If evolution is real and mammals started becoming a thing with rodents; explain how dolphins, a mammal, devolved into fish?
Dear Athiest
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I don't think you even understand that question.
you're not presenting an on topic premise, your premise isn't even worth addressing on any board
Randomness. Check fucking m8.
>devolved into fish
yes, dolphins are fish, thanks for setting the record straight.
Yes, Yes, they "Devolved"
Please kill yourself.
the first mammals weren't rodents
rodents appeared either somewhere in the Cretaceous (according to the molecular clock) or in the latest Paleocene/earliest Eocene (according to the fossil record)
It's a super interesting question honestly.
I often catch myself thinking, hmm, there's just no way, through random variations in DNA and adaptation to environments and the fittest passing their DNA on, that say, a human could eventually evolve from a shrew.
BUT then I come back to the issue of time
It is virtually impossible for the human mind to truly understand what 50 million years worth of time is. Let alone hundreds of millions of years. Or billions of years. Our brains are simply not capable of being able to relate to time periods on this scale. 300 years ago the US wasnt even a country yet. As recent as 10,000 years ago the northern half of the US was under miles of ice. The Rocky Mountains are only 50 million years old, a drop in the bucket of time's grand scale.
Whenever I find myself doubting evolution, I always end up back at 'Time' and how my tiny brain has no concept of what a million years feels like or what tens of millions of years looks like.
Please tell me this is a joke
you're a mammal and you can swim too.
...(unless you're black)
If humanity ever invents a human-to-dolphin translator, some poor monkeyman is going to try to marry one, and the poor dolphin is going to have to be taught what marriage is.
All your other retarded Bullshit aside how is a fish devolved?
fish can't even climb trees
Catastrophism vs Uniformitarianism ...
>It is virtually impossible for the human mind to truly understand what 50 million years worth of time is. Let alone hundreds of millions of years. Or billions of years. Our brains are simply not capable of being able to relate to time periods on this scale. 300 years ago the US wasn’t even a country yet. As recent as 10,000 years ago the northern half of the US was under miles of ice. The Rocky Mountains are only 50 million years old, a drop in the bucket of time's grand scale.
Solipsism is a curse of humanity.
By the time we’re 60 years old, we’ve usually forgotten 99% of the things that happened when we were 10—a mere 50 years, half a lifetime (or more) ago.
The first computer was created in 1943; 20% of our population is older than that.
There were no “coolers” in popular use before the 1950s; hell, electric refrigerators only became a thing in the 20s and 30s. For that matter, 100 years ago electricity (IF you lived in a city and were rich enough to have it) went off at 5pm when the workers went home and stopped shoveling coal into the furnace, hence still using gas lamps in the evening.
Only 100 years ago, it took about a month to travel to Europe from the US by boat.
By current estimates, Abos were separated from the rest of the world for 40,000 years.
Long enough for roos, dropbears, and toilet spiders to evolve; yet we’re All The Same.
Check mate, atheists
>lizards become birds
>bears become whales
>rats become dolphins
>monkeys become people
This is what you believe if you're an atheist lol.
What a joke.
Dolphins are not a fish, they are a marine mammal. Also they are not a devolved life form, they are one of the most highly evolved creatures on Earth.
there's that word that people who don't understand science like to use
I would say "don't they teach you this in schools?" but I've found that even educated Americans I've met struggle with evolution.
Probably because it's a political football in state schools for whatever reason, despite the First Amendment.
>even educated Americans I've met struggle with evolution.
It's not just Americans, MemeFlag.
Most faggots believe that evolution means amoeba becomes fish becomes human.
Hence, you always see assholes asking "how did we evolve from apes if there are still apes?".
Of course, cityfags believe that food comes from a grocery store too.
Evolution was a fake theory that Darwin even admitted to. Things do adapt, but they do not evolve like Darwin hypothesized. Its like Global Warming and East Anglia science.
Maybe evolution does exist though. After all, when I was at the zoo yesterday, we saw all these depressed apes in their cages, and my 3 years old, asked - are they sad because they are going to be niggers in a million years?
You're a hoot. Remember Echo? I loved those games. I wonder who dolphins consider God.
Dolphins and whales evolved from wolves 60-70 Million years ago
MSNBC said that Pokemon Go farted and thats how the universe came into existence. They would know, Brian Williams was there.
Retarded squirrel had gay sex with fish
>Evolution was a fake theory that Darwin even admitted to
Citation? He was limited by his time, he didn't have much of a clue about gene theory but his observations were pretty much that, observations.
And your tiny brain does realise that whilst Darwin was one of the first accredited with describing the process of Natural Selection, we didn't just stop there and take his limited work as fact? This isn't a competing religion, it's a process.
Fish is basically retarded mammals
>the fossil record
Does this answer your question ?
They are smarter than 9 year olds. Think about that when you watch one of these things play with balls at a zoo.
Evolution doesn't automatically goes in one direction (toward complexity or whatever ARBITRARY scale).
Life form adapts to their current environment that's all. There are still lots of bacteria, or stupid humans if you see what I mean.
>Evolution doesn't automatically goes in one direction
No shit? (pic related)
they didnt devolve, they evolved to become better swimmers
Meant to reply to OP.