This is how they arrest him

This is how they arrest him

>Former President Obama called to jury duty in Cook County and plans to serve

I wonder if they'll investigate his crip affiliation.

Haha Cook County called me for jury duty 20 times, every single time I said I was in school so I got it postponed over and over again until they just gave up.

They make you drive to the shittiest courthouse too, I went to the one in Markham. It was fucking dirty and full of spics. It also passed by a literal ghetto and crackheads were on the road selling clothes

Nigger must be bored as fuck and/or desperate for a non-attention-whorish way to get his name back in the news.

This will just end up costing more taxpayer money since they'll have to beef up security just so he can virtue signal about how he is doing his civic duty. I thought Obama was an ok president, but this a dumb thing on his part.

I'm glad you made it out alive, friendo

Niggers crave attention, its just him being himself.

>I thought Obama was an ok president,
you're on the wrong board son

>thinking Sup Forums isn't for people of all political persuasions

YOU'RE the one that's on the wrong board.

He was mediocre in the social sphere, he let a lot of problems grow, his economy seems good, but it's only short term for now, we have yet to see the long term effects of his policies.

He'll never actually serve on a jury

Wrong, Obama was actually a deep undercover C.I.A. agent all along and now he's on a mission that seems like Jury Duty, but actually one of the Jurists is an alien, and Obama has to catch him

then please explain how "obama was an ok president". tell us just one fucking thing that obama did for this country that was positive. enlighten us you of alternate persuasion enlighten us now.

Have you written/sold the script yet? I would watch the fuck out that movie.

Drones r cool fggt

In single picture, this. Similar charts for real GDP, etc. For all Trump's boasting about the economy, he's just inheriting the result of Obama's economic policies. Things will go to shit again if we institute Trump's protectionist policies.

>Drones r cool fggt
You tell 'em

ok - obama invented drones, peanut butter, egyptian pyramids, stargates and was a direct descendant of jesus h christ --- now what positive thing did he do for this country in his 8 years of being niggerking?

Droned brown towel-peeps, thats pretty cool.

this is not obamas doing

>Droned brown towel-peeps, thats pretty cool.
Didn't drone enough Israelis

>Obama's economic policies
Such as?

Ever heard of the ACA? You're welcome

Implying the trial isn't just a cover for another $60,000 gourmet Hotdog and Pizza party.