm also smart enough to be careful about when, where, and with who I talk about things such as race realism, the JQ, white genocide, and similar issues.

Generally speaking, no intelligent person willingly makes themselves the target of political persecution - and political persecution is something all WNs face in Western, first world countries. Thus, the WNs that are most visible either have nothing to lose (being general failures), or are seeking negative attention for strategic purposes (Richard Spencer types).

What you actually see is just the tip of the iceberg.

It gives the unsuccessful something to blame for their plight and situation.


Which is why doxxing people who have these views is a horrible idea. You just embolden them while at the same time making their views more extreme. If that's your goal then it's not a bad idea provided there are enough of these people to reach critical mass and provided they'll never find out they got false flag doxxed.

I'm so sick of this meme. Most people who care about their race are those who have to deal with the ramifications of not caring, such as mass importation of dindus who leech welfare and make the country poor while destroying neighborhoods and murdering like crazy.

Most people who don't care and virtue signal to the plebs about diversity are rich fucks living in gated communities in the whitest areas of the country.

Implying i dont make more than 97% of people my age.

Implying I would fall for the socialist meme when a viable path to an ethnostate has yet to be established.

Implying you shouldn't set an example for the poor bastards out there who are still subjects to ((their)) contradictory and degenerate ideas.

Be strong. Work hard. Treat women like a man should.

Show the world what you can accomplish. The truth is merely a symptom of that inner strength and will to power.

What ever happened to the right wing alliance

This is bait. Why r u even

Those who are benefituaries desire status quo.

It's almost like importing third world serfs negatively impacts working class jobs

It's a less costly battle to wage. Accepting an ideology that goes against the mainstream requires a fight. While it is a worthy cause my guess is the ones with status clientele and money to loose are letting those who don't handle the ground work for now

because if you are successful you can't run around telling everyone how much of a racist you are. you would lose your social status.


Maybe because they feel they're being fucked over and backed into a corner? I mean, our country is flooded with niggers and keep multiplying. Cant say I blame them for wanting to no longer want their country taken over by pavement apes.

Why is OP so uncontrollably attracted to semen ?

Might be true for You, but not for me.
Depends on both your financial and social situations, as well as what you're looking to achieve, and what you're happy to give up to achieve it. I'm quite happy to discuss being an ethnonationalist whenever it's appropriate to the conversation. As long as I explain effectively I don't tend to have issues unless it's someone who's overemotional.




Those in glass houses...

...shouldn't throw stones.

bizarre. do you ever get into the actual details of how you'd like to achieve your ethnicly pure state? Seems like that would lead to messy details about internment camps and displacement of millions of people, widespread death and human misery and all that. maybe you have thought it through better than I have and have a nice comfy plan or something.

So communism?

Because the rich benefit from globalism, at the average Joe's expense.

Because the wealthiest people are wealthy for the same reason we are miserable.
They are also the cause, why would they admit to being the problem?

When you get chauffeured around in your Rolls-Royce you don't know what it's like to have to sit in the bus with a pack of wild niggers.

nice cover damn

Jewish nationalism, zionism, is the same: only appealing to losers, uneducated, inbred, rascist low lives

Nazis are not right wing.

>white nationalism only appealing to the poor, unsuccessful, uneducated class

middle class senpai

my sense of drive will always make me feel that way

meme bachelors degree in engineering

Anyone with half a brain knows that races separate naturally. It should be that way regardless of your skin color. Fall in or get out.

Same reason there weren't a lot of vocal Conservative Libertarians in the upper echelons of the Communist Party.


the greatest pill Sup Forums is unwilling to swallow

Because revolutions aren't done by the comfortable bourgeois

Didn't that entity get beat up by muzzies eventually?


What are you taking about retard, poor people love lefty crap and faggot marriage

Go fuck yourself, LIBERAL. You're a lefty piece of shit.

what about those rich jews?

The problem is black people who are successful, who are outspoken promoters of their race and congratulated for their efforts.

What do you think happens to successful white people who try to promote white culture?

If you haven't figured it out yet, I'll let you in on a little secret that you will only read here, on Sup Forums,

White people have been the victims of racial discrimination for 50 years.

Trump voters have significantly higher incomes than Hillary voters.

Yes goy, don't believe in something bigger than yourself! Just live for your next shift or next orgasm!