In January 2016 a German liberal was gang raped by three migrants.

This is the letter she wrote to them, apologising...

Page 198 of Douglas Murray's 'A Strange Death of Europe' book.

>You're usually a pretty cool guy I bet

It's alright dude, he was probably a good guy. That's why he raped her.

all women have an instinctual drive to get raped.

there is no woman who does not lust to get raped.

I personally have denied many bitches this fantasy come true.

I know about this.
The woman was actually a Turk living in Germany, she was a socialist youth leader.

Fuck, stupid meme flag.

this is what germans are
they must be burned from this earth like disease they are

>she got a taste of the big muslim cock

inshallah brothers, white wombs await us


wrong skin color, congo tier mentality

She's not white, she was a Turk in Germany.

I cannot, I must remain vigilant against your stupidity

So what she says does not have validity?

That actually makes it worse. You have foreign element making a poisonous act even more poisonous by blaming her host society

Germans have been brainwashed since the end of WW2. And you poles have bought into the Soviet's propaganda hook, line, and sinker.

Do you even realize that if Nazis never invaded Poland, the Soviets would have done so anyway? You were fucked either way, but rather than work with the Germans to find a solution to your problems, your leader was convinced by the Jewish-controlled Allies in Britain and the US to refuse to any compromise.

>calling the people who raped you "wonderful people" just to signal your moral superiority against "racists" who notice that migrants are coming here raping women and making it a dangerous place to live in an attempt to make it a less dangerous place to live because people who notice trends are the real danger in society, not rape
i don't even know what to think anymore

fuck off perfidious leaf

we dont nead your 2 bit "opinion"

just this

Stupid woman.

This letter is clearly not directed at her rapists, but at immigrants in general. I do often agree with Sup Forums, but if this thread were read by most people, we would look like idiots for not recognising that it is addressed to the random immigrant, saying that most of them are good people and she is sorry that they will be judged by the actions of the few that raped her. The tense is confusing Sup Forums, and that makes us look illiterate. We're supposed to by well read on this board.

In fact, I'm not even sure it's the tense. I think most here just took OP's (and perhaps the author's) claim that it was a letter to her attackers at face value. It's a bit embarassing, actually. We need to get smart and not just blindly follow shit like this or when we try to educate people in the real world, we'll fucking spaghetti and look like idiots, doing more harm to our cause than good.

A strange death indeed as no European mourns it, a strange war as well as no European is fighting it, and a strange genocide as Europeans voluntarily die for it.

Is this the end of the world?



user, when you make the claim that this rape was caused by sexism in YOUR society, to which these immigrants don't belong, and act like those immigrants were victim of it and that is what pushed them to rape, you are indeed pointing the finger at yourself, not the real culprits.

When you go on to keep defending immigrants and act like they're perfectly fine people, when it is precisely THEIR culture that makes them rape people, and people of THEIR culture in OUR countries that rape, because WHY WOULD A WHITE IN HIS RIGHT MIND RAPE ANYONE, then again, you are defending the rapists.

It is because this message is so fucking convoluted and safe-flaggelating that it may not come out immediately as obvious, but that is the very message before our eyes.

These mental gymnastics holy shit.

Faker then the elders of zions book.


>your boundary crossing acts inflicted against me
>not a euphemism for rape

>Is this the end of the world?
It is the end of the world your ancestors helped creating by your so called Enlightnment and Revolution. I'm looking forward to the collapse of modern Western civilization, even Islamic civilization seems to be a better alternative than this godless, consumerist, hedonistic slavery.

No, just the end of white people. The first suicidal race.

>a friendly Europe
This is one of the many plagues that are destroying men. Women want (or say they want) everyone to be friendly. But as points out, they don't really want that. It's probably why they want the muslim cock. Muslims are actually masculine, whereas western men have been cucked into submission.


Soon Poland bro, soon.

The Soviets did invade Poland. In fact they did it on the same day.


>"you are not the problem"
yes that nigger/haji is a security problem and needs to by physically removed

It was a mistake to let women in on making any security decisions. They can not think at all in the necessary threat detection & action terms.


Post content ignored. Go blow your dog Justin.