Admit it, women are better at working.

Other urls found in this thread:


At this point making the workplace was a mistake

>no cutie career mommy gf to give me tendies and cummies


I for one am looking forwrd to seeing women struggling as miners.

> Turning women against men

Thank you Jews.

So I have to stay at home and get free money?

W-what's the catch?

Archieve that shit, no shekels for Slate: archive.is/vlnYP

indeed, businesses are missing out on a lot of revenue by paying that extra 25% or whatever the number is.

Women are indeed better at working.
But men may still have the edge on deciding what work is worth doing.

They're good at showing off their tits and convincing idiots to throw away money on crap they don't need. "People skills," they call it.

Actually delivering the product is men's work. And it's the men who get shitcanned and blackballed from the formal economy if they don't deliver. The prickteases never are.

>women are better at working
This is a whole new level of delusional shitposting.

But men invented the workplace...

But how do they sleep their way to the top if there are no penises'?

Good I don't want to work anyway it's shit

she has a point except...

literally, everything powering internet feminism and shitheaps like slate was created by a man. all of the code for the website and the servers serving this terrible content was likely written by men. their site is likely running on hardware designed by men and currently being maintained by men at some server farm in southwest washington or northern california or virginia to ensure complete, round-the-clock uptime of this spew.

literally, their physical safety is being protected by men willing to give their lives if something goes down--from the security who guards in their office to the police in the neighborhood up to the military. these women go to work and write how much they hate men, whilst enjoying the privilege of never having to worry if they can call a man for help.

literally, men are the reason they continue to exist.

i wonder how much longer we'll put up with being pushed around.

But they can't engineer anything. How can someone who can't engineer anything replace someone who can?

I'm a woman and I hate working. I feel like I was brainwashed from birth.
>inb4 tits

>the current state of journalism today

>I'm a woman
no, you're not. There are no women on the internet
Even IF you showed tits, it's not proof
Here's your brainwash

Sorry didn't you hear Aida Lovelace helped with coding, there for women invented computers and the Internet.


YEAH LETS DESTROY SOCIETY. Fucking hell womens rights were a mistake.

what could this even mean?

sage faggot shit

is that trash bag a burka?

No one let men into the workplace. Men created the workplace.

name any successful businesses with no males
like any
just one

only Thing wrong was killing off the Family through welfare
Show me one bitch that could work in a mine for over a week


maybe some whorehouse?

>she has a point
implying males didn't forge modern society and therefor "the workplace"

Why are you always the first post?

Men will put up with being pushed around till sexbots and artificial wombs break women's monopoly over sex and reproduction.

Once the jobs horses could do better than machines disappeared, so did the horses.

The future is female? On the contrary---females have no future.

Woman is the Jew Hitler warned you about---and it's her turn for a train ride and a shower.

I give them a day doing hard labor

Nope. The second it becomes labor free and automated they take over.

NEET here, they aren't wrong. Working is for suckers. I live in my car and post from a mcdonalds parking lot. TRUE FREEDOM

>t. Hououin Kyouma

>I want to have a job
>Men are payed too much for doing a good job
>Men should have never worked
Kill women

Fine by me, I cant even begin to count how many women bitch because they cant stay at home cause their man dont earn enough. I would LOVE to see the roles reverse, and I have DONE this shit myself.

>Girlfriend lives with me, all I ask is to keep the home clean.
>She fails to do that, even worse, the house looks worse, tiles ripped up.
>I tell her the deal, she bitches.
Ok, you work and ill stay home taking care of the house.
>I quit my job to prove a point to her that I am better then her.
>One by one, the bills come in, and the power/water/ etc goes off.
>I myself, know how to do shit without modern advances in society.
>In my back yard cooking a deer I killed, tastes great, you cant have none, you didn't earn your share.
>She gets fed up and leaves.
All I did was turn the power off in the breaker and shut off my water valve for a bit and took vacation.


Beta white knight cucks will protect them. Women will no longer have to bear children buy they will not disappear, they will be leeching men even more.

ok i admit it.
now go to the wastewater treatment plant with those nails GUUURRRRLLLL

Yep. Equifax. Yahoo. HP. Reddit. The DNC...

niggers get to fuck your gf/wife while you watch

And NASA, and the moon!

Black women literally invented the moon. They used up all of their whiteness and privilege to do it, and now white people suck up all the benefits of their sacrifice.

It's time white cis men pay black women reparations for the moon. How would we live without it?

>Look guize 3% of inventions are from women !!! Men btfo !!

>its time to admit allowing men into the workplace was a mistake

>allowing men into the workplace

>implying women we're ever in a position to allow men into anything other than their cunts

i'm starting to embrace sharia law boys

I can’t wait for equality among coal miners, sanitation workers and linemen!

Good, good. Very good. It means that we no longer need to rush our asses for their fucked up requirements, and we're one step forward to get sexslaves again. But this time we should tell them, that if they want to overcome men in every aspect, they should satisfy us in bed and in every aspect of our lives. Sounds like hella fun for me. Bitches be paying us now, and sponsor us, so we would just go for 'friends-talk' outside.

>mfw I've never had a job in my life but I'm still upper middle class because my wife wageslaves and pays for everything

thank you based feminism

If women are better workers, then why do they only get .77% of a males wage?

based kangaroo

Women are good for 3 things.
1. Being fuck-toys.
2. Being house wives.
3. Being Nature's punching bag.

I work with women and they are indeed productive workers. I wouldn't say they are "better" or that men are "better" but we do have different skillsets. For taking calls from a pissed off customer, I would rather give the phone over to one of the ladies with a sweet voice because it will calm the customer down.

Why do people feel the need to continue the war between the sexes? I get along with everyone at work, male and female. Treating each other with respect and dignity is not difficult.

> Sweatshops all the way
Is it time to admit that allowing women takeover the ethics committee wasn't very logical?


because women dont want to get a long with men

Agreed, women *are* better at being cubicle slaves and complying with meaningless HR bullshit.

You are an evil bastard. I like you.

is there a difference?

this sounds stupid, but if you look deeper...

>women take over the workplace completely, all office work etc going to women
>men, in a bid to find work, look more towards physical labour work, trades, and the military

>create an ecosystem of high-income office ladies, who become so desperate for dick that they lower their financial standards and get fucked by the new abundance of ripped chads.
>white men, now out of their soyboy phase and not reliant on money to get laid, can now remove niggers.

>>implying women ever thought this far
just proof that white man wins every time

the betas will be the ones with the sex bots while the chad keep banging real women

this is so autistic i might be true

[email protected]
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[email protected]
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[email protected]
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[email protected]
>[email protected]

>parents died
>get stuck in the foster care system
>get raped
>almost get adopted
>new mother gets cancer
>go into the foster care system again
>go into porn
Poor Lexi. Still she's a whore.

Not true. There are only a couple of women in my workplace that are stand-offish, the rest of them are genuinely nice people that were incredibly welcoming when I first started working there.

Maybe you have had bad experiences with women, I have too but you can't tar them all with the same brush mate.

I know it probably isn't true but this is gold anyway.

If this is true, I like you.


Sage this shit


>women are better with money than men
>women are better at saving money than men

>she says on her website coded by men which is on the internet invented by men using her computer invented by men from the comfort of her house built by men while drinking starbucks coffee made from beans grown and harvested by men then tomorrow she will drive in her car invented by men on the road paved by men and arrive at her job which she got because of diversity laws made by men then go inside and turn on her videogame console invented by men and play a videogame made by men then write an article about how men are keeping women down because someone online called her a bitch.

no matter where you are in the world look around you, everything to do with humans that you see was put there or invented by a man. every building, every farm, every electronic device, every road and footpath, every vehicle, every law of society, every womens shelter, every piece of jewellery, every statue, every nature reserve and park, every library, every hospital, every court, every grocery store, every home appliance, every mathematical principle and formula, every astronomical discovery, every medical breakthrough, every technological advancement, every philosophical insight, every discovery, every ancient epic, every historical record, every sporting achievement, every innovation, every harnessing of a natural force, all of it was because of men

so how about you show some fucking respect cunt

>allowing men
see this.. THIS right here is why Saudi Arabia will never let women vote and you know what im about to convert because fuck these people.

Not wrong. It definitely russles my jimmies.

>tfw Western women have become so insane, illogical, and downright trash tier, that converting to Islam starts to seem reasonable.

So can I be a permaNeet now?

Your right Women need to step up and take over all combat positions and hazardous jobs and men should stay home and play video games.

You arent alone


start with any of the civil services and go from therre

I admit, butt... please gib gibs NOW!


>i wonder how much longer we'll put up with being pushed around.
Until the end of time, because all men are giant pussies

I for one welcome our muslim overlords

I thought that was going to be a reference to the "show me your genitals" song, guess I shouldnt be surprised it wasnt, that song is older than 99% of this websit

>women are only good for 3 things
>and vaginas

its satire
we were always in the workplace

I love being a woman. Especially in this day and age.

Finally, with the protection of the state, we can assume our role as the dominate gender. We can beat the shit out of our husbands, emotionally torment them, even cheat on them and there is nothing they can do about it.

For example, my husband filed for divorce a little over a year ago when he discovered I was having an affair. I wasn't even ashamed when he walked in on me fucking another man, because I was sick of him and his bullshit and his inability to satisfy me sexually. I continued to sleep with my lover for weeks after he found out, sometimes even while my husband was home. He had to listen to us fucking while he slept on the couch. He eventually lost it and smacked me, giving me the justification I needed to press assault charges and file for a restraining order. Under advice of legal counsel, I cleaned out our joint checking account and froze it and froze our credit cards while he was in jail, to prevent him from being able to afford to hire a competent lawyer.

Yesterday, I was awarded full ownership of the house, custody of our children, $1,450 dollars a month in child support, $3,725 dollars a month in alimony and suffered no consequences for being unfaithful. I even get to keep my Mercedes and he has to keep making the payments.

He whined like a little girl to the judge, claiming he had to get a roommate now, because he can't afford to rent an apartment by himself and pay me what he owes me. So pathetic.

Clearly, we are the superior gender. And you fat, basement dwelling neckbeards are not worthy of seeing my tits.

Women just gossip all the time.

I can't wait for this bitch to be alone in her 40s and wondering where all the good men are, this post is every reason to not date or even look in the direction of a cunt in 2017, neck yourself ASAP if this isn't some fucking LARP
>Meme flag

LARPing neckbeard detected


>with the protection of the state, we can assume our role as the dominate gender
>with someone else's protection

this is so retarded I dont even know if you're b8 posting or you actually are a woman

called putting your catalog order by creation date and hitting f5 after hiding slide threads. don't tell me you lurk by scrolling down. this isn't 2006 user.

Literally don't care one way or the other. One sex works, the other coasts. Spl;it us up. It's the only way it will work.

I'll happily take your gibs and spend all day memeing, jerking off and shooting videogame zombies in the cock.
Also, I have loneliness trauma and ptsd and shit because a systemically empowered lady won't lick my asshole clean twice a day,
so you owe me a free sexbot every 5 years (or generational jump, whatever's soonest).

too bad u can only be a shell of a man but at least you didn't end up with the version of femenism that's mad at you for tryina help because stronk wewman but then u also get in trouble for not doing shit because ur a man ur supposed ta do shit. BITCH MAKES ME WANT TO BACK HAND HER AND ONE DAY I JUST MIGHT NOT STOP MY SELF.

>implying I would ever havd gf or wife in the first place
So, no any downsides? Neat.

When Muslims take over Europe and enforce Sharia law, I will take enormous pleasure from watching all those stupid feminazis getting rek'd like around

too close

she's being ironic in a "this is how men think of women, HOW DOES IT FEEL NOW HUH??!!?!" kinda way

Nobody let men into the workplace. Men made the workplace.

at this point your western societies seem like some kind of joke really

You have to understand that one of the major goals for feminism in its current state is to give women first dibs on any and all cushy office jobs. This is what they mean by "workplace".

According to feminists, any job that isn't hard labor, dangerous, or super intensive is for women only. Why do you think they've been attacking tech so much in recent years to push more women into it, and men out.