Should women have gotten the right to vote?
Women's Rights
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who are you? how did you get that picture of my wife?
but only white women
If they're over 28. 18 for men.
Only married women.
Single mom's virtually always vote for the candidate the 'promises' the most Gibs me dats.
Still gives the opportunity for the state to drive a wedge between a husband and wife with (((divisive issues))).
Just go 1 vote per household.
No. They are simply wired differently. The majority of women vote on emotional appeals. They don't know that not every person can get everything they want. regardless of whether hey vote right or left its too risky to have a population so easily swayed by say, pictures of crying kids, have the ability to vote.
fuck off roastie
The 19th Amendment was a giant mistake.
The 16th, 17th, and 19th should all be repealed.
Well they shouldn't be treated like shit for no good reason.
But, after countless years of long and short term relationships. I can confidently say that the majority are not emotionally stable enough to make any executive type of decision that will effect others.
In short. NO.
Single women vote for gibs married women vote with their husbands.
I guess it would be nice to include them in the democratic process or whatever but really whats the point
Can't the argument be made that single women vote for degeneracy while married women who have children to raise understand the importance of society in the upbringing of a child. They want the best for their kid. That's why leftists suck they don't care about the future. Also just check how married vs single women voted in the election then stop using the Nazi flag because you're undeserving to be under their banner
Women end civilizations.
Women should only have the right to have money, own property and sextoys of course
No civilian should.
The fuck is this hideous looking thing
Let me put it this way user:
Women having the right to vote is the SOLE reason why I give audience to the Dark Enlightenment of the alt right.
The queen of Sup Forums
Also before you go on a rant about the jewish stuff on her twitter account and the refugees welcome pic she said a while back that its mostly satire
Is this thing actually feels like the real deal?
/thread and also blessed by KEK
No. Nobody in his right mind ever considered giving dogs the right to vote, and they're a lot more loyal than women or niggers are.
Why you only heard this on britain? because look at her, 30 is the new 48.
>Is this thing actually feels like the real deal?
Better, Farm far better. it's like how vibrators spoil women, no woman is as tight and packed with as many geometric grooves and ticklers as a good onahole.
Also get a waifu pillow onahole holder:
>30 is new 48
No user, womens eggs still decay after 35. Yes, this blondes suicide was a goddamn waste, but it's not only happening in the UK.
> punishing false accusations will discourage true accusations
the jews did this to the law system
u don't know enough about society at 18 to have a say. Thats why libshits want the vote at 16. 21 should be minimum vote age.